
3.0 KiB

title date categories tags
Writing a New Post 2019-08-08 14:10:00 +0800

Naming and Path

Create a new file name with the format YYYY-MM-DD-title.md then put it into _post of the root directory.

Front Matter

Basically, you need to fill the Front Matter as below at the top of the post:

title: TITLE
tags: [TAG]

Note: The posts' layout has been set to post by default, so there is no need to add the variable layout in Front Matter block.

  • The TimeZone of Date

    To ensure that the posts' release date matches the city you live in, please modify the value of timezone in the file _config.yml. A list of all available values can be found on TimezoneConverter or Wikipedia.

  • Categories and Tags

    The categories of each post is designed to contain up to two elements, and the number of elements in tag can be zero or infinite.

Table of Contents

By default, the Table of Contents (TOC) is displayed on the right panel of the post. If you want to turn it off globally, go to _config.yml and set the variable toc to false. If you want to turn off TOC for specific post, add the following to post's Front Matter:

toc: false


Similar to TOC, the Disqus comments is loaded by default in each post, and the global switch is defined by variable comments in file _config.yml . If you want to close the comment for specific post, add the following to the Front Matter of the post:

comments: false

Code Block

Markdown symbols ``` can easily create a code block as following examples.

This is a common code snippet, without syntax highlight and line number.

Specific Language

Using ```Language you will get code snippets with line Numbers and syntax highlight.

Note: The Jekyll style {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} highlight LANGUAGE {% raw %}%}{% endraw %} or {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} highlight LANGUAGE linenos {% raw %}%}{% endraw %} are not allowed to be used in this theme !

# Yaml code snippet
    - part_no:   A4786
      descrip:   Water Bucket (Filled)
      price:     1.47
      quantity:  4

Liquid codes

If you want to display the Liquid snippet, surround the liquid code with {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} raw {%raw%}%}{%endraw%} and {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} endraw {%raw%}%}{%endraw%} .

{% raw %}

{% if product.title contains 'Pack' %}
  This product's title contains the word Pack.
{% endif %}

{% endraw %}

Learn More

For more knowledge about Jekyll posts, visit the Jekyll Docs: Posts.