- Download `CLASSNAME.cls` and `PACKAGENAME.sty` files
- Make sure you have installed all dependencies
- If you don't have dependency packages in your environment you can find all necessary packages in [bundle](bundle/) directory. You can also use these packages to avoid version conflicts of packages.
- Import all classes and packages to your application or editor
- Don't forget to have a look at the example `TEMPLATENAME.tex` file
- You can also find more examples and use cases in [examples](examples/) directory
## :framed_picture: Screenshots
## :sparkles: Contributing
Contributions are always welcome! You can state your opinion by opening an issue or you can contribute as making a pull request.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to all LaTeX, TeX contributors and other package authors as you can see all of them in [README.md](bundle/README.md) file at bundle directory. <!-- Also special thanks to NAME with his/her PACKAGE_NAME package for inspiration while making this template. You can find his/her template in [CTAN](ctan link)[Git Provider](git provider name)-->