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"name": "jshint",
"version": "0.9.1",
"description": "A CLI for JSHint",
"homepage": "http://github.com/jshint/node-jshint",
"author": {
"name": "Brent Lintner",
"email": "brent.lintner@gmail.com",
"url": "http://github.com/brentlintner"
"licenses": [
"type": "MIT",
"url": "http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php"
"bin": {
"jshint": "./bin/hint"
"main": "packages/jshint/jshint",
"files": [
"dependencies": {
"cli": "0.4.3",
"minimatch": "0.0.x"
"devDependencies": {
"jasmine-node": "1.0.x"
"preferGlobal": true,
"readme": "# node-jshint\n\nA command line interface and npm package for jshint.\n\n## Install\n\nTo use jshint from any location (for npm v1.x) you need to install using the global (-g) flag.\n\n npm install -g jshint\n\n## Usage\n\n jshint -h\n\nYou can also require JSHint itself as a module.\n\n var jshint = require('jshint');\n\nNote: If you are using npm v1.x be sure to install jshint locally (without the -g flag) or link it globally.\n\n## Text Editor Plugins\n\n* [gedit-node-jshint](https://github.com/niftylettuce/gedit-node-jshint) - Simply use CTRL+J in gedit to run JSHint using `node-jshint`.\n* [vim syntastic](https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic) - Run node-jshint at each file save.\n* [sublime-jshint](https://github.com/uipoet/sublime-jshint) - `F7` or `command-B` on any .js file. `F4` next error line,column. `shift-F4` previous error line,column.\n\n## Custom Reporters\n\nSpecify a custom reporter module (see example/reporter.js).\n\n --reporter path/to/reporter.js\n\nUse a jslint compatible xml reporter.\n\n --jslint-reporter\n\nShow additional non-error data generated by jshint (unused globals etc).\n\n --show-non-errors\n\n## Configuration Options\n\n**Note:** This behavior described below is very different from versions prior to `0.6`.\n\nThe CLI uses the default options that come with JSHint. \n\nOnly one extra option is unique to node-jshint: `globals` \nallows you to define an object of globals that get ignored for every file.\nTo see an example you can look at how whitelisted globals are defined\nin the [jshint code](https://github.com/jshint/jshint/blob/c047ea1b01097fcc220fcd1a55c41f67ae2e6e81/jshint.js#L556)\n\nTo have your own configuration apply, there are several methods you can use:\n\n### Specify Manually\n\nSetting the `--config=/path/to/your/config` command line option to specify your own configuration file outside of the directory tree for your project.\n\n### Within your Project's Directory Tree\n\nWhen the CLI is called, and a configuration file isn't specified already, `node-jshint` will attempt to locate one for you starting in `pwd`. (or \"present working directory\") If this does not yield a `.jshintrc` file, it will move one level up (`..`) the directory tree all the way up to the filesystem root. If a file is found, it stops immediately and uses that set of configuration.\n\nThis setup allows you to set up **one** configuration file for your entire project. (place it in the root folder) As long as you run `jshint` from anywhere within your project directory tree, the same configuration file will be used.\n\n### Home Directory\n\nIf all the methods above do not yield a `.jshintrc` to use, the last place that will be checked is your user's `$HOME` directory.\n\n## File Extensions\n\nDefault extension for files is \".js\". If you want to use JSHint with other file extensions (.json), you need to pass this extra extension as an option :\n\n --extra-ext .json\n\n## Ignoring Files and Directories\n\nIf there is a .jshintignore file in your project's directory tree, (also provided you run `jshint` from within your project's directory) then any directories or files specified will be skipped over. (behaves just like a `.gitignore` file)\n\n**Note:** Pattern matching uses minimatch, with the nocase [option](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch). When there is no match, it performs a left side match (when no forward slashes present and path is a directory).\n\n## Installing dependencies for development\n\n ./configure\n\n## Build Commands\n\n jake -T\n\n## Project Guidelines\n\n* All tests are passing.\n* No (new) JSHint errors are introduced.\n",
"_id": "jshint@0.9.1",
"dist": {
"shasum": "ea05fb7d6dae4f2d0d0392ad89b06f7b72eb497e"
"_from": "jshint"