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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Easy!Appointments - Open Source Web Scheduler
* @package EasyAppointments
* @author A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2020, Alex Tselegidis
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3
* @link http://easyappointments.org
* @since v1.0.0
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
window.BackendSettings = window.BackendSettings || {};
* Backend Settings
* Contains the functionality of the backend settings page. Can either work for system or user settings,
* but the actions allowed to the user are restricted to his role (only admin has full privileges).
* @module BackendSettings
(function (exports) {
'use strict';
// Constants
* Use this WorkingPlan class instance to perform actions on the page's working plan tables.
* @type {WorkingPlan}
exports.wp = {};
* Tab settings object.
* @type {Object}
var settings = {};
* Initialize Page
* @param {bool} defaultEventHandlers Optional (true), determines whether to bind the default event handlers.
exports.initialize = function (defaultEventHandlers) {
defaultEventHandlers = defaultEventHandlers || true;
$('#cookie-notice-content, #terms-and-conditions-content, #privacy-policy-content').trumbowyg();
// Apply setting values from database.
var workingPlan = {};
GlobalVariables.settings.system.forEach(function (setting) {
$('input[data-field="' + setting.name + '"]').val(setting.value);
$('select[data-field="' + setting.name + '"]').val(setting.value);
if (setting.name === 'company_working_plan') {
workingPlan = $.parseJSON(setting.value);
if (setting.name === 'customer_notifications') {
$('#customer-notifications').prop('checked', Boolean(Number(setting.value)));
if (setting.name === 'require_captcha') {
$('#require-captcha').prop('checked', Boolean(Number(setting.value)));
if (setting.name === 'require_phone_number') {
$('#require-phone-number').prop('checked', Boolean(Number(setting.value)));
if (setting.name === 'display_any_provider') {
$('#display-any-provider').prop('checked', Boolean(Number(setting.value)));
if (setting.name === 'display_cookie_notice') {
$('#display-cookie-notice').prop('checked', Boolean(Number(setting.value)));
if (setting.name === 'cookie_notice_content') {
$('#cookie-notice-content').trumbowyg('html', setting.value);
if (setting.name === 'display_terms_and_conditions') {
$('#display-terms-and-conditions').prop('checked', Boolean(Number(setting.value)));
if (setting.name === 'terms_and_conditions_content') {
$('#terms-and-conditions-content').trumbowyg('html', setting.value);
if (setting.name === 'display_privacy_policy') {
$('#display-privacy-policy').prop('checked', Boolean(Number(setting.value)));
if (setting.name === 'privacy_policy_content') {
$('#privacy-policy-content').trumbowyg('html', setting.value);
if (setting.name === 'show_phone_number' && setting.value === "1") {
if (setting.name === 'show_address' && setting.value === "1") {
if (setting.name === 'show_city' && setting.value === "1") {
if (setting.name === 'show_zip_code' && setting.value === "1") {
if (setting.name === 'show_notes' && setting.value === "1") {
exports.wp = new WorkingPlan();
// Load user settings into form
$('#password, #retype-password').val('');
$('#user-notifications').prop('checked', Boolean(Number(GlobalVariables.settings.user.settings.notifications)));
// Set default settings helper.
settings = new SystemSettings();
if (defaultEventHandlers) {
var $link = $('#settings-page .nav li').not('.d-none').first().find('a');
// Apply Privileges
if (GlobalVariables.user.privileges.system_settings.edit === false) {
$('#general, #business-logic').find('select, input, textarea').prop('readonly', true);
$('#general, #business-logic').find('button').prop('disabled', true);
if (GlobalVariables.user.privileges.user_settings.edit === false) {
$('#user').find('select, input, textarea').prop('readonly', true);
$('#user').find('button').prop('disabled', true);
* Bind the backend/settings default event handlers.
* This method depends on the backend/settings html, so do not use this method on a different page.
function bindEventHandlers() {
* Event: Tab "Click"
* Change the visible tab contents.
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function () {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
if (href === '#general') {
settings = new SystemSettings();
} else if (href === '#business-logic') {
settings = new SystemSettings();
} else if (href === '#legal-contents') {
settings = new SystemSettings();
} else if (href === '#current-user') {
settings = new UserSettings();
* Event: Save Settings Button "Click"
* Store the setting changes into the database.
$('.save-settings').on('click', function () {
var data = settings.get();
* Event: Visible/Hidden button "Click"
* Change the state of the Visible/Hidden button
$('.hide-toggle').on('click', function () {
var $input = $(this);
* set a Visible/Hidden toggle button to a certain state
* @argument $element for which jquery element to set the state for
* @argument isVisible a boolean which is true if the button should display 'visible' and false when the button should display 'hidden'
function setShowToggleValue($element, isVisible) {
if (getShowToggleValue($element) !== isVisible) {
* get the Visible/Hidden toggle button
* @argument $element for which jquery element to set the state for
* @return the state of the button. True for visible, false for hidden.
function getShowToggleValue($element) {
var visiblePartArray = $element.find(".hide-toggle-visible");
return !visiblePartArray.hasClass("hidden");
* Event: require phone number switch "Click"
* make sure that our phone number is visible when it is required.
$('#show-phone-number').on('click', function () {
if (!getShowToggleValue($(this))) {//if button is set to hidden
$('#require-phone-number').prop('checked', false);
* Event: require phone number switch "Click"
* make sure that our phone number is visible when it is required.
$('#require-phone-number').on('click', function () {
if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
setShowToggleValue($('#show-phone-number'), true);
* Event: Username "Focusout"
* When the user leaves the username input field we will need to check if the username
* is not taken by another record in the system. Usernames must be unique.
$('#username').focusout(function () {
var $input = $(this);
if ($input.prop('readonly') === true || $input.val() === '') {
var url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_validate_username';
var data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
username: $input.val(),
user_id: $input.parents().eq(2).find('#user-id').val()
$.post(url, data)
.done(function (response) {
if (response.is_valid === 'false') {
$input.attr('already-exists', 'true');
} else {
$input.attr('already-exists', 'false');
* Event: Apply Global Working Plan
$('#apply-global-working-plan').on('click', function () {
var buttons = [
text: EALang.cancel,
click: function () {
text: 'OK',
click: function () {
var url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_apply_global_working_plan';
var data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
working_plan: JSON.stringify(exports.wp.get())
$.post(url, data)
.done(function () {
.always(function () {
GeneralFunctions.displayMessageBox(EALang.working_plan, EALang.overwrite_existing_working_plans, buttons);