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<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Easy!Appointments - Open Source Web Scheduler
* @package EasyAppointments
* @author A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2020, Alex Tselegidis
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3
* @link http://easyappointments.org
* @since v1.2.0
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
require_once __DIR__ . '/API_V1_Controller.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../Appointments.php';
use EA\Engine\Types\UnsignedInteger;
* Availabilities Controller
* @property CI_Session session
* @property CI_Loader load
* @property CI_Input input
* @property CI_Output output
* @property CI_Config config
* @property CI_Lang lang
* @property CI_Cache cache
* @property CI_DB_query_builder db
* @property CI_Security security
* @property Google_Sync google_sync
* @property Ics_file ics_file
* @property Appointments_Model appointments_model
* @property Providers_Model providers_model
* @property Services_Model services_model
* @property Customers_Model customers_model
* @property Settings_Model settings_model
* @property Timezones timezones
* @property Roles_Model roles_model
* @property Secretaries_Model secretaries_model
* @property Admins_Model admins_model
* @property User_Model user_model
* @package Controllers
class Availabilities extends API_V1_Controller {
* Class Constructor
public function __construct()
* GET API Method
* Provide the "providerId", "serviceId" and "date" GET parameters to get the availabilities for a specific date.
* If no "date" was provided then the current date will be used.
public function get()
$providerId = new UnsignedInteger($this->input->get('providerId'));
$serviceId = new UnsignedInteger($this->input->get('serviceId'));
if ($this->input->get('date'))
$date = new DateTime($this->input->get('date'));
$date = new DateTime();
$provider = $this->providers_model->get_row($providerId->get());
$service = $this->services_model->get_row($serviceId->get());
$emptyPeriods = $this->_getProviderAvailableTimePeriods($providerId->get(),
$date->format('Y-m-d'), []);
$availableHours = $this->_calculateAvailableHours($emptyPeriods,
$date->format('Y-m-d'), $service['duration'], FALSE, $service['availabilities_type']);
if ($service['attendants_number'] > 1)
$availableHours = $this->_getMultipleAttendantsHours($date->format('Y-m-d'), $service, $provider);
// If the selected date is today, remove past hours. It is important include the timeout before
// booking that is set in the back-office the system. Normally we might want the customer to book
// an appointment that is at least half or one hour from now. The setting is stored in minutes.
if ($date->format('Y-m-d') === date('Y-m-d'))
$bookAdvanceTimeout = $this->settings_model->get_setting('book_advance_timeout');
foreach ($availableHours as $index => $value)
$availableHour = strtotime($value);
$currentHour = strtotime('+' . $bookAdvanceTimeout . ' minutes', strtotime('now'));
if ($availableHour <= $currentHour)
$availableHours = array_values($availableHours);
sort($availableHours, SORT_STRING);
$availableHours = array_values($availableHours);
catch (Exception $exception)
* Get an array containing the free time periods (start - end) of a selected date.
* This method is very important because there are many cases where the system needs to
* know when a provider is available for an appointment. This method will return an array
* that belongs to the selected date and contains values that have the start and the end
* time of an available time period.
* @param int $provider_id The provider's record id.
* @param string $selected_date The date to be checked (MySQL formatted string).
* @param array $exclude_appointments This array contains the ids of the appointments that
* will not be taken into consideration when the available time periods are calculated.
* @return array Returns an array with the available time periods of the provider.
protected function _getProviderAvailableTimePeriods(
$exclude_appointments = []
// Get the provider's working plan and reserved appointments.
$working_plan = json_decode($this->providers_model->get_setting('working_plan', $provider_id), TRUE);
$where_clause = [
'id_users_provider' => $provider_id
$reserved_appointments = $this->appointments_model->get_batch($where_clause);
// Sometimes it might be necessary to not take into account some appointment records
// in order to display what the providers' available time periods would be without them.
foreach ($exclude_appointments as $excluded_id)
foreach ($reserved_appointments as $index => $reserved)
if ($reserved['id'] == $excluded_id)
// Find the empty spaces on the plan. The first split between the plan is due to
// a break (if exist). After that every reserved appointment is considered to be
// a taken space in the plan.
$selected_date_working_plan = $working_plan[strtolower(date('l', strtotime($selected_date)))];
$available_periods_with_breaks = [];
if (isset($selected_date_working_plan['breaks']))
$start = new DateTime($selected_date_working_plan['start']);
$end = new DateTime($selected_date_working_plan['end']);
$available_periods_with_breaks[] = [
'start' => $selected_date_working_plan['start'],
'end' => $selected_date_working_plan['end']
// Split the working plan to available time periods that do not contain the breaks in them.
foreach ($selected_date_working_plan['breaks'] as $index => $break)
$break_start = new DateTime($break['start']);
$break_end = new DateTime($break['end']);
if ($break_start < $start)
$break_start = $start;
if ($break_end > $end)
$break_end = $end;
if ($break_start >= $break_end)
foreach ($available_periods_with_breaks as $key => $open_period)
$s = new DateTime($open_period['start']);
$e = new DateTime($open_period['end']);
if ($s < $break_end && $break_start < $e)
{ // check for overlap
$changed = FALSE;
if ($s < $break_start)
$open_start = $s;
$open_end = $break_start;
$available_periods_with_breaks[] = [
'start' => $open_start->format("H:i"),
'end' => $open_end->format("H:i")
$changed = TRUE;
if ($break_end < $e)
$open_start = $break_end;
$open_end = $e;
$available_periods_with_breaks[] = [
'start' => $open_start->format("H:i"),
'end' => $open_end->format("H:i")
$changed = TRUE;
if ($changed)
// Break the empty periods with the reserved appointments.
$available_periods_with_appointments = $available_periods_with_breaks;
foreach ($reserved_appointments as $appointment)
foreach ($available_periods_with_appointments as $index => &$period)
$a_start = strtotime($appointment['start_datetime']);
$a_end = strtotime($appointment['end_datetime']);
$p_start = strtotime($selected_date . ' ' . $period['start']);
$p_end = strtotime($selected_date . ' ' . $period['end']);
if ($a_start <= $p_start && $a_end <= $p_end && $a_end <= $p_start)
// The appointment does not belong in this time period, so we
// will not change anything.
if ($a_start <= $p_start && $a_end <= $p_end && $a_end >= $p_start)
// The appointment starts before the period and finishes somewhere inside.
// We will need to break this period and leave the available part.
$period['start'] = date('H:i', $a_end);
if ($a_start >= $p_start && $a_end <= $p_end)
// The appointment is inside the time period, so we will split the period
// into two new others.
$available_periods_with_appointments[] = [
'start' => date('H:i', $p_start),
'end' => date('H:i', $a_start)
$available_periods_with_appointments[] = [
'start' => date('H:i', $a_end),
'end' => date('H:i', $p_end)
if ($a_start >= $p_start && $a_end >= $p_start && $a_start <= $p_end)
// The appointment starts in the period and finishes out of it. We will
// need to remove the time that is taken from the appointment.
$period['end'] = date('H:i', $a_start);
if ($a_start >= $p_start && $a_end >= $p_end && $a_start >= $p_end)
// The appointment does not belong in the period so do not change anything.
if ($a_start <= $p_start && $a_end >= $p_end && $a_start <= $p_end)
// The appointment is bigger than the period, so this period needs to be removed.
return array_values($available_periods_with_appointments);
* Calculate the available appointment hours.
* Calculate the available appointment hours for the given date. The empty spaces
* are broken down to 15 min and if the service fit in each quarter then a new
* available hour is added to the "$available_hours" array.
* @param array $empty_periods Contains the empty periods as generated by the
* "_getProviderAvailableTimePeriods" method.
* @param string $selected_date The selected date to be search (format )
* @param int $service_duration The service duration is required for the hour calculation.
* @param bool $manage_mode (optional) Whether we are currently on manage mode (editing an existing appointment).
* @param string $availabilities_type Optional ('flexible'), the service availabilities type.
* @return array Returns an array with the available hours for the appointment.
protected function _calculateAvailableHours(
array $empty_periods,
$manage_mode = FALSE,
$availabilities_type = 'flexible'
$available_hours = [];
foreach ($empty_periods as $period)
$start_hour = new DateTime($selected_date . ' ' . $period['start']);
$end_hour = new DateTime($selected_date . ' ' . $period['end']);
$interval = $availabilities_type === AVAILABILITIES_TYPE_FIXED ? (int)$service_duration : 15;
$current_hour = $start_hour;
$diff = $current_hour->diff($end_hour);
while (($diff->h * 60 + $diff->i) >= intval($service_duration))
$available_hours[] = $current_hour->format('H:i');
$current_hour->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $interval . 'M'));
$diff = $current_hour->diff($end_hour);
return $available_hours;
* Get multiple attendants hours.
* This method will add the extra appointment hours whenever a service accepts multiple attendants.
* @param string $selected_date The selected appointment date.
* @param array $service Selected service data.
* @param array $provider Selected provider data.
* @return array Retunrs the available hours array.
protected function _getMultipleAttendantsHours(
$unavailabilities = $this->appointments_model->get_batch([
'is_unavailable' => TRUE,
'DATE(start_datetime)' => $selected_date,
'id_users_provider' => $provider['id']
$working_plan = json_decode($provider['settings']['working_plan'], TRUE);
$working_day = strtolower(date('l', strtotime($selected_date)));
$working_hours = $working_plan[$working_day];
$periods = [
'start' => new DateTime($selected_date . ' ' . $working_hours['start']),
'end' => new DateTime($selected_date . ' ' . $working_hours['end'])
$periods = $this->_removeBreaks($selected_date, $periods, $working_hours['breaks']);
$periods = $this->_removeUnavailabilities($periods, $unavailabilities);
$hours = [];
$interval_value = $service['availabilities_type'] == AVAILABILITIES_TYPE_FIXED ? $service['duration'] : '15';
$interval = new DateInterval('PT' . (int)$interval_value . 'M');
$duration = new DateInterval('PT' . (int)$service['duration'] . 'M');
foreach ($periods as $period)
$slot_start = clone $period['start'];
$slot_end = clone $slot_start;
while ($slot_end <= $period['end'])
// Check reserved attendants for this time slot and see if current attendants fit.
$appointment_attendants_number = $this->appointments_model->get_attendants_number_for_period($slot_start,
$slot_end, $service['id']);
if ($appointment_attendants_number < $service['attendants_number'])
$hours[] = $slot_start->format('H:i');
return $hours;
* Remove breaks from available time periods.
* @param string $selected_date Selected data (Y-m-d format).
* @param array $periods Time periods of the current date.
* @param array $breaks Breaks array for the current date.
* @return array Returns the available time periods without the breaks.
public function _removeBreaks($selected_date, $periods, $breaks)
if ( ! $breaks)
return $periods;
foreach ($breaks as $break)
$break_start = new DateTime($selected_date . ' ' . $break['start']);
$break_end = new DateTime($selected_date . ' ' . $break['end']);
foreach ($periods as &$period)
$period_start = $period['start'];
$period_end = $period['end'];
if ($break_start <= $period_start && $break_end >= $period_start && $break_end <= $period_end)
// left
$period['start'] = $break_end;
if ($break_start >= $period_start && $break_start <= $period_end && $break_end >= $period_start && $break_end <= $period_end)
// middle
$period['end'] = $break_start;
$periods[] = [
'start' => $break_end,
'end' => $period_end
if ($break_start >= $period_start && $break_start <= $period_end && $break_end >= $period_end)
// right
$period['end'] = $break_start;
if ($break_start <= $period_start && $break_end >= $period_end)
// break contains period
$period['start'] = $break_end;
return $periods;
* Remove the unavailabilities from the available time periods of the selected date.
* @param array $periods Available time periods.
* @param array $unavailabilities Unavailabilities of the current date.
* @return array Returns the available time periods without the unavailabilities.
public function _removeUnavailabilities($periods, $unavailabilities)
foreach ($unavailabilities as $unavailability)
$unavailability_start = new DateTime($unavailability['start_datetime']);
$unavailability_end = new DateTime($unavailability['end_datetime']);
foreach ($periods as &$period)
$period_start = $period['start'];
$period_end = $period['end'];
if ($unavailability_start <= $period_start && $unavailability_end >= $period_start && $unavailability_end <= $period_end)
// left
$period['start'] = $unavailability_end;
if ($unavailability_start >= $period_start && $unavailability_start <= $period_end && $unavailability_end >= $period_start && $unavailability_end <= $period_end)
// middle
$period['end'] = $unavailability_start;
$periods[] = [
'start' => $unavailability_end,
'end' => $period_end
if ($unavailability_start >= $period_start && $unavailability_start <= $period_end && $unavailability_end >= $period_end)
// right
$period['end'] = $unavailability_start;
if ($unavailability_start <= $period_start && $unavailability_end >= $period_end)
// Unavaibility contains period
$period['start'] = $unavailability_end;
return $periods;