describe("var statements", function() { var docSet = jasmine.getDocSetFromFile('test/fixtures/var.js'), found = [ docSet.getByLongname('GREEN'), docSet.getByLongname('RED'), docSet.getByLongname('validate'), docSet.getByLongname('i'), docSet.getByLongname('results') ]; describe("when a series of constants are documented", function() { it("should find the first constant", function() { expect(found[0].length).toEqual(1); }); it("attach the docs to the first constant", function() { expect(found[0][0].comment).toEqual('/** document me */'); }); it("should have a correct short name", function() { expect(found[0][0].name).toEqual('GREEN'); }); it("should have a correct memberof", function() { expect(found[0][0].memberof).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should give the constant a global scope", function() { expect(found[0][0].scope).toEqual('global'); }); it("should find the second constant", function() { expect(found[1].length).toEqual(1); }); it("should not attach the docs to the second constant", function() { expect(found[1][0].undocumented).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('When a member of a series of vars are documented.', function() { it("should attach the docs to the correct var", function() { expect(found[4][0].comment).toEqual('/** document me */'); }); it("should hav a correct short name", function() { expect(found[4][0].name).toEqual('results'); }); it("should leave memberof undefined", function() { expect(found[4][0].memberof).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should give the var a global scope", function() { expect(found[4][0].scope).toEqual('global'); }); }); });