<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed'); // Polish $lang['page_title'] = 'Zamów wizytę'; $lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Wybierz Zabieg i Personel'; $lang['select_service'] = 'Wybierz zabieg:'; $lang['select_provider'] = 'Wybierz personel'; $lang['duration'] = 'Czas trwania'; $lang['minutes'] = 'min.'; $lang['price'] = 'Cena'; $lang['back'] = 'wstecz'; $lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Wybierz Datę i Czas Wizyty'; $lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Brak dostępnych terminów w wybranym dniu, proszę wybrać inny dzień.'; $lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Proszę wybrać godzinę wizyty przed kontynuowaniem.'; $lang['customer_information'] = 'Wypełnij Twoje informacje.'; $lang['first_name'] = 'Imię'; $lang['last_name'] = 'Nazwisko'; $lang['email'] = 'E-mail'; $lang['phone_number'] = 'Numer telefonu'; $lang['phone'] = 'Phone'; $lang['address'] = 'Adres'; $lang['city'] = 'Miasto'; $lang['zip_code'] = 'Kod pocztowy'; $lang['notes'] = 'Uwagi'; $lang['language'] = 'Język'; $lang['no_language'] = 'Brak języka'; $lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Pola z * są wymagane.'; $lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Potwierdź Wizytę'; $lang['confirm'] = 'Potwierdź'; $lang['update'] = 'Aktualizuj'; $lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Przyciśnij \'Anuluj\' aby usunąć wizytę z terminarza.'; $lang['cancel'] = 'Anulować'; $lang['appointment_registered'] = 'Twoja wizyta została została pozytywnie zarejestrowana.'; $lang['cancel_appointment_title'] = 'Anuluj Wizytę'; $lang['appointment_cancelled'] = 'Twoja wizyta została anulowana.'; $lang['appointment_cancelled_title'] = 'Wizyta Anulowana'; $lang['reason'] = 'Powód'; $lang['appointment_removed_from_schedule'] = 'Ta wizyta została usunięta z terminarza.'; $lang['appointment_details_was_sent_to_you'] = 'Wiadomość e-mail ze szczegółami wizyty została wysłana do Ciebie.'; $lang['add_to_google_calendar'] = 'Dodaj do Kalendarza Google'; $lang['appointment_booked'] = 'Twoja wizyta została skutecznie zarezerwowana.'; $lang['thank_you_for_appointment'] = 'Dziękuje za dokonanie rezerwacji. Poniżej umieszczone są szczegóły wizyty. Aby dokonać zmian kliknij link wizyty.'; $lang['appointment_details_title'] = 'Szczegóły wizyty'; $lang['customer_details_title'] = 'Szczegóły Klienta'; $lang['service'] = 'Zabieg'; $lang['provider'] = 'Personel'; $lang['customer'] = 'Klient'; $lang['start'] = 'Początek'; $lang['end'] = 'Koniec'; $lang['name'] = 'Nazwisko'; $lang['appointment_link_title'] = 'Link Wizyty'; $lang['success'] = 'Sukces.'; $lang['appointment_added_to_your_plan'] = 'Nowa wizyta została dodana do twojego terminarza'; $lang['appointment_link_description'] = 'Możesz dokonać zmian klikając na link wizyty poniżej.'; $lang['appointment_locked'] = 'Modification impossible.'; $lang['appointment_locked_message'] = 'The appointment cannot be changed less than {$limit} hours in advance.'; $lang['appointment_not_found'] = 'Nie znaleziono wizyty.'; $lang['appointment_does_not_exist_in_db'] = 'Wybrana wizyta nie istnieje już w systemie.'; $lang['display_calendar'] = 'Wyświetl Kalendarz'; $lang['calendar'] = 'Kalendarz'; $lang['users'] = 'Użytkownicy'; $lang['settings'] = 'Ustawienia'; $lang['log_out'] = 'Wyloguj'; $lang['synchronize'] = 'Synchronizuj'; $lang['enable_sync'] = 'Włącz Synch.'; $lang['disable_sync'] = 'Wyłącz Synch.'; $lang['disable_sync_prompt'] = 'Are you sure that you want to disable the calendar synchronization?'; $lang['reload'] = 'Odśwież'; $lang['appointment'] = 'Wizyta'; $lang['unavailability'] = 'Niedostępne'; $lang['week'] = 'Tydzień'; $lang['month'] = 'Miesiąc'; $lang['today'] = 'Dziś'; $lang['not_working'] = 'Nie Pracuje'; $lang['break'] = 'Przerwa'; $lang['add'] = 'Dodaj'; $lang['edit'] = 'Edytuj'; $lang['hello'] = 'Witaj'; $lang['all_day'] = 'Cały Dzień'; $lang['manage_appointment_record_hint'] = 'Zarządzaj wszystkimi rekordami wizyt dostępnego personelu i zabiegów'; $lang['select_filter_item_hint'] = 'Wybierz personel lub zabieg i obejrzyj wizyty w kalendarzu.'; $lang['enable_appointment_sync_hint'] = 'Włącz synchronizację wizyt z kalendarzem Google personelu.'; $lang['manage_customers_hint'] = 'Zarządzaj zarejestrowanymi klientami i obejrzyj ich historię rejestracji.'; $lang['manage_services_hint'] = 'Zarządzaj dostępnymi zabiegami i kategoriami systemu.'; $lang['manage_users_hint'] = 'Zarządzaj użytkownikami.(admin, personel, sekretarka, inne)'; $lang['settings_hint'] = 'Zmień ustawienia systemu i użytkownika'; $lang['log_out_hint'] = 'Wyloguj z systemu'; $lang['unavailability_periods_hint'] = 'Podczas niedostępnych okresów personel nie akceptuje nowych wizyt.'; $lang['new_appointment_hint'] = 'Utwórz nową wizytę i przechowaj ją w bazie danych.'; $lang['reload_appointments_hint'] = 'Przeładuj wizyty kalendarza.'; $lang['trigger_sync_hint'] = 'Przełącz proces synchronizacji Kalendarza Google'; $lang['appointment_updated'] = 'Wizyta zaktualizowana poprawnie.'; $lang['undo'] = 'Cofnij'; $lang['appointment_details_changed'] = 'Szczegóły wizyty zostały zmienione.'; $lang['appointment_changes_saved'] = 'Zmiany zostały zapisane.'; $lang['save'] = 'Zapisz'; $lang['new'] = 'Nowa'; $lang['select'] = 'Wybierz'; $lang['hide'] = 'Ukryj'; $lang['type_to_filter_customers'] = 'Wyszukaj klienta'; $lang['clear_fields_add_existing_customer_hint'] = 'Wyczyść pola i wprowadź klienta'; $lang['pick_existing_customer_hint'] = 'Wybierz istniejącego klienta.'; $lang['new_appointment_title'] = 'Nowa Wizyta'; $lang['edit_appointment_title'] = 'Edytuj Wizytę'; $lang['delete_appointment_title'] = 'Usuń Wizytę'; $lang['write_appointment_removal_reason'] = 'Proszę o podanie powodu usunięcia wizyty:'; $lang['appointment_saved'] = 'Wizyta zapamiętana pomyślnie.'; $lang['new_unavailability_title'] = 'Nowy Niedostępny Okres'; $lang['edit_unavailability_title'] = 'Edytuj Niedostępny Okres'; $lang['unavailability_saved'] = 'Niedostępny okres zapisano pomyślnie.'; $lang['start_date_before_end_error'] = 'Wartość początkowa jest większa niż data końcowa.'; $lang['invalid_duration'] = 'Invalid duration.'; $lang['invalid_email'] = 'Niepoprawny adres email.'; $lang['customers'] = 'Klienci'; $lang['details'] = 'Szczegóły'; $lang['no_records_found'] = 'Nie znaleziono rekordów...'; $lang['services'] = 'Zabieg'; $lang['duration_minutes'] = 'Czas trwania (minuty)'; $lang['currency'] = 'Waluta'; $lang['category'] = 'Kategoria'; $lang['no_category'] = 'Bez kategorii'; $lang['description'] = 'Opis'; $lang['categories'] = 'Kategorie'; $lang['admins'] = 'Administratorzy'; $lang['providers'] = 'Personel'; $lang['secretaries'] = 'Sekretarze'; $lang['mobile_number'] = 'nr kom.'; $lang['mobile'] = 'Mobile'; $lang['state'] = 'Woj.'; $lang['username'] = 'Użytkownik'; $lang['password'] = 'Hasło'; $lang['retype_password'] = 'Powtórz hasło'; $lang['receive_notifications'] = 'Otrzymanie powiadomienia'; $lang['passwords_mismatch'] = 'Nie poprawne hasło.'; $lang['admin_saved'] = 'Zapisano Administratora pomyślnie.'; $lang['provider_saved'] = 'Personel zapisany pomyślnie.'; $lang['secretary_saved'] = 'Sekretarka zapisana pomyślnie.'; $lang['admin_deleted'] = 'Usunięto administratora pomyślnie'; $lang['provider_deleted'] = 'Personel usunięty pomyślnie'; $lang['secretary_deleted'] = 'Sekretarka usunięta pomyślnie'; $lang['service_saved'] = 'Zabieg zapisany pomyślnie.'; $lang['service_category_saved'] = 'Kategoria zabiegu zapisana pomyślnie'; $lang['service_deleted'] = 'Zabieg usunięty pomyślnie'; $lang['service_category_deleted'] = 'Kategoria zabiegu usunięta.'; $lang['customer_saved'] = 'Klient został zapisany'; $lang['customer_deleted'] = 'Klient usunięty pomyślnie'; $lang['current_view'] = 'Obecny Widok'; $lang['working_plan'] = 'Plan Pracy'; $lang['reset_plan'] = 'Resetuj Plan'; $lang['monday'] = 'Poniedziałek'; $lang['tuesday'] = 'Wtorek'; $lang['wednesday'] = 'Środa'; $lang['thursday'] = 'Czwartek'; $lang['friday'] = 'Piątek'; $lang['saturday'] = 'Sobota'; $lang['sunday'] = 'Niedziela'; $lang['breaks'] = 'Przerwa'; $lang['add_breaks_during_each_day'] = 'Dodaj przerwę. W tym czasie nie są dostępne terminy wizyt.'; $lang['day'] = 'Dzień'; $lang['days'] = 'Days'; $lang['actions'] = 'Czynność'; $lang['reset_working_plan_hint'] = 'Zresetuj plan pracy do wartości domyślnych.'; $lang['company_name'] = 'Nazwa Firmy'; $lang['company_name_hint'] = 'Nazwa firmy będzie wyświetlana wszędzie w systemie.(wymagana)'; $lang['company_email'] = 'Email Firmowy:'; $lang['company_email_hint'] = 'To będzie firmowy adres email. Używany jako nadawca wiadomości systemowych.(wymagane)'; $lang['company_link'] = 'Link Firmowy'; $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Link firmowy powinien wskazywać na firmowe www. (wymagana)'; $lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Idź do strony bookowania'; $lang['settings_saved'] = 'Ustawienia zapisano.'; $lang['general'] = 'Ogólne'; $lang['booking'] = 'Booking'; $lang['visible'] = 'Widoczny'; $lang['hidden'] = 'Ukryty'; $lang['business_logic'] = 'Podział Firmy'; $lang['current_user'] = 'Bieżący Użytkownik'; $lang['about_app'] = 'O Easy!Appointments'; $lang['edit_working_plan_hint'] = 'Zaznacz poniżej dni i godziny w których Twoja firma akceptuje wizyty. Będziesz w stanie dostosować w stosunku do godziny pracujących i nie pracujących. Ten plan będzie domyślny dla każdego nowego personelu. Dla każdego nowego personelu można utworzyć oddzielny plan poprzez edycję planu.'; $lang['edit_breaks_hint'] = 'Dodaj przerwy w pracy w ciągu dnia. Te przerwy będą dotyczyć również dla nowych pacjentów.'; $lang['book_advance_timeout'] = 'Czas bookowania minął'; $lang['book_advance_timeout_hint'] = 'Zdefiniuj w minutach czas w którym klient ponownie może zabookować wizytę.'; $lang['timeout_minutes'] = 'Czas out'; $lang['about_app_info'] = 'Easy!Appointments jest aplikacją webową wysoce przystosowywalną do potrzeb klienta. Co więcej pozwala na synchronizację z Kalendarzem Google.'; $lang['current_version'] = 'Aktualna Wersja'; $lang['support'] = 'Pomoc'; $lang['about_app_support'] = 'Jeśli masz problem z Easy!Appointmants możesz spytać grupę Google.'; $lang['official_website'] = 'Oficjalna strona'; $lang['google_plus_community'] = 'Google+ Społeczność'; $lang['support_group'] = 'Grupa Wsparcia'; $lang['project_issues'] = 'Błędy projektu'; $lang['license'] = 'Licencja'; $lang['about_app_license'] = 'Easy!Appointments posiada licencję GPLv3. Używaj zgodnie z warunkami opisanymi tu:'; $lang['logout_success'] = 'Wylogowałeś się Naciśnij przycisk aby nawigować do innej strony.'; $lang['book_appointment_title'] = 'Zamów wizytę'; $lang['backend_section'] = 'Sekcja funkcjonalna'; $lang['you_need_to_login'] = 'Witaj! Musisz się zalogować aby zobaczyć część funkcjonalną.'; $lang['enter_username_here'] = 'Wpisz nazwę użytkownika'; $lang['enter_password_here'] = 'Wprowadź hasło tu ...'; $lang['login'] = 'Zaloguj'; $lang['forgot_your_password'] = 'Zapomniałeś Swojego Hasła'; $lang['login_failed'] = 'Logowanie nieudane, proszę wprowadzić ponownie.'; $lang['type_username_and_email_for_new_password'] = 'Wpisz nazwę użytkownika i adres email aby otrzymać nowe hasło'; $lang['enter_email_here'] = 'Wprowadź swój email tu...'; $lang['regenerate_password'] = 'Odnów Hasło'; $lang['go_to_login'] = 'Wróć do strony Logowania'; $lang['new_password_sent_with_email'] = 'Twoje nowe hasło zostało wysłane w email\'u.'; $lang['new_account_password'] = 'Nowe Hasło Konta'; $lang['new_password_is'] = 'Twoje nowe hasło to $password. Proszę zachować ten email aby w razie potrzeby móc do niego sięgnąć.'; $lang['delete_record_prompt'] = 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten rekord? Nie można cofnąć tej czynności'; $lang['delete_admin'] = 'Usuń Administratora'; $lang['delete_customer'] = 'Usuń Klienta'; $lang['delete_service'] = 'Usuń Zabieg'; $lang['delete_service_category'] = 'Usuń kategorię zabiegów.'; $lang['delete_provider'] = 'Usuń personel'; $lang['delete_secretary'] = 'Usuń sekretarkę'; $lang['delete_appointment'] = 'Usuń Wizytę'; $lang['delete_unavailability'] = 'Usuń Niedostępny Okres'; $lang['delete'] = 'Usuń'; $lang['unexpected_issues'] = 'Niespodziewany błąd'; $lang['unexpected_issues_message'] = 'Ta operacja nie może być ukończona na skutek nieoczekiwanego błędu.'; $lang['close'] = 'Zamknij'; $lang['page_not_found'] = 'Strona Nie Znaleziona'; $lang['page_not_found_message'] = 'Niestety nie znaleziono strony, sprawdź adres url...'; $lang['error'] = 'Błąd'; $lang['no_privileges'] = 'Brak uprawnień'; $lang['no_privileges_message'] = 'Nie masz odpowiednich uprawnień aby zobaczyć tą stronę. Nawiguj do innej sekcji.'; $lang['backend_calendar'] = 'Kalendarz funkcjonalny'; $lang['start_date_time'] = 'Data startu / Czas'; $lang['end_date_time'] = 'Data końca / Czas'; $lang['licensed_under'] = 'Na licencji'; $lang['unexpected_issues_occurred'] = 'Nieoczekiwany błąd.'; $lang['service_communication_error'] = 'Błąd komunikacji z serwerem. Spróbuj ponownie.'; $lang['no_privileges_edit_appointments'] = 'Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień aby edytować wizyty.'; $lang['unavailability_updated'] = 'Czas niedostępności aktualizowany.'; $lang['appointments'] = 'Wizyta'; $lang['unexpected_warnings'] = 'Nieoczekiwane Ostrzeżenia'; $lang['unexpected_warnings_message'] = 'Operacja ukończona, ale wystąpiło parę błędów.'; $lang['filter'] = 'Filtr'; $lang['clear'] = 'Wyczyść'; $lang['uncategorized'] = 'Bez kategorii'; $lang['username_already_exists'] = 'Użytkownik już istnieje'; $lang['password_length_notice'] = 'Hasło musi być co najmniej długości $number'; $lang['general_settings'] = 'Ogólne ustawienia'; $lang['personal_information'] = 'Informacje personalne'; $lang['system_login'] = 'Logowanie do Systemu'; $lang['user_settings_are_invalid'] = 'Ustawienia użytkownika są niepoprawne! Proszę sprawdź swoje ustawienia i spróbuj ponownie.'; $lang['add_break'] = 'Dodaj Przerwę'; $lang['january'] = 'Styczeń'; $lang['february'] = 'Luty'; $lang['march'] = 'Marzec'; $lang['april'] = 'Kwiecień'; $lang['may'] = 'Maj'; $lang['june'] = 'Czerwiec'; $lang['july'] = 'Lipiec'; $lang['august'] = 'Sierpień'; $lang['september'] = 'Wrzesień'; $lang['october'] = 'Październik'; $lang['november'] = 'Listopad'; $lang['december'] = 'Grudzień'; $lang['previous'] = 'Poprzedni'; $lang['next'] = 'Dalej'; $lang['now'] = 'Teraz'; $lang['select_time'] = 'Wybierz Godzinę'; $lang['time'] = 'Godzina'; $lang['hour'] = 'Godzina'; $lang['minute'] = 'Minuta'; $lang['calendar_sync_completed'] = 'Synchronizacja Google pomyślna.'; $lang['calendar_sync_failed'] = 'Synchronizacja Google nieudana.'; $lang['select_sync_calendar'] = 'Wybierz Kalendarz Google'; $lang['select_sync_calendar_prompt'] = 'Wybierz kalendarz do synchronizacji wizyt. Brak wyboru spowoduje użycie kalendarza domyślnego.'; $lang['sync_calendar_selected'] = 'Kalendarz Google wybrany pomyślnie.'; $lang['oops_something_went_wrong'] = 'Ojj! Coś poszło nie tak.'; $lang['ea_update_success'] = 'Easy!Appointment zaktualizowany pomyślnie'; $lang['require_captcha'] = 'Require CAPTCHA'; $lang['require_captcha_hint'] = 'When enabled, the customers will have to type a random generated CAPTCHA string before booking/updating an appointment.'; $lang['captcha_is_wrong'] = 'CAPTCHA verification failed, please try again.'; $lang['any_provider'] = 'Any Provider'; $lang['requested_hour_is_unavailable'] = 'The requested appointment is unfortunately not available. Please select a different hour for your appointment.'; $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications'; $lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.'; $lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format'; $lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).'; $lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format'; $lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).'; $lang['first_weekday'] = 'Pierwszy dzień tygodnia'; $lang['first_weekday_hint'] = 'Set the first day of the calendar week.'; $lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.'; $lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type'; $lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible'; $lang['fixed'] = 'Fixed'; $lang['attendants_number'] = 'Attendants Number'; $lang['reset_working_plan'] = 'Reset the working plan back to the default values.'; $lang['legal_contents'] = 'Legal Contents'; $lang['cookie_notice'] = 'Cookie Notice'; $lang['display_cookie_notice'] = 'Display Cookie Notice'; $lang['cookie_notice_content'] = 'Cookie Notice Content'; $lang['terms_and_conditions'] = 'Terms & Conditions'; $lang['display_terms_and_conditions'] = 'Display Terms & Conditions'; $lang['terms_and_conditions_content'] = 'Terms & Conditions Content'; $lang['privacy_policy'] = 'Privacy Policy'; $lang['display_privacy_policy'] = 'Display Privacy Policy'; $lang['privacy_policy_content'] = 'Privacy Policy Content'; $lang['website_using_cookies_to_ensure_best_experience'] = 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.'; $lang['read_and_agree_to_terms_and_conditions'] = 'I have read and agree to the {$link}Terms & Conditions{/$link}.'; $lang['read_and_agree_to_privacy_policy'] = 'I have read and agree to the {$link}Privacy Policy{/$link}.'; $lang['delete_personal_information_hint'] = 'Remove all your appointments and personal information from the system.'; $lang['delete_personal_information'] = 'Delete Personal Information'; $lang['delete_personal_information_prompt'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete your personal information? This action cannot be undone.'; $lang['location'] = 'Location'; $lang['working_plan_exception'] = 'Working Plan Exception'; $lang['working_plan_exceptions'] = 'Working Plan Exceptions'; $lang['working_plan_exceptions_hint'] = 'Add a working plan exception day, outside the working plan.'; $lang['new_working_plan_exception_title'] = 'New Working Plan Exception'; $lang['working_plan_exception_saved'] = 'Working plan exception saved successfully.'; $lang['working_plan_exception_deleted'] = 'Working plan exception deleted successfully.'; $lang['add_working_plan_exceptions_during_each_day'] = 'Add working plan exceptions, outside the working plan.'; $lang['add_working_plan_exception'] = 'Add Working Plan Exception'; $lang['require_phone_number'] = 'Require phone number'; $lang['require_phone_number_hint'] = 'When enabled, customers and users will need to enter the customer\'s phone number when booking an appointment'; $lang['check_spam_folder'] = 'Please check your spam folder if the email does not arrive within a few minutes.'; $lang['api_token_hint'] = 'Set a secret token in order to enable the token based authentication of the Easy!Appointments API.'; $lang['timezone'] = 'Timezone'; $lang['overwrite_existing_working_plans'] = 'This will overwrite the existing provider working plans, are you sure that you want to continue?'; $lang['working_plans_got_updated'] = 'All the working plans got updated.'; $lang['apply_to_all_providers'] = 'Apply To All Providers'; $lang['display_any_provider'] = 'Display Any Provider Option'; $lang['display_any_provider_hint'] = 'The booking page will get an additional option that allows customers to book without specifying a provider.'; $lang['load_more'] = 'Load More'; $lang['list'] = 'List'; $lang['default'] = 'Default'; $lang['table'] = 'Table'; $lang['date'] = 'Date'; $lang['about'] = 'About'; $lang['booking_settings'] = 'Booking Settings'; $lang['display'] = 'Display'; $lang['require'] = 'Require'; $lang['color'] = 'Color'; $lang['matomo_analytics_url_hint'] = 'Add the URL to your own Matomo installation to enable Matomo tracking on the booking pages.'; $lang['invalid_phone'] = 'Invalid phone number.'; $lang['legal'] = 'Legal'; $lang['business'] = 'Business'; $lang['account'] = 'Account'; $lang['disable_booking'] = 'Disable Booking'; $lang['disable_booking_hint'] = 'The booking page will be disabled for as long as this setting is active and customers will not be able to register new appointments.'; $lang['display_message'] = 'Display Message'; $lang['booking_is_disabled'] = 'Booking Is Disabled!'; $lang['appearance'] = 'Appearance'; $lang['company_logo'] = 'Company Logo'; $lang['company_logo_hint'] = 'The company logo will be displayed in many places of the app, including the booking page and the notification emails (image file, max 2MB).'; $lang['company_color'] = 'Company Color'; $lang['company_color_hint'] = 'The company color will be applied across the app so that it the app uses your branding.'; $lang['localization'] = 'Localization'; $lang['integrations'] = 'Integrations'; $lang['company'] = 'Company'; $lang['remove'] = 'Remove'; $lang['login_button'] = 'Login Button'; $lang['display_login_button_hint'] = 'Defines whether the login button is being displayed in the booking page.'; $lang['private'] = 'Private'; $lang['private_hint'] = 'Private records will not be displayed or processed in public pages such as the booking page.'; $lang['reset'] = 'Reset'; $lang['all'] = 'All'; $lang['booking_link'] = 'Booking Link'; $lang['add_new_event'] = 'Add New Event'; $lang['what_kind_of_event'] = 'What kind of event would you like to add?'; $lang['theme'] = 'Theme'; $lang['limit_customer_access'] = 'Limit Customer Access'; $lang['limit_customer_access_hint'] = 'If enabled, providers and secretaries will only be able to access customers they have an appointment with.'; $lang['url'] = 'URL'; $lang['secret_token'] = 'Secret Token'; $lang['verify_ssl'] = 'Verify SSL'; $lang['appointment_save'] = 'Appointment Save'; $lang['appointment_delete'] = 'Appointment Delete'; $lang['unavailability_save'] = 'Unavailability Save'; $lang['unavailability_delete'] = 'Unavailability Delete'; $lang['customer_save'] = 'Customer Save'; $lang['customer_delete'] = 'Customer Delete'; $lang['service_save'] = 'Service Save'; $lang['service_delete'] = 'Service Delete'; $lang['service_category_save'] = 'Category Save'; $lang['service_category_delete'] = 'Category Delete'; $lang['provider_save'] = 'Provider Save'; $lang['provider_delete'] = 'Provider Delete'; $lang['secretary_save'] = 'Secretary Save'; $lang['secretary_delete'] = 'Secretary Delete'; $lang['admin_save'] = 'Admin Save'; $lang['admin_delete'] = 'Admin Delete'; $lang['options'] = 'Options'; $lang['webhooks'] = 'Webhooks'; $lang['webhooks_info'] = 'Webhooks enable you to send HTTP notifications to external web applications in response to various application events, such as the creation of an appointment or the removal of a customer.'; $lang['integrations_info'] = 'Integrations enable you to make third-party connections with external applications and APIs.'; $lang['configure'] = 'Configure'; $lang['google_analytics'] = 'Google Analytics'; $lang['google_analytics_info'] = 'Google Analytics enable you to automatically add the tracking code and HTML markup to the public page and track all the public booking sessions.'; $lang['matomo_analytics'] = 'Matomo Analytics'; $lang['matomo_analytics_info'] = 'Matomo Analytics enable you to automatically add the tracking code and HTML markup to the public page and track all the public booking sessions.'; $lang['api'] = 'API'; $lang['api_info'] = 'API enable you to interact with all the Easy!Appointments data via the HTTP protocol and the available API endpoints and create your own integrations.'; $lang['google_analytics_code'] = 'Google Analytics Code'; $lang['matomo_analytics_url'] = 'Matomo Analytics URL'; $lang['future_booking_limit'] = 'Future Booking Limit'; $lang['limit_days'] = 'Limit (Days)'; $lang['future_booking_limit_hint'] = 'Set the future limit in days customers can make appointments via the public booking page.'; $lang['api_token'] = 'API Token'; $lang['allow_rescheduling_cancellation_before'] = 'Allow Rescheduling/Cancellation Before'; $lang['at_least_one_field'] = 'At least one field must be displayed in the booking page.'; $lang['status'] = 'Status'; $lang['appointment_status_options'] = 'Appointment Status Options'; $lang['appointment_status_options_info'] = 'Define a list of available appointment status options that can be used in the the calendar page (the first one will automatically become the default value).'; $lang['sunday_short'] = 'Sun'; $lang['monday_short'] = 'Mon'; $lang['tuesday_short'] = 'Tue'; $lang['wednesday_short'] = 'Wed'; $lang['thursday_short'] = 'Thu'; $lang['friday_short'] = 'Fri'; $lang['saturday_short'] = 'Sat'; $lang['january_short'] = 'Jan'; $lang['february_short'] = 'Feb'; $lang['march_short'] = 'Mar'; $lang['april_short'] = 'Apr'; $lang['may_short'] = 'May'; $lang['june_short'] = 'Jun'; $lang['july_short'] = 'Jul'; $lang['august_short'] = 'Aug'; $lang['september_short'] = 'Sep'; $lang['october_short'] = 'Oct'; $lang['november_short'] = 'Nov'; $lang['december_short'] = 'Dec'; $lang['am'] = 'am'; $lang['pm'] = 'pm'; $lang['to'] = 'to'; $lang['click_to_toggle'] = 'Click To Toggle'; $lang['week_short'] = 'Wk'; $lang['scroll_to_increment'] = 'Scroll To Increment'; $lang['year'] = 'Year'; $lang['make_non_working_day'] = 'This provider will not be available for work on the selected day.'; $lang['no_breaks'] = 'No Breaks'; $lang['service_categories'] = 'Service Categories'; $lang['service_category'] = 'Service Category'; $lang['blocked_period_saved'] = 'Blocked period saved successfully.'; $lang['blocked_period_deleted'] = 'Blocked period deleted successfully.'; $lang['delete_blocked_period'] = 'Delete Blocked Period'; $lang['blocked_period'] = 'Blocked Period'; $lang['blocked_periods'] = 'Blocked Periods'; $lang['blocked_period_save'] = 'Blocked Period Save'; $lang['blocked_period_delete'] = 'Blocked Period Delete'; $lang['blocked_periods_hint'] = 'Define periods of time where public bookings will be disabled for all providers (e.g. closed dates, holidays etc.).'; $lang['custom_field'] = 'Custom Field'; $lang['custom_fields'] = 'Custom Fields'; $lang['label'] = 'Label'; $lang['webhook_saved'] = 'Webhook saved successfully.'; $lang['webhook_deleted'] = 'Webhook deleted successfully.'; $lang['delete_webhook'] = 'Delete Webhook'; $lang['contact_info'] = 'Contact Info'; $lang['hide_from_public'] = 'Hide From Public'; $lang['matomo_analytics_site_id'] = 'Matomo Analytics Site ID'; $lang['matomo_analytics_site_id_hint'] = 'Set the site ID that will be tracked by Matomo (the default site has the ID "1").'; $lang['default_timezone'] = 'Default Timezone'; $lang['default_timezone_hint'] = 'Set the default timezone value that will be used for new records.'; $lang['default_language'] = 'Default Language'; $lang['default_language_hint'] = 'Set the default language value that will be used for new records.'; $lang['sync_method_prompt'] = 'Which sync method would you like to use?'; $lang['caldav_server'] = 'CalDAV Server'; $lang['caldav_connection_info_prompt'] = 'Please enter the connection information of the target CalDAV server.'; $lang['connect'] = 'Connect'; $lang['ldap'] = 'LDAP'; $lang['ldap_info'] = 'This integration enables you to connect to an existing LDAP server and automatically import users into Easy!Appointments and let them SSO with their directory password (username must match).'; $lang['host'] = 'Host'; $lang['port'] = 'Port'; $lang['user_dn'] = 'User DN'; $lang['base_dn'] = 'Base DN'; $lang['keyword'] = 'Keyword'; $lang['ldap_search_hint'] = 'Provide a keyword to search through the LDAP directory for users that match the filter criteria.'; $lang['ldap_extension_not_loaded'] = 'The LDAP PHP extension is not loaded, but is required for this integration to work.'; $lang['field_mapping'] = 'Field Mapping'; $lang['content'] = 'Content'; $lang['active'] = 'Active'; $lang['user_imported'] = 'The user record was imported successfully.'; $lang['import'] = 'Import'; $lang['ldap_dn'] = 'LDAP DN'; $lang['role'] = 'Role'; // End