'; $lang['click_to_toggle'] = 'Klikkaa kytkeäksesi'; $lang['week_short'] = 'vk'; $lang['scroll_to_increment'] = 'Vieritä kohtaan Lisäys'; $lang['year'] = 'vuosi'; $lang['make_non_working_day'] = 'Tämä palveluntarjoaja ei ole käytettävissä töihin valittuna päivänä.'; $lang['no_breaks'] = 'Ei taukoja'; $lang['service_categories'] = 'Palveluluokat'; $lang['service_category'] = 'Palveluluokka'; $lang['blocked_period_saved'] = 'Estetty ajanjakso tallennettu onnistuneesti.'; $lang['blocked_period_deleted'] = 'Estetty ajanjakso poistettu onnistuneesti.'; $lang['delete_blocked_period'] = 'Poistettu estetty ajanjakso'; $lang['blocked_period'] = 'Estetty ajanjakso'; $lang['blocked_periods'] = 'Estetyt ajanjaksot'; $lang['blocked_period_save'] = 'Tallenna estetty ajanjakso'; $lang['blocked_period_delete'] = 'Poista estetty ajanjakso'; $lang['blocked_periods_hint'] = 'Määritä ajanjaksot, jolloin julkiset varaukset poistetaan käytöstä kaikilta palveluntarjoajilta (esim. suljetut päivämäärät, lomat jne.).'; $lang['custom_field'] = 'Mukautettu kenttä'; $lang['custom_fields'] = 'Mukautetut kentät'; $lang['label'] = 'Merkki'; $lang['webhook_saved'] = 'Webhook tallennettu onnistuneesti.'; $lang['webhook_deleted'] = 'Webhook poistettu onnistuneesti.'; $lang['delete_webhook'] = 'Poista Webhook'; $lang['contact_info'] = 'Yhteystiedot'; $lang['hide_from_public'] = 'Hide From Public'; $lang['matomo_analytics_site_id'] = 'Matomo Analytics Site ID'; $lang['matomo_analytics_site_id_hint'] = 'Set the site ID that will be tracked by Matomo (the default site has the ID "1").'; $lang['default_timezone'] = 'Default Timezone'; $lang['default_timezone_hint'] = 'Set the default timezone value that will be used for new records.'; $lang['default_language'] = 'Default Language'; $lang['default_language_hint'] = 'Set the default language value that will be used for new records.'; $lang['sync_method_prompt'] = 'Which sync method would you like to use?'; $lang['caldav_server'] = 'CalDAV Server'; $lang['caldav_connection_info_prompt'] = 'Please enter the connection information of the target CalDAV server.'; $lang['connect'] = 'Connect'; $lang['ldap'] = 'LDAP'; $lang['ldap_info'] = 'This integration enables you to connect to an existing LDAP server and automatically import users into Easy!Appointments and let them SSO with their directory password (username must match).'; $lang['host'] = 'Host'; $lang['port'] = 'Port'; $lang['user_dn'] = 'User DN'; $lang['base_dn'] = 'Base DN'; $lang['keyword'] = 'Keyword'; $lang['ldap_search_hint'] = 'Provide a keyword to search through the LDAP directory for users that match the filter criteria.'; $lang['ldap_extension_not_loaded'] = 'The LDAP PHP extension is not loaded, but is required for this integration to work.'; $lang['field_mapping'] = 'Field Mapping'; $lang['content'] = 'Content'; $lang['active'] = 'Active'; $lang['user_imported'] = 'The user record was imported successfully.'; $lang['import'] = 'Import'; $lang['ldap_dn'] = 'LDAP DN'; $lang['role'] = 'Role'; $lang['at_least_one_field_required'] = 'At least one field must be set as required in the booking page.'; $lang['customer_is_already_booked'] = 'This customer already has an appointment during the requested reservation period.'; $lang['fields'] = 'Fields'; $lang['invalid_credentials_provided'] = 'Invalid credentials provided, please try again.'; // End