/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Easy!Appointments - Online Appointment Scheduler
 * @package     EasyAppointments
 * @author      A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) Alex Tselegidis
 * @license     https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3
 * @link        https://easyappointments.org
 * @since       v1.5.0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Account page.
 * This module implements the functionality of the account page.
App.Pages.Account = (function () {
    const $userId = $('#user-id');
    const $firstName = $('#first-name');
    const $lastName = $('#last-name');
    const $email = $('#email');
    const $mobileNumber = $('#mobile-number');
    const $phoneNumber = $('#phone-number');
    const $address = $('#address');
    const $city = $('#city');
    const $state = $('#state');
    const $zipCode = $('#zip-code');
    const $notes = $('#notes');
    const $language = $('#language');
    const $timezone = $('#timezone');
    const $username = $('#username');
    const $password = $('#password');
    const $retypePassword = $('#retype-password');
    const $calendarView = $('#calendar-view');
    const notifications = $('#notifications');
    const $saveSettings = $('#save-settings');
    const $footerUserDisplayName = $('#footer-user-display-name');

     * Check if the form has invalid values.
     * @return {Boolean}
    function isInvalid() {
        try {
            $('#account .is-invalid').removeClass('is-invalid');

            // Validate required fields.

            let missingRequiredFields = false;

            $('#account .required').each((index, requiredField) => {
                const $requiredField = $(requiredField);

                if (!$requiredField.val()) {
                    missingRequiredFields = true;

            if (missingRequiredFields) {
                throw new Error(lang('fields_are_required'));

            // Validate passwords (if values provided).

            if ($password.val() && $password.val() !== $retypePassword.val()) {
                throw new Error(lang('passwords_mismatch'));

            // Validate user email.

            const emailValue = $email.val();

            if (!App.Utils.Validation.email(emailValue)) {
                throw new Error(lang('invalid_email'));

            if ($username.hasClass('is-invalid')) {
                throw new Error(lang('username_already_exists'));

            return false;
        } catch (error) {
            return true;

     * Apply the account values to the form.
     * @param {Object} account
    function deserialize(account) {
        notifications.prop('checked', Boolean(Number(account.settings.notifications)));

     * Get the account information from the form.
     * @return {Object}
    function serialize() {
        return {
            id: $userId.val(),
            first_name: $firstName.val(),
            last_name: $lastName.val(),
            email: $email.val(),
            mobile_number: $mobileNumber.val(),
            phone_number: $phoneNumber.val(),
            address: $address.val(),
            city: $city.val(),
            state: $state.val(),
            zip_code: $zipCode.val(),
            notes: $notes.val(),
            language: $language.val(),
            timezone: $timezone.val(),
            settings: {
                username: $username.val(),
                password: $password.val() || undefined,
                calendar_view: $calendarView.val(),
                notifications: Number(notifications.prop('checked'))

     * Save the account information.
    function onSaveSettingsClick() {
        if (isInvalid()) {


        const account = serialize();

        App.Http.Account.save(account).done(() => {

            $footerUserDisplayName.text('Hello, ' + $firstName.val() + ' ' + $lastName.val() + '!');

     * Make sure the username is unique.
    function onUsernameChange() {
        const username = $username.val();

        App.Http.Account.validateUsername(vars('user_id'), username).done((response) => {
            const isValid = response.is_valid;
            $username.toggleClass('is-invalid', !isValid);
            if (!isValid) {

     * Initialize the page.
    function initialize() {
        const account = vars('account');


        $saveSettings.on('click', onSaveSettingsClick);

        $username.on('change', onUsernameChange);

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize);

    return {};