* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2020, Alex Tselegidis * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3 * @link http://easyappointments.org * @since v1.0.0 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Providers_Model Class * * Contains the database operations for the service provider users of Easy!Appointments. * * @package Models */ class Providers_model extends EA_Model { /** * Providers_Model constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->helper('data_validation'); $this->load->helper('general'); } /** * Add (insert - update) a service provider record. * * If the record already exists (id value provided) then it is going to be updated, otherwise inserted into the * database. * * @param array $provider Contains the service provider data. * * @return int Returns the record id. * * @throws Exception When the record data validation fails. */ public function add($provider) { $this->validate($provider); if ($this->exists($provider) && ! isset($provider['id'])) { $provider['id'] = $this->find_record_id($provider); } if ( ! isset($provider['id'])) { $provider['id'] = $this->insert($provider); } else { $provider['id'] = $this->update($provider); } return (int)$provider['id']; } /** * Validate provider data before the insert or update operation is executed. * * @param array $provider Contains the provider data. * * @return bool Returns the validation result. * * @throws Exception If provider validation fails. */ public function validate($provider) { // If a provider id is present, check whether the record exist in the database. if (isset($provider['id'])) { $num_rows = $this->db->get_where('users', ['id' => $provider['id']])->num_rows(); if ($num_rows == 0) { throw new Exception('Provided record id does not exist in the database.'); } } // Validate required fields. if ( ! isset( $provider['last_name'], $provider['email'], $provider['phone_number'] )) { throw new Exception('Not all required fields are provided: ' . print_r($provider, TRUE)); } // Validate provider email address. if ( ! filter_var($provider['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new Exception('Invalid email address provided: ' . $provider['email']); } // Validate provider services. if ( ! isset($provider['services']) || ! is_array($provider['services'])) { throw new Exception('Invalid provider services given: ' . print_r($provider, TRUE)); } else { // Check if services are valid int values. foreach ($provider['services'] as $service_id) { if ( ! is_numeric($service_id)) { throw new Exception('A provider service with invalid id was found: ' . print_r($provider, TRUE)); } } } // Validate provider settings. if ( ! isset($provider['settings']) || count($provider['settings']) === 0 || ! is_array($provider['settings'])) { throw new Exception('Invalid provider settings given: ' . print_r($provider, TRUE)); } // Check if username exists. if (isset($provider['settings']['username'])) { $user_id = (isset($provider['id'])) ? $provider['id'] : ''; if ( ! $this->validate_username($provider['settings']['username'], $user_id)) { throw new Exception ('Username already exists. Please select a different ' . 'username for this record.'); } } // Validate provider password if (isset($provider['settings']['password'])) { if (strlen($provider['settings']['password']) < MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) { throw new Exception('The user password must be at least ' . MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH . ' characters long.'); } } // Validate calendar view mode. if (isset($provider['settings']['calendar_view']) && ($provider['settings']['calendar_view'] !== CALENDAR_VIEW_DEFAULT && $provider['settings']['calendar_view'] !== CALENDAR_VIEW_TABLE)) { throw new Exception('The calendar view setting must be either "' . CALENDAR_VIEW_DEFAULT . '" or "' . CALENDAR_VIEW_TABLE . '", given: ' . $provider['settings']['calendar_view']); } // When inserting a record the email address must be unique. $provider_id = (isset($provider['id'])) ? $provider['id'] : ''; $num_rows = $this->db ->select('*') ->from('users') ->join('roles', 'roles.id = users.id_roles', 'inner') ->where('roles.slug', DB_SLUG_PROVIDER) ->where('users.email', $provider['email']) ->where('users.id !=', $provider_id) ->get() ->num_rows(); if ($num_rows > 0) { throw new Exception('Given email address belongs to another provider record. ' . 'Please use a different email.'); } return TRUE; } /** * Validate Records Username * * @param string $username The provider records username. * @param int $user_id The user record id. * * @return bool Returns the validation result. */ public function validate_username($username, $user_id) { $num_rows = $this->db->get_where('user_settings', ['username' => $username, 'id_users != ' => $user_id])->num_rows(); return $num_rows > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE; } /** * Check whether a particular provider record already exists in the database. * * @param array $provider Contains the provider data. The 'email' value is required in order to check for a provider. * * @return bool Returns whether the provider record exists or not. * * @throws Exception When the 'email' value is not provided. */ public function exists($provider) { if ( ! isset($provider['email'])) { throw new Exception('Provider email is not provided:' . print_r($provider, TRUE)); } // This method shouldn't depend on another method of this class. $num_rows = $this->db ->select('*') ->from('users') ->join('roles', 'roles.id = users.id_roles', 'inner') ->where('users.email', $provider['email']) ->where('roles.slug', DB_SLUG_PROVIDER) ->get()->num_rows(); return $num_rows > 0; } /** * Find the database record id of a provider. * * @param array $provider Contains the provider data. The 'email' value is required in order to find the record id. * * @return int Returns the record id. * * @throws Exception When the provider's email value is not provided. */ public function find_record_id($provider) { if ( ! isset($provider['email'])) { throw new Exception('Provider email was not provided:' . print_r($provider, TRUE)); } $result = $this->db ->select('users.id') ->from('users') ->join('roles', 'roles.id = users.id_roles', 'inner') ->where('users.email', $provider['email']) ->where('roles.slug', DB_SLUG_PROVIDER) ->get(); if ($result->num_rows() == 0) { throw new Exception('Could not find provider record id.'); } return (int)$result->row()->id; } /** * Insert a new provider record into the database. * * @param array $provider Contains the provider data (must be already validated). * * @return int Returns the new record id. * * @throws Exception When the insert operation fails. */ protected function insert($provider) { // Get provider role id. $provider['id_roles'] = $this->get_providers_role_id(); // Store provider settings and services (must not be present on the $provider array). $services = $provider['services']; unset($provider['services']); $settings = $provider['settings']; unset($provider['settings']); // Insert provider record and save settings. if ( ! $this->db->insert('users', $provider)) { throw new Exception('Could not insert provider into the database'); } $settings['salt'] = generate_salt(); $settings['password'] = hash_password($settings['salt'], $settings['password']); $provider['id'] = $this->db->insert_id(); $this->save_settings($settings, $provider['id']); $this->save_services($services, $provider['id']); // Return the new record id. return (int)$provider['id']; } /** * Get the providers role id from the database. * * @return int Returns the role id for the provider records. */ public function get_providers_role_id() { return $this->db->get_where('roles', ['slug' => DB_SLUG_PROVIDER])->row()->id; } /** * Save the provider settings (used from insert or update operation). * * @param array $settings Contains the setting values. * @param int $provider_id Record id of the provider. * * @throws Exception If $provider_id argument is invalid. * @throws Exception If $settings argument is invalid. */ protected function save_settings($settings, $provider_id) { if ( ! is_numeric($provider_id)) { throw new Exception('Invalid $provider_id argument given:' . $provider_id); } if (count($settings) == 0 || ! is_array($settings)) { throw new Exception('Invalid $settings argument given:' . print_r($settings, TRUE)); } // Check if the setting record exists in db. if ($this->db->get_where('user_settings', ['id_users' => $provider_id])->num_rows() === 0) { $this->db->insert('user_settings', ['id_users' => $provider_id]); } foreach ($settings as $name => $value) { // Sort in descending order the working plan exceptions in a reverse order (makes it easier to edit them // later on). if ($name === 'working_plan_exceptions') { $value = json_decode($value, TRUE); if ( ! $value) { $value = []; } krsort($value); $value = json_encode($value); } $this->set_setting($name, $value, $provider_id); } } /** * Set a provider's setting value in the database. * * The provider and settings record must already exist. * * @param string $setting_name The setting's name. * @param string $value The setting's value. * @param int $provider_id The selected provider id. * * @return bool */ public function set_setting($setting_name, $value, $provider_id) { $this->db->where(['id_users' => $provider_id]); return $this->db->update('user_settings', [$setting_name => $value]); } /** * Save the provider services in the database (use on both insert and update operation). * * @param array $services Contains the service ids that the selected provider can provide. * @param int $provider_id The selected provider record id. * * @throws Exception When the $services argument type is not array. * @throws Exception When the $provider_id argument type is not int. */ protected function save_services($services, $provider_id) { // Validate method arguments. if ( ! is_array($services)) { throw new Exception('Invalid argument type $services: ' . $services); } if ( ! is_numeric($provider_id)) { throw new Exception('Invalid argument type $provider_id: ' . $provider_id); } // Save provider services in the database (delete old records and add new). $this->db->delete('services_providers', ['id_users' => $provider_id]); foreach ($services as $service_id) { $service_provider = [ 'id_users' => $provider_id, 'id_services' => $service_id ]; $this->db->insert('services_providers', $service_provider); } } /** * Update an existing provider record in the database. * * @param array $provider Contains the provider data. * * @return int Returns the record id. * * @throws Exception When the update operation fails. */ protected function update($provider) { // Store service and settings (must not be present on the $provider array). $services = $provider['services']; unset($provider['services']); $settings = $provider['settings']; unset($provider['settings']); if (isset($settings['password'])) { $salt = $this->db->get_where('user_settings', ['id_users' => $provider['id']])->row()->salt; $settings['password'] = hash_password($salt, $settings['password']); } // Update provider record. $this->db->where('id', $provider['id']); if ( ! $this->db->update('users', $provider)) { throw new Exception('Could not update provider record.'); } $this->save_services($services, $provider['id']); $this->save_settings($settings, $provider['id']); // Return record id. return (int)$provider['id']; } /** * Delete an existing provider record from the database. * * @param $provider_id * * @return bool Returns the delete operation result. * * @throws Exception When the provider id value is not int. */ public function delete($provider_id) { if ( ! is_numeric($provider_id)) { throw new Exception('Invalid argument type $provider_id: ' . $provider_id); } $num_rows = $this->db->get_where('users', ['id' => $provider_id])->num_rows(); if ($num_rows === 0) { return FALSE; // Record does not exist in database. } return $this->db->delete('users', ['id' => $provider_id]); } /** * Get a specific field value from the database. * * @param string $field_name The field name of the value to be returned. * @param int $provider_id Record id of the value to be returned. * * @return string Returns the selected record value from the database. * * @throws Exception When the $field_name argument is not a valid string. * @throws Exception When the $provider_id is not a valid int. * @throws Exception When the provider record does not exist in the database. * @throws Exception When the selected field value is not present on database. */ public function get_value($field_name, $provider_id) { if ( ! is_numeric($provider_id)) { throw new Exception('Invalid argument provided as $provider_id: ' . $provider_id); } if ( ! is_string($field_name)) { throw new Exception('$field_name argument is not a string: ' . $field_name); } // Check whether the provider record exists in database. $result = $this->db->get_where('users', ['id' => $provider_id]); if ($result->num_rows() == 0) { throw new Exception('The record with the $provider_id argument does not exist in ' . 'the database: ' . $provider_id); } $provider = $result->row_array(); if ( ! isset($provider[$field_name])) { throw new Exception('The given $field_name argument does not exist in the database: ' . $field_name); } return $provider[$field_name]; } /** * Get all, or specific records from provider's table. * * Example: * * $this->Model->get_batch('id = ' . $recordId); * * @param mixed|null $where (OPTIONAL) The WHERE clause of the query to be executed. * @param int|null $limit * @param int|null $offset * @param mixed|null $order_by * * @return array Returns the rows from the database. */ public function get_batch($where = NULL, $limit = NULL, $offset = NULL, $order_by = NULL) { // CI db class may confuse two where clauses made in the same time, so get the role id first and then apply the // get_batch() where clause. $role_id = $this->get_providers_role_id(); if ($where !== NULL) { $this->db->where($where); } if ($order_by !== NULL) { $this->db->order_by($order_by); } $batch = $this->db->get_where('users', ['id_roles' => $role_id], $limit, $offset)->result_array(); // Include each provider services and settings. foreach ($batch as &$provider) { // Services $services = $this->db->get_where('services_providers', ['id_users' => $provider['id']])->result_array(); $provider['services'] = []; foreach ($services as $service) { $provider['services'][] = $service['id_services']; } // Settings $provider['settings'] = $this->db->get_where('user_settings', ['id_users' => $provider['id']])->row_array(); unset($provider['settings']['id_users']); } // Return provider records in an array. return $batch; } /** * Get the available system providers. * * This method returns the available providers and the services that can provide. * * @return array Returns an array with the providers data. */ public function get_available_providers() { // Get provider records from database. $this->db ->select('users.*') ->from('users') ->join('roles', 'roles.id = users.id_roles', 'inner') ->where('roles.slug', DB_SLUG_PROVIDER) ->order_by('first_name ASC, last_name ASC, email ASC'); $providers = $this->db->get()->result_array(); // Include each provider services and settings. foreach ($providers as &$provider) { // Services $services = $this->db->get_where('services_providers', ['id_users' => $provider['id']])->result_array(); $provider['services'] = []; foreach ($services as $service) { $provider['services'][] = $service['id_services']; } // Settings $provider['settings'] = $this->db->get_where('user_settings', ['id_users' => $provider['id']])->row_array(); unset( $provider['settings']['username'], $provider['settings']['password'], $provider['settings']['salt'] ); } // Return provider records. return $providers; } /** * Save the provider working plan exception. * * @param string $date The working plan exception date (in YYYY-MM-DD format). * @param array $working_plan_exception Contains the working plan exception information ("start", "end" and "breaks" * properties). * @param int $provider_id The selected provider record id. * * @return bool Return if the new working plan exceptions is correctly saved to DB. * * @throws Exception If start time is after the end time. * @throws Exception If $provider_id argument is invalid. */ public function save_working_plan_exception($date, $working_plan_exception, $provider_id) { // Validate the working plan exception data. $start = date('H:i', strtotime($working_plan_exception['start'])); $end = date('H:i', strtotime($working_plan_exception['end'])); if ($start > $end) { throw new Exception('Working plan exception "start" must be prior to "end".'); } // Make sure the provider record exists. $conditions = [ 'id' => $provider_id, 'id_roles' => $this->db->get_where('roles', ['slug' => DB_SLUG_PROVIDER])->row()->id ]; if ($this->db->get_where('users', $conditions)->num_rows() === 0) { throw new Exception('Provider record was not found in database: ' . $provider_id); } // Add record to database. $working_plan_exceptions = json_decode($this->get_setting('working_plan_exceptions', $provider_id), TRUE); if ( ! isset($working_plan_exception['breaks'])) { $working_plan_exception['breaks'] = []; } $working_plan_exceptions[$date] = $working_plan_exception; return $this->set_setting( 'working_plan_exceptions', json_encode($working_plan_exceptions), $provider_id ); } /** * Get a providers setting from the database. * * @param string $setting_name The setting name that is going to be returned. * @param int $provider_id The selected provider id. * * @return string Returns the value of the selected user setting. */ public function get_setting($setting_name, $provider_id) { $provider_settings = $this->db->get_where('user_settings', ['id_users' => $provider_id])->row_array(); return $provider_settings[$setting_name]; } /** * Delete a provider working plan exception. * * @param string $date The working plan exception date (in YYYY-MM-DD format). * @param int $provider_id The selected provider record id. * * @return bool Return if the new working plan exceptions is correctly deleted from DB. * * @throws Exception If $provider_id argument is invalid. */ public function delete_working_plan_exception($date, $provider_id) { $provider = $this->get_row($provider_id); $working_plan_exceptions = json_decode($provider['settings']['working_plan_exceptions'], TRUE); if ( ! isset($working_plan_exceptions[$date])) { return TRUE; // The selected date does not exist in provider's settings. } unset($working_plan_exceptions[$date]); return $this->set_setting( 'working_plan_exceptions', json_encode(empty($working_plan_exceptions) ? new stdClass() : $working_plan_exceptions), $provider_id ); } /** * Get a specific provider record from the database. * * @param int $provider_id The id of the record to be returned. * * @return array Returns an associative array with the selected record's data. Each key has the same name as the * database field names. * * @throws Exception When the selected record does not exist in database. */ public function get_row($provider_id) { if ( ! is_numeric($provider_id)) { throw new Exception('$provider_id argument is not a valid numeric value: ' . $provider_id); } // Check if selected record exists on database. if ($this->db->get_where('users', ['id' => $provider_id])->num_rows() == 0) { throw new Exception('Selected record does not exist in the database.'); } // Get provider data. $provider = $this->db->get_where('users', ['id' => $provider_id])->row_array(); // Include provider services. $services = $this->db->get_where('services_providers', ['id_users' => $provider_id])->result_array(); $provider['services'] = []; foreach ($services as $service) { $provider['services'][] = $service['id_services']; } // Include provider settings. $provider['settings'] = $this->db->get_where('user_settings', ['id_users' => $provider_id])->row_array(); unset($provider['settings']['id_users']); // Return provider data array. return $provider; } }