/** * This file contains the Genral Functions javascript namespace. * It contains functions that apply both on the front and back * end of the application. * * @namespace General javascript functions. */ var GeneralFunctions = {}; /** * This functions displays a message box in * the admin array. It is usefull when user * decisions or verifications are needed. * * @param {string} title The title of the message box. * @param {string} message The message of the dialog. * @param {array} messageButtons Contains the dialog * buttons along with their functions. */ GeneralFunctions.displayMessageBox = function(title, message, messageButtons) { // Check arguments integrity. if (title == undefined || title == "") { title = ""; } if (message == undefined || message == "") { message = ""; } if (messageButtons == undefined) { messageButtons = { Close: function() { jQuery("#message_box").dialog("close"); } }; } // Destroy previous dialog instances. jQuery("#message_box").dialog("destroy"); jQuery("#message_box").remove(); // Create the html of the message box. jQuery("body").append( "
" + "

" + message + "

" + "
" ); jQuery("#message_box").dialog({ autoOpen : false, modal : true, resize : "auto", width : 400, height : "auto", resizable : false, buttons : messageButtons, closeOnEscape : false }); jQuery("#message_box").dialog("open"); jQuery("#message_box .ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide(); }