/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Easy!Appointments - Open Source Web Scheduler
 * @package     EasyAppointments
 * @author      A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) Alex Tselegidis
 * @license     https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3
 * @link        https://easyappointments.org
 * @since       v1.0.0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Booking HTTP client.
 * This module implements the booking related HTTP requests.
 * Old Name: FrontendBookApi
App.Http.Booking = (function () {
    let unavailableDatesBackup;
    let selectedDateStringBackup;
    let processingUnavailabilities = false;

     * Get Available Hours
     * This function makes an AJAX call and returns the available hours for the selected service,
     * provider and date.
     * @param {String} selectedDate The selected date of the available hours we need.
    function getAvailableHours(selectedDate) {

        // Find the selected service duration (it is going to be send within the "data" object).
        const serviceId = $('#select-service').val();

        // Default value of duration (in minutes).
        let serviceDuration = 15;

        const service = App.Vars.available_services.find(
            (availableService) => Number(availableService.id) === Number(serviceId)

        if (service) {
            serviceDuration = service.duration;

        // If the manage mode is true then the appointment's start date should return as available too.
        const appointmentId = App.Pages.Booking.manageMode ? App.Vars.appointment_data.id : null;

        // Make ajax post request and get the available hours.
        const url = App.Utils.Url.siteUrl('booking/ajax_get_available_hours');

        const data = {
            csrf_token: App.Vars.csrf_token,
            service_id: $('#select-service').val(),
            provider_id: $('#select-provider').val(),
            selected_date: selectedDate,
            service_duration: serviceDuration,
            manage_mode: App.Pages.Booking.manageMode,
            appointment_id: appointmentId

        $.post(url, data).done((response) => {
            // The response contains the available hours for the selected provider and service. Fill the available
            // hours div with response data.
            if (response.length > 0) {
                let providerId = $('#select-provider').val();

                if (providerId === 'any-provider') {
                    for (const availableProvider of App.Vars.available_providers) {
                        if (availableProvider.services.indexOf(Number(serviceId)) !== -1) {
                            providerId = availableProvider.id; // Use first available provider.

                const provider = App.Vars.available_providers.find(
                    (availableProvider) => Number(providerId) === Number(availableProvider.id)

                if (!provider) {
                    throw new Error('Could not find provider.');

                const providerTimezone = provider.timezone;
                const selectedTimezone = $('#select-timezone').val();
                const timeFormat = App.Vars.time_format === 'regular' ? 'h:mm a' : 'HH:mm';

                response.forEach((availableHour) => {
                    const availableHourMoment = moment
                        .tz(selectedDate + ' ' + availableHour + ':00', providerTimezone)

                    if (availableHourMoment.format('YYYY-MM-DD') !== selectedDate) {
                        return; // Due to the selected timezone the available hour belongs to another date.

                        $('<button/>', {
                            'class': 'btn btn-outline-secondary w-100 shadow-none available-hour',
                            'data': {
                                'value': availableHour
                            'text': availableHourMoment.format(timeFormat)

                if (App.Pages.Booking.manageMode) {
                    // Set the appointment's start time as the default selection.
                            (index, availableHourEl) =>
                                $(availableHourEl).text() ===
                } else {
                    // Set the first available hour as the default selection.


            if (!$('.available-hour').length) {

     * Register an appointment to the database.
     * This method will make an ajax call to the appointments controller that will register
     * the appointment to the database.
    function registerAppointment() {
        const $captchaText = $('.captcha-text');

        if ($captchaText.length > 0) {
            if ($captchaText.val() === '') {

        const formData = JSON.parse($('input[name="post_data"]').val());

        const data = {
            csrf_token: App.Vars.csrf_token,
            post_data: formData

        if ($captchaText.length > 0) {
            data.captcha = $captchaText.val();

        if (App.Vars.manage_mode) {
            data.exclude_appointment_id = App.Vars.appointment_data.id;

        const url = App.Utils.Url.siteUrl('booking/register');

        const $layer = $('<div/>');

            url: url,
            method: 'post',
            data: data,
            dataType: 'json',
            beforeSend: () => {
                    background: 'white',
                    position: 'fixed',
                    top: '0',
                    left: '0',
                    height: '100vh',
                    width: '100vw',
                    opacity: '0.5'
            .done((response) => {
                if (response.captcha_verification === false) {
                    $('#captcha-hint').text(App.Lang.captcha_is_wrong).fadeTo(400, 1);

                    setTimeout(() => {
                        $('#captcha-hint').fadeTo(400, 0);
                    }, 3000);

                    $('.captcha-title button').trigger('click');


                    return false;

                window.location.href = App.Utils.Url.siteUrl('booking_confirmation/of/' + response.appointment_hash);
            .fail(() => {
                $('.captcha-title button').trigger('click');
            .always(() => {

     * Get the unavailable dates of a provider.
     * This method will fetch the unavailable dates of the selected provider and service and then it will
     * select the first available date (if any). It uses the "FrontendBookApi.getAvailableHours" method to
     * fetch the appointment* hours of the selected date.
     * @param {Number} providerId The selected provider ID.
     * @param {Number} serviceId The selected service ID.
     * @param {String} selectedDateString Y-m-d value of the selected date.
    function getUnavailableDates(providerId, serviceId, selectedDateString) {
        if (processingUnavailabilities) {

        if (!providerId || !serviceId) {

        const appointmentId = App.Pages.Booking.manageMode ? App.Vars.appointment_data.id : null;

        const url = App.Utils.Url.siteUrl('booking/ajax_get_unavailable_dates');

        const data = {
            provider_id: providerId,
            service_id: serviceId,
            selected_date: encodeURIComponent(selectedDateString),
            csrf_token: App.Vars.csrf_token,
            manage_mode: App.Pages.Booking.manageMode,
            appointment_id: appointmentId

            url: url,
            type: 'GET',
            data: data,
            dataType: 'json'
        }).done((response) => {
            unavailableDatesBackup = response;
            selectedDateStringBackup = selectedDateString;
            applyUnavailableDates(response, selectedDateString, true);

    function applyPreviousUnavailableDates() {
        applyUnavailableDates(unavailableDatesBackup, selectedDateStringBackup);

    function applyUnavailableDates(unavailableDates, selectedDateString, setDate) {
        setDate = setDate || false;

        processingUnavailabilities = true;

        // Select first enabled date.
        const selectedDateMoment = moment(selectedDateString);
        const selectedDate = selectedDateMoment.toDate();
        const numberOfDays = selectedDateMoment.daysInMonth();

        if (setDate && !App.Vars.manage_mode) {
            for (let i = 1; i <= numberOfDays; i++) {
                const currentDate = new Date(selectedDate.getFullYear(), selectedDate.getMonth(), i);
                if (unavailableDates.indexOf(moment(currentDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')) === -1) {
                    $('#select-date').datepicker('setDate', currentDate);

        // If all the days are unavailable then hide the appointments hours.
        if (unavailableDates.length === numberOfDays) {

        // Grey out unavailable dates.
        $('#select-date .ui-datepicker-calendar td:not(.ui-datepicker-other-month)').each((index, td) => {
            selectedDateMoment.set({day: index + 1});
            if (unavailableDates.indexOf(selectedDateMoment.format('YYYY-MM-DD')) !== -1) {
                $(td).addClass('ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled');

        processingUnavailabilities = false;

     * Save the user's consent.
     * @param {Object} consent Contains user's consents.
    function saveConsent(consent) {
        const url = App.Utils.Url.siteUrl('consents/ajax_save_consent');

        const data = {
            csrf_token: App.Vars.csrf_token,
            consent: consent

        $.post(url, data);

     * Delete personal information.
     * @param {Number} customerToken Customer unique token.
    function deletePersonalInformation(customerToken) {
        const url = App.Utils.Url.siteUrl('privacy/ajax_delete_personal_information');

        const data = {
            csrf_token: App.Vars.csrf_token,
            customer_token: customerToken

        $.post(url, data).done(() => {
            window.location.href = App.Vars.base_url;

    return {