:: Easy!Appointments :: :: This script generates the code documentation of the system :: using the jsdoc and apigen tools. In order to run properly :: the system should have Java and ApiGen installed already. :: :: THIS SCRIPT RUNS ONLY ON WINDOWS. YOU MIGHT NEED TO CHANGE :: THE APIGEN SCRIPT PATH TO WHERE YOUR INSTALLATION EXISTS. :: :: You might need to change the mermory_limit setting on your :: php.ini file to successfully generate the php documentation. ::@echo off TITLE Easy!Appointments DEL "js\*.*" /Q DEL "php\*.*" /Q CALL ..\..\data\scripts\jsdoc\jsdoc ..\..\src\assets\js -d js CALL C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\apigen --source ..\..\src\application\controllers --source ..\..\src\application\models --destination php