/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Easy!Appointments - Online Appointment Scheduler * * @package EasyAppointments * @author A.Tselegidis * @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Tselegidis * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3 * @link https://easyappointments.org * @since v1.5.0 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * UI utility. * * This module provides commonly used UI functionality. */ window.App.Utils.UI = (function () { /** * Get the Flatpickr compatible date format. * * @return {String} */ function getDateFormat() { switch (vars('date_format')) { case 'DMY': return 'd/m/Y'; case 'MDY': return 'm/d/Y'; case 'YMD': return 'Y/m/d'; default: throw new Error('Invalid date format value.'); } } /** * Get the Flatpickr compatible date format. * * @return {String} */ function getTimeFormat() { switch (vars('time_format')) { case 'regular': return 'h:i K'; case 'military': return 'H:i'; default: throw new Error('Invalid date format value.'); } } /** * Get the localization object. * * @return Object */ function getFlatpickrLocale() { const firstWeekDay = vars('first_weekday'); const firstWeekDayNumber = App.Utils.Date.getWeekdayId(firstWeekDay); return { weekdays: { shorthand: [ lang('sunday_short'), lang('monday_short'), lang('tuesday_short'), lang('wednesday_short'), lang('thursday_short'), lang('friday_short'), lang('saturday_short'), ], longhand: [ lang('sunday'), lang('monday'), lang('tuesday'), lang('wednesday'), lang('thursday'), lang('friday'), lang('saturday'), ], }, months: { shorthand: [ lang('january_short'), lang('february_short'), lang('march_short'), lang('april_short'), lang('may_short'), lang('june_short'), lang('july_short'), lang('august_short'), lang('september_short'), lang('october_short'), lang('november_short'), lang('december_short'), ], longhand: [ lang('january'), lang('february'), lang('march'), lang('april'), lang('may'), lang('june'), lang('july'), lang('august'), lang('september'), lang('october'), lang('november'), lang('december'), ], }, daysInMonth: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], firstDayOfWeek: firstWeekDayNumber, ordinal: function (nth) { const s = nth % 100; if (s > 3 && s < 21) return 'th'; switch (s % 10) { case 1: return 'st'; case 2: return 'nd'; case 3: return 'rd'; default: return 'th'; } }, rangeSeparator: ` ${lang('to')} `, weekAbbreviation: lang('week_short'), scrollTitle: lang('scroll_to_increment'), toggleTitle: lang('click_to_toggle'), amPM: [lang('am'), lang('pm')], yearAriaLabel: lang('year'), monthAriaLabel: lang('month'), hourAriaLabel: lang('hour'), minuteAriaLabel: lang('minute'), time_24hr: false, }; } /** * Initialize the date time picker component. * * This method is based on jQuery UI. * * @param {jQuery} $target * @param {Object} [params] */ function initializeDateTimePicker($target, params = {}) { $target.flatpickr({ enableTime: true, allowInput: true, static: true, dateFormat: `${getDateFormat()} ${getTimeFormat()}`, time_24hr: vars('time_format') === 'military', locale: getFlatpickrLocale(), ...params, }); } /** * Initialize the date picker component. * * This method is based on jQuery UI. * * @param {jQuery} $target * @param {Object} [params] */ function initializeDatePicker($target, params = {}) { $target.flatpickr({ allowInput: true, dateFormat: getDateFormat(), locale: getFlatpickrLocale(), static: true, ...params, }); } /** * Initialize the time picker component. * * This method is based on jQuery UI. * * @param {jQuery} $target * @param {Object} [params] */ function initializeTimePicker($target, params = {}) { $target.flatpickr({ noCalendar: true, enableTime: true, allowInput: true, dateFormat: getTimeFormat(), time_24hr: vars('time_format') === 'military', locale: getFlatpickrLocale(), static: true, ...params, }); } /** * Initialize the select dropdown component. * * This method is based on Select2. * * @param {jQuery} $target * @param {Object} [params] */ function initializeDropdown($target, params = {}) { $target.select2(params); } /** * Initialize the text editor component. * * This method is based on Trumbowyg. * * @param {jQuery} $target * @param {Object} [params] */ function initializeTextEditor($target, params = {}) { $target.trumbowyg(params); } /** * Get Date, Date-Time or Time picker value. * * @param {jQuery} $target * * @return {Date} */ function getDateTimePickerValue($target) { if (!$target?.length) { throw new Error('Empty $target argument provided.'); } return $target[0]._flatpickr.selectedDates[0]; } /** * Set Date, Date-Time or Time picker value. * * @param {jQuery} $target * @param {Date} value */ function setDateTimePickerValue($target, value) { if (!$target?.length) { throw new Error('Empty $target argument provided.'); } return $target[0]._flatpickr.setDate(value); } return { initializeDateTimePicker, initializeDatePicker, initializeTimePicker, initializeDropdown, initializeTextEditor, getDateTimePickerValue, setDateTimePickerValue, }; })();