/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Easy!Appointments - Online Appointment Scheduler
 * @package     EasyAppointments
 * @author      A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) Alex Tselegidis
 * @license     https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3
 * @link        https://easyappointments.org
 * @since       v1.5.0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Working plan exceptions modal component.
 * This module implements the working plan exceptions modal functionality.
App.Components.WorkingPlanExceptionsModal = (function () {
    const $modal = $('#working-plan-exceptions-modal');
    const $date = $('#working-plan-exceptions-date');
    const $start = $('#working-plan-exceptions-start');
    const $end = $('#working-plan-exceptions-end');
    const $breaks = $('#working-plan-exceptions-breaks');
    const $save = $('#working-plan-exceptions-save');
    const $addBreak = $('.working-plan-exceptions-add-break');
    const $isNonWorkingDay = $('#working-plan-exceptions-is-non-working-day');

    const moment = window.moment;

    let deferred = null;
    let enableSubmit = false;
    let enableCancel = false;

     * Reset the modal fields back to the original empty state.
    function resetModal() {
        $addBreak.prop('disabled', false);
        $isNonWorkingDay.prop('checked', false);

     * Render a single table row as a placeholder to empty breaks table.
    function renderNoBreaksRow() {
        return $(`
            <tr class="no-breaks-row">
                <td colspan="3" class="text-center">

     * Toggle the state of the fields depending on the non-working day checkbox value.
     * @param {Boolean} isNonWorkingDay
    function toggleFieldsByNonWorkingDay(isNonWorkingDay) {
        $start.prop('disabled', isNonWorkingDay).toggleClass('text-decoration-line-through', isNonWorkingDay);
        $end.prop('disabled', isNonWorkingDay).toggleClass('text-decoration-line-through', isNonWorkingDay);
        $addBreak.prop('disabled', isNonWorkingDay);
        $breaks.find('button').prop('disabled', isNonWorkingDay);
        $breaks.toggleClass('text-decoration-line-through', isNonWorkingDay);

     * Validate the modal form fields and return false if the validation fails.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    function validate() {

        const date = App.Utils.UI.getDateTimePickerValue($date);

        if (!date) {

        const start = App.Utils.UI.getDateTimePickerValue($start);

        if (!start) {

        const end = App.Utils.UI.getDateTimePickerValue($end);

        if (!end) {

        return !$modal.find('.is-invalid').length;

     * Event: On Modal "Hidden"
     * This event is used to automatically reset the modal back to the original state.
    function onModalHidden() {

     * Serialize the entered break entries.
     * @returns {Array}
    function getBreaks() {
        const breaks = [];

            .find('tbody tr')
            .each((index, tr) => {
                const $tr = $(tr);

                if ($tr.find('input:text').length) {
                    return true;

                const start = $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-break-start').text();
                const end = $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-break-end').text();

                    start: moment(start, vars('time_format') === 'regular' ? 'h:mm a' : 'HH:mm').format('HH:mm'),
                    end: moment(end, vars('time_format') === 'regular' ? 'h:mm a' : 'HH:mm').format('HH:mm'),

        // Sort breaks increasingly by hour within day
        breaks.sort((break1, break2) => {
            // We can do a direct string comparison since we have time based on 24 hours clock.
            return break1.start.localeCompare(break2.start);

        return breaks;

     * Event: On Save "Click"
     * Serialize the entire working plan exception and resolved the promise so that external code can save it.
    function onSaveClick() {
        if (!deferred) {

        if (!validate()) {

        const date = moment(App.Utils.UI.getDateTimePickerValue($date)).format('YYYY-MM-DD');

        const isNonWorkingDay = $isNonWorkingDay.prop('checked');

        const workingPlanException = isNonWorkingDay
            ? null
            : {
                  start: moment(App.Utils.UI.getDateTimePickerValue($start)).format('HH:mm'),
                  end: moment(App.Utils.UI.getDateTimePickerValue($end)).format('HH:mm'),
                  breaks: getBreaks(),

        deferred.resolve(date, workingPlanException);



     * Enable the inline-editable table cell functionality for the provided target element..
     * @param {jQuery} $target
    function editableTimeCell($target) {
            (value) => {
                // Do not return the value because the user needs to press the "Save" button.
                return value;
                event: 'edit',
                height: '30px',
                submit: $('<button/>', {
                    'type': 'button',
                    'class': 'd-none submit-editable',
                    'text': lang('save'),
                cancel: $('<button/>', {
                    'type': 'button',
                    'class': 'd-none cancel-editable',
                    'text': lang('cancel'),
                onblur: 'ignore',
                onreset: () => {
                    if (!enableCancel) {
                        return false; // disable ESC button
                onsubmit: () => {
                    if (!enableSubmit) {
                        return false; // disable Enter button

    function resetTimeSelection() {
        App.Utils.UI.setDateTimePickerValue($start, moment('08:00', 'HH:mm').toDate());
        App.Utils.UI.setDateTimePickerValue($end, moment('20:00', 'HH:mm').toDate());

     * Open the modal and start adding a new working plan exception.
     * @returns {*|jQuery.Deferred}
    function add() {
        deferred = $.Deferred();

        App.Utils.UI.setDateTimePickerValue($date, new Date());


        $isNonWorkingDay.prop('checked', false);



        return deferred.promise();

     * Modify the provided working plan exception for the selected date.
     * @param {String} date
     * @param {Object} workingPlanException
     * @return {*|jQuery.Deferred}
    function edit(date, workingPlanException) {
        deferred = $.Deferred();

        const isNonWorkingDay = !Boolean(workingPlanException);

        App.Utils.UI.setDateTimePickerValue($date, moment(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD').toDate());

        if (isNonWorkingDay === false) {
            App.Utils.UI.setDateTimePickerValue($start, moment(workingPlanException.start, 'HH:mm').toDate());
            App.Utils.UI.setDateTimePickerValue($end, moment(workingPlanException.end, 'HH:mm').toDate());

            if (!workingPlanException.breaks) {

            workingPlanException.breaks.forEach((workingPlanExceptionBreak) => {

                $breaks.find('tbody .working-plan-exceptions-break-start, tbody .working-plan-exceptions-break-end'),
        } else {
            App.Utils.UI.setDateTimePickerValue($start, moment('08:00', 'HH:mm').toDate());
            App.Utils.UI.setDateTimePickerValue($end, moment('20:00', 'HH:mm').toDate());

        $isNonWorkingDay.prop('checked', isNonWorkingDay);



        return deferred.promise();

     * Render a break table row based on the provided break period object.
     * @param {Object} breakPeriod
     * @return {jQuery}
    function renderBreakRow(breakPeriod) {
        const timeFormat = vars('time_format') === 'regular' ? 'h:mm a' : 'HH:mm';

        return $('<tr/>', {
            'html': [
                $('<td/>', {
                    'class': 'working-plan-exceptions-break-start editable',
                    'text': moment(breakPeriod.start, 'HH:mm').format(timeFormat),
                $('<td/>', {
                    'class': 'working-plan-exceptions-break-end editable',
                    'text': moment(breakPeriod.end, 'HH:mm').format(timeFormat),
                $('<td/>', {
                    'html': [
                        $('<button/>', {
                            'type': 'button',
                            'class': 'btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm me-2 working-plan-exceptions-edit-break',
                            'title': lang('edit'),
                            'html': [
                                $('<span/>', {
                                    'class': 'fas fa-edit',
                        $('<button/>', {
                            'type': 'button',
                            'class': 'btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm working-plan-exceptions-delete-break',
                            'title': lang('delete'),
                            'html': [
                                $('<span/>', {
                                    'class': 'fas fa-trash-alt',
                        $('<button/>', {
                            'type': 'button',
                            'class': 'btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm me-2 working-plan-exceptions-save-break d-none',
                            'title': lang('save'),
                            'html': [
                                $('<span/>', {
                                    'class': 'fas fa-check-circle',
                        $('<button/>', {
                            'type': 'button',
                            'class': 'btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm working-plan-exceptions-cancel-break d-none',
                            'title': lang('cancel'),
                            'html': [
                                $('<span/>', {
                                    'class': 'fas fa-ban',

     * Event: Add Break "Click"
    function onAddBreakClick() {
        const $newBreak = renderBreakRow({
            start: '12:00',
            end: '14:00',
        }).appendTo('#working-plan-exceptions-breaks tbody');

        // Bind editable and event handlers.
        editableTimeCell($newBreak.find('.working-plan-exceptions-break-start, .working-plan-exceptions-break-end'));
        $addBreak.prop('disabled', true);

     * Event: Edit Break "Click"
    function onEditBreakClick() {
        // Reset previous editable table cells.
        const $previousEdits = $(this).closest('table').find('.editable');

        $previousEdits.each((index, editable) => {
            if (editable.reset) {

        // Make all cells in current row editable.
        let $tr = $(this).closest('tr');
            $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-break-start input, .working-plan-exceptions-break-end input'),

        // Show save - cancel buttons.
        $tr = $(this).closest('tr');
        $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-edit-break, .working-plan-exceptions-delete-break').addClass('d-none');
        $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-save-break, .working-plan-exceptions-cancel-break').removeClass('d-none');
        $tr.find('select,input:text').addClass('form-control input-sm');

        $addBreak.prop('disabled', true);

     * Event: Delete Break "Click"
    function onDeleteBreakClick() {

     * Event: Save Break "Click"
    function onSaveBreakClick() {
        // Break's start time must always be prior to break's end.
        const $tr = $(this).closest('tr');
        const start = moment(
            $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-break-start input').val(),
            vars('time_format') === 'regular' ? 'h:mm a' : 'HH:mm',
        const end = moment(
            $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-break-end input').val(),
            vars('time_format') === 'regular' ? 'h:mm a' : 'HH:mm',

        if (start > end) {
            $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-break-end input').val(
                start.add(1, 'hour').format(vars('time_format') === 'regular' ? 'h:mm a' : 'HH:mm'),

        enableSubmit = true;
        $tr.find('.editable .submit-editable').trigger('click');
        enableSubmit = false;

        $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-save-break, .working-plan-exceptions-cancel-break').addClass('d-none');
            .find('.working-plan-exceptions-edit-break, .working-plan-exceptions-delete-break')
        $addBreak.prop('disabled', false);

     * Event: Cancel Break "Click"
    function onCancelBreakClick() {
        const $tr = $(this).closest('tr');
        enableCancel = true;
        enableCancel = false;

            .find('.working-plan-exceptions-edit-break, .working-plan-exceptions-delete-break')
        $tr.find('.working-plan-exceptions-save-break, .working-plan-exceptions-cancel-break').addClass('d-none');
        $addBreak.prop('disabled', false);

     * Event: Is Non-Working Day "Change"
    function onIsNonWorkingDayChange() {
        const isNonWorkingDay = $isNonWorkingDay.prop('checked');

     * Initialize the module.
    function initialize() {

            .on('hidden.bs.modal', onModalHidden)
            .on('click', '.working-plan-exceptions-add-break', onAddBreakClick)
            .on('click', '.working-plan-exceptions-edit-break', onEditBreakClick)
            .on('click', '.working-plan-exceptions-delete-break', onDeleteBreakClick)
            .on('click', '.working-plan-exceptions-save-break', onSaveBreakClick)
            .on('click', '.working-plan-exceptions-cancel-break', onCancelBreakClick);

        $save.on('click', onSaveClick);

        $isNonWorkingDay.on('change', onIsNonWorkingDayChange);

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize);

    return {