<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * Contains all the backend ajax calls. */ class Backend_api extends CI_Controller { private $privileges; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('session'); $this->load->model('roles_model'); $this->privileges = $this->roles_model->get_privileges($this->session->userdata('role_slug')); // Set user's selected language. if ($this->session->userdata('language')) { $this->config->set_item('language', $this->session->userdata('language')); $this->lang->load('translations', $this->session->userdata('language')); } else { $this->lang->load('translations', $this->config->item('language')); // default } } /** * [AJAX] Get the registered appointments for the given date period and record. * * This method returns the database appointments and unavailable periods for the * user selected date period and record type (provider or service). * * @param {numeric} $_POST['record_id'] Selected record id. * @param {string} $_POST['filter_type'] Could be either FILTER_TYPE_PROVIDER or FILTER_TYPE_SERVICE. * @param {string} $_POST['start_date'] The user selected start date. * @param {string} $_POST['end_date'] The user selected end date. */ public function ajax_get_calendar_appointments() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_APPOINTMENTS]['view'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); $this->load->model('services_model'); $this->load->model('customers_model'); if ($_POST['filter_type'] == FILTER_TYPE_PROVIDER) { $where_id = 'id_users_provider'; } else { $where_id = 'id_services'; } // Get appointments $where_clause = array( $where_id => $_POST['record_id'], //'start_datetime >=' => $_POST['start_date'], //'end_datetime <=' => $_POST['end_date'], 'is_unavailable' => FALSE ); $response['appointments'] = $this->appointments_model->get_batch($where_clause); foreach($response['appointments'] as &$appointment) { $appointment['provider'] = $this->providers_model->get_row($appointment['id_users_provider']); $appointment['service'] = $this->services_model->get_row($appointment['id_services']); $appointment['customer'] = $this->customers_model->get_row($appointment['id_users_customer']); } // Get unavailable periods (only for provider). if ($_POST['filter_type'] == FILTER_TYPE_PROVIDER) { $where_clause = array( $where_id => $_POST['record_id'], //'start_datetime >=' => $_POST['start_date'], //'end_datetime <=' => $_POST['end_date'], 'is_unavailable' => TRUE ); $response['unavailables'] = $this->appointments_model->get_batch($where_clause); } echo json_encode($response); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Save appointment changes that are made from the backend calendar * page. * * @param array $_POST['appointment_data'] (OPTIONAL) Array with the * appointment data. * @param array $_POST['customer_data'] (OPTIONAL) Array with the customer * data. */ public function ajax_save_appointment() { try { $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); $this->load->model('services_model'); $this->load->model('customers_model'); $this->load->model('settings_model'); // :: SAVE CUSTOMER CHANGES TO DATABASE if (isset($_POST['customer_data'])) { $customer = json_decode(stripcslashes($_POST['customer_data']), true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($customer['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_CUSTOMERS]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_CUSTOMERS]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $customer['id'] = $this->customers_model->add($customer); } // :: SAVE APPOINTMENT CHANGES TO DATABASE if (isset($_POST['appointment_data'])) { $appointment = json_decode(stripcslashes($_POST['appointment_data']), true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($appointment['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_APPOINTMENTS]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_APPOINTMENTS]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $manage_mode = isset($appointment['id']); // If the appointment does not contain the customer record id, then it // means that is is going to be inserted. Get the customer's record id. if (!isset($appointment['id_users_customer'])) { $appointment['id_users_customer'] = $customer['id']; } $appointment['id'] = $this->appointments_model->add($appointment); } $appointment = $this->appointments_model->get_row($appointment['id']); $provider = $this->providers_model->get_row($appointment['id_users_provider']); $customer = $this->customers_model->get_row($appointment['id_users_customer']); $service = $this->services_model->get_row($appointment['id_services']); $company_settings = array( 'company_name' => $this->settings_model->get_setting('company_name'), 'company_link' => $this->settings_model->get_setting('company_link'), 'company_email' => $this->settings_model->get_setting('company_email') ); // :: SYNC APPOINTMENT CHANGES WITH GOOGLE CALENDAR try { $google_sync = $this->providers_model->get_setting('google_sync', $appointment['id_users_provider']); if ($google_sync == TRUE) { $google_token = json_decode($this->providers_model->get_setting('google_token', $appointment['id_users_provider'])); $this->load->library('Google_Sync'); $this->google_sync->refresh_token($google_token->refresh_token); if ($appointment['id_google_calendar'] == NULL) { $google_event = $this->google_sync->add_appointment($appointment, $provider, $service, $customer, $company_settings); $appointment['id_google_calendar'] = $google_event->id; $this->appointments_model->add($appointment); // Store google calendar id. } else { $this->google_sync->update_appointment($appointment, $provider, $service, $customer, $company_settings); } } } catch(Exception $exc) { $warnings[] = exceptionToJavaScript($exc); } // :: SEND EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS TO PROVIDER AND CUSTOMER try { $this->load->library('Notifications'); $send_provider = $this->providers_model ->get_setting('notifications', $provider['id']); if (!$manage_mode) { $customer_title = $this->lang->line('appointment_booked'); $customer_message = $this->lang->line('thank_your_for_appointment'); $customer_link = $this->config->item('base_url') . '/index.php/appointments/index/' . $appointment['hash']; $provider_title = $this->lang->line('appointment_added_to_your_plan'); $provider_message = $this->lang->line('appointment_link_description'); $provider_link = $this->config->item('base_url') . '/index.php/backend/index/' . $appointment['hash']; } else { $customer_title = $this->lang->line('appointment_changes_saved'); $customer_message = ''; $customer_link = $this->config->item('base_url') . '/index.php/appointments/index/' . $appointment['hash']; $provider_title = $this->lang->line('appointment_details_changed'); $provider_message = ''; $provider_link = $this->config->item('base_url') . '/index.php/backend/index/' . $appointment['hash']; } $this->notifications->send_appointment_details($appointment, $provider, $service, $customer, $company_settings, $customer_title, $customer_message, $customer_link, $customer['email']); if ($send_provider == TRUE) { $this->notifications->send_appointment_details($appointment, $provider, $service, $customer, $company_settings, $provider_title, $provider_message, $provider_link, $provider['email']); } } catch(Exception $exc) { $warnings[] = exceptionToJavaScript($exc); } if (!isset($warnings)) { echo json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS); } else { echo json_encode(array( 'warnings' => $warnings )); } } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Delete appointment from the database. * * This method deletes an existing appointment from the database. Once this * action is finished it cannot be undone. Notification emails are send to both * provider and customer and the delete action is executed to the Google Calendar * account of the provider, if the "google_sync" setting is enabled. * * @param int $_POST['appointment_id'] The appointment id to be deleted. */ public function ajax_delete_appointment() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_APPOINTMENTS]['delete'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } if (!isset($_POST['appointment_id'])) { throw new Exception('No appointment id provided.'); } // :: STORE APPOINTMENT DATA FOR LATER USE IN THIS METHOD $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); $this->load->model('customers_model'); $this->load->model('services_model'); $this->load->model('settings_model'); $appointment = $this->appointments_model->get_row($_POST['appointment_id']); $provider = $this->providers_model->get_row($appointment['id_users_provider']); $customer = $this->customers_model->get_row($appointment['id_users_customer']); $service = $this->services_model->get_row($appointment['id_services']); $company_settings = array( 'company_name' => $this->settings_model->get_setting('company_name'), 'company_email' => $this->settings_model->get_setting('company_email'), 'company_link' => $this->settings_model->get_setting('company_link') ); // :: DELETE APPOINTMENT RECORD FROM DATABASE $this->appointments_model->delete($_POST['appointment_id']); // :: SYNC DELETE WITH GOOGLE CALENDAR if ($appointment['id_google_calendar'] != NULL) { try { $google_sync = $this->providers_model->get_setting('google_sync', $provider['id']); if ($google_sync == TRUE) { $google_token = json_decode($this->providers_model ->get_setting('google_token', $provider['id'])); $this->load->library('Google_Sync'); $this->google_sync->refresh_token($google_token->refresh_token); $this->google_sync->delete_appointment($provider, $appointment['id_google_calendar']); } } catch(Exception $exc) { $warnings[] = exceptionToJavaScript($exc); } } // :: SEND NOTIFICATION EMAILS TO PROVIDER AND CUSTOMER try { $this->load->library('Notifications'); $send_provider = $this->providers_model ->get_setting('notifications', $provider['id']); if ($send_provider == TRUE) { $this->notifications->send_delete_appointment($appointment, $provider, $service, $customer, $company_settings, $provider['email'], $_POST['delete_reason']); } $this->notifications->send_delete_appointment($appointment, $provider, $service, $customer, $company_settings, $customer['email'], $_POST['delete_reason']); } catch(Exception $exc) { $warnings[] = exceptionToJavaScript($exc); } // :: SEND RESPONSE TO CLIENT BROWSER if (!isset($warnings)) { echo json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS); // Everything executed successfully. } else { echo json_encode(array( 'warnings' => $warnings // There were warnings during the operation. )); } } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Disable a providers sync setting. * * This method deletes the "google_sync" and "google_token" settings from the * database. After that the provider's appointments will be no longer synced * with google calendar. * * @param string $_POST['provider_id'] The selected provider record id. */ public function ajax_disable_provider_sync() { try { if (!isset($_POST['provider_id'])) throw new Exception('Provider id not specified.'); if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['edit'] == FALSE && $this->session->userdata('user_id') != $_POST['provider_id']) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('providers_model'); $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->providers_model->set_setting('google_sync', FALSE, $_POST['provider_id']); $this->providers_model->set_setting('google_token', NULL, $_POST['provider_id']); $this->appointments_model->clear_google_sync_ids($_POST['provider_id']); echo json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Filter the customer records with the given key string. * * @param string $_POST['key'] The filter key string * @return array Returns the search results. */ public function ajax_filter_customers() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_CUSTOMERS]['view'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->load->model('services_model'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); $this->load->model('customers_model'); $key = $this->db->escape_str($_POST['key']); $where_clause = '(first_name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR ' . 'last_name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR ' . 'email LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR ' . 'phone_number LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR ' . 'address LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR ' . 'city LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR ' . 'zip_code LIKE "%' . $key . '%")'; $customers = $this->customers_model->get_batch($where_clause); foreach($customers as &$customer) { $appointments = $this->appointments_model ->get_batch(array('id_users_customer' => $customer['id'])); foreach($appointments as &$appointment) { $appointment['service'] = $this->services_model ->get_row($appointment['id_services']); $appointment['provider'] = $this->providers_model ->get_row($appointment['id_users_provider']); } $customer['appointments'] = $appointments; } echo json_encode($customers); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Insert of update unavailable time period to database. * * @param array $_POST['unavailable'] JSON encoded array that contains the unavailable * period data. */ public function ajax_save_unavailable() { try { // Check privileges $unavailable = json_decode($_POST['unavailable'], true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($unavailable['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_APPOINTMENTS]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_APPOINTMENTS]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); $provider = $this->providers_model->get_row($unavailable['id_users_provider']); // Add appointment $unavailable['id'] = $this->appointments_model->add_unavailable($unavailable); $unavailable = $this->appointments_model->get_row($unavailable['id']); // fetch all inserted data // Google Sync try { $google_sync = $this->providers_model->get_setting('google_sync', $unavailable['id_users_provider']); if ($google_sync) { $google_token = json_decode($this->providers_model->get_setting('google_token', $unavailable['id_users_provider'])); $this->load->library('google_sync'); $this->google_sync->refresh_token($google_token->refresh_token); if ($unavailable['id_google_calendar'] == NULL) { $google_event = $this->google_sync->add_unavailable($provider, $unavailable); $unavailable['id_google_calendar'] = $google_event->id; $this->appointments_model->add_unavailable($unavailable); } else { $google_event = $this->google_sync->update_unavailable($provider, $unavailable); } } } catch(Exception $exc) { $warnings[] = $exc; } if (isset($warnings)) { echo json_encode(array( 'warnings' => $warnings )); } else { echo json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS); } } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Delete an unavailable time period from database. * * @param numeric $_POST['unavailable_id'] Record id to be deleted. */ public function ajax_delete_unavailable() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_APPOINTMENTS]['delete'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); $unavailable = $this->appointments_model->get_row($_POST['unavailable_id']); $provider = $this->providers_model->get_row($unavailable['id_users_provider']); // Delete unavailable $this->appointments_model->delete_unavailable($unavailable['id']); // Google Sync try { $google_sync = $this->providers_model->get_setting('google_sync', $provider['id']); if ($google_sync == TRUE) { $google_token = json_decode($this->providers_model->get_setting('google_token', $provider['id'])); $this->load->library('google_sync'); $this->google_sync->refresh_token($google_token->refresh_token); $this->google_sync->delete_unavailable($provider, $unavailable['id_google_calendar']); } } catch(Exception $exc) { $warnings[] = $exc; } if (isset($warnings)) { echo json_encode(array( 'warnings' => $warnings )); } else { echo json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS); } } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Save (insert or update) a customer record. * * @param array $_POST['customer'] JSON encoded array that contains the customer's data. */ public function ajax_save_customer() { try { $this->load->model('customers_model'); $customer = json_decode($_POST['customer'], true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($customer['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_CUSTOMERS]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_CUSTOMERS]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $customer_id = $this->customers_model->add($customer); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => AJAX_SUCCESS, 'id' => $customer_id )); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Delete customer from database. * * @param numeric $_POST['customer_id'] Customer record id to be deleted. */ public function ajax_delete_customer() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_CUSTOMERS]['delete'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('customers_model'); $this->customers_model->delete($_POST['customer_id']); echo json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Save (insert or update) service record. * * @param array $_POST['service'] Contains the service data (json encoded). */ public function ajax_save_service() { try { $this->load->model('services_model'); $service = json_decode($_POST['service'], true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($service['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_SERVICES]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_SERVICES]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $service_id =$this->services_model->add($service); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => AJAX_SUCCESS, 'id' => $service_id )); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Delete service record from database. * * @param numeric $_POST['service_id'] Record id to be deleted. */ public function ajax_delete_service() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_SERVICES]['delete'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('services_model'); $result = $this->services_model->delete($_POST['service_id']); echo ($result) ? json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS) : json_encode(AJAX_FAILURE); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Filter service records by given key string. * * @param string $_POST['key'] Key string used to filter the records. * @return array Returns a json encoded array back to client. */ public function ajax_filter_services() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_SERVICES]['view'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('services_model'); $key = $this->db->escape_str($_POST['key']); $where = '(name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR duration LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR ' . 'price LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR currency LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR ' . 'description LIKE "%' . $key . '%")'; $services = $this->services_model->get_batch($where); echo json_encode($services); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Save (insert or update) category record. * * @param array $_POST['category'] Json encoded array with the category data. If an id * value is provided then the category is going to be udpated instead of inserted. */ public function ajax_save_service_category() { try { $this->load->model('services_model'); $category = json_decode($_POST['category'], true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($category['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_SERVICES]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_SERVICES]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $category_id = $this->services_model->add_category($category); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => AJAX_SUCCESS, 'id' => $category_id )); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Delete category record from database. * * @param numeric $_POST['category_id'] Record id to be deleted. */ public function ajax_delete_service_category() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_SERVICES]['delete'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('services_model'); $result = $this->services_model->delete_category($_POST['category_id']); echo ($result) ? json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS) : json_encode(AJAX_FAILURE); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Filter services categories with key string. * * @param string $_POST['key'] The key string used to filter the records. * @return array Returns a json encoded array back to client with the category records. */ public function ajax_filter_service_categories() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_SERVICES]['view'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('services_model'); $key = $this->db->escape_str($_POST['key']); $where = '(name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR description LIKE "%' . $key . '%")'; $categories = $this->services_model->get_all_categories($where); echo json_encode($categories); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Filter admin records with string key. * * @param string $_POST['key'] The key string used to filter the records. * @return array Returns a json encoded array back to client with the admin records. */ public function ajax_filter_admins() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['view'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('admins_model'); $key = $this->db->escape_str($_POST['key']); $where = '(first_name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR last_name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR email LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR mobile_number LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR phone_number LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR address LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR city LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR state LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR zip_code LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR notes LIKE "%' . $key . '%")'; $admins = $this->admins_model->get_batch($where); echo json_encode($admins); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Save (insert or update) admin record into database. * * @param array $_POST['admin'] A json encoded array that contains the admin data. If an 'id' * value is provided then the record is going to be updated. * @return array Returns an array with the operation status and the record id that was * saved into the database. */ public function ajax_save_admin() { try { $this->load->model('admins_model'); $admin = json_decode($_POST['admin'], true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($admin['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $admin_id = $this->admins_model->add($admin); $response = array( 'status' => AJAX_SUCCESS, 'id' => $admin_id ); echo json_encode($response); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Delete an admin record from the database. * * @param numeric $_POST['admin_id'] The id of the record to be deleted. * @return string Returns the operation result constant (AJAX_SUCESS or AJAX_FAILURE). */ public function ajax_delete_admin() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['delete'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('admins_model'); $result = $this->admins_model->delete($_POST['admin_id']); echo ($result) ? json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS) : json_encode(AJAX_FAILURE); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Filter provider records with string key. * * @param string $_POST['key'] The key string used to filter the records. * @return array Returns a json encoded array back to client with the provider records. */ public function ajax_filter_providers() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['view'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('providers_model'); $key = $this->db->escape_str($_POST['key']); $where = '(first_name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR last_name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR email LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR mobile_number LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR phone_number LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR address LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR city LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR state LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR zip_code LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR notes LIKE "%' . $key . '%")'; $providers = $this->providers_model->get_batch($where); echo json_encode($providers); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Save (insert or update) a provider record into database. * * @param array $_POST['provider'] A json encoded array that contains the provider data. If an 'id' * value is provided then the record is going to be updated. * @return string Returns the success contant 'AJAX_SUCCESS' so javascript knows that * everything completed successfully. */ public function ajax_save_provider() { try { $this->load->model('providers_model'); $provider = json_decode($_POST['provider'], true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($provider['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } if (!isset($provider['settings']['working_plan'])) { $this->load->model('settings_model'); $provider['settings']['working_plan'] = $this->settings_model ->get_setting('company_working_plan'); } $provider_id = $this->providers_model->add($provider); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => AJAX_SUCCESS, 'id' => $provider_id )); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Delete a provider record from the database. * * @param numeric $_POST['provider_id'] The id of the record to be deleted. * @return string Returns the operation result constant (AJAX_SUCESS or AJAX_FAILURE). */ public function ajax_delete_provider() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['delete'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('providers_model'); $result = $this->providers_model->delete($_POST['provider_id']); echo ($result) ? json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS) : json_encode(AJAX_FAILURE); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Filter secretary records with string key. * * @param string $_POST['key'] The key string used to filter the records. * @return array Returns a json encoded array back to client with the secretary records. */ public function ajax_filter_secretaries() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['view'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('secretaries_model'); $key = $this->db->escape_str($_POST['key']); $where = '(first_name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR last_name LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR email LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR mobile_number LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR phone_number LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR address LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR city LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR state LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ' . 'OR zip_code LIKE "%' . $key . '%" OR notes LIKE "%' . $key . '%")'; $secretaries = $this->secretaries_model->get_batch($where); echo json_encode($secretaries); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Save (insert or update) a secretary record into database. * * @param array $_POST['secretary'] A json encoded array that contains the secretary data. * If an 'id' value is provided then the record is going to be updated. * @return string Returns the success contant 'AJAX_SUCCESS' so javascript knows that * everything completed successfully. */ public function ajax_save_secretary() { try { $this->load->model('secretaries_model'); $secretary = json_decode($_POST['secretary'], true); $REQUIRED_PRIV = (!isset($secretary['id'])) ? $this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['add'] : $this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['edit']; if ($REQUIRED_PRIV == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $secretary_id = $this->secretaries_model->add($secretary); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => AJAX_SUCCESS, 'id' => $secretary_id )); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Delete a secretary record from the database. * * @param numeric $_POST['secretary_id'] The id of the record to be deleted. * @return string Returns the operation result constant (AJAX_SUCESS or AJAX_FAILURE). */ public function ajax_delete_secretary() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['delete'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('secretaries_model'); $result = $this->secretaries_model->delete($_POST['secretary_id']); echo ($result) ? json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS) : json_encode(AJAX_FAILURE); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Save a setting or multiple settings in the database. * * This method is used to store settings in the database. It can be either system * or user settings, one or many. Use the $_POST variables accordingly. * * @param array $_POST['settings'] Contains an array with settings. * @param bool $_POST['type'] Determines the settings type, can be either SETTINGS_SYSTEM * or SETTINGS_USER. */ public function ajax_save_settings() { try { if ($_POST['type'] == SETTINGS_SYSTEM) { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_SYSTEM_SETTINGS]['edit'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('settings_model'); $settings = json_decode($_POST['settings'], true); $this->settings_model->save_settings($settings); } else if ($_POST['type'] == SETTINGS_USER) { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USER_SETTINGS]['edit'] == FALSE) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('user_model'); $this->user_model->save_settings(json_decode($_POST['settings'], true)); } echo json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] This method checks whether the username already exists in the database. * * @param string $_POST['username'] Record's username to validate. * @param bool $_POST['record_exists'] Whether the record already exists in database. */ public function ajax_validate_username() { try { // We will only use the function in the admins_model because it is sufficient // for the rest user types for now (providers, secretaries). $this->load->model('admins_model'); $is_valid = $this->admins_model->validate_username($_POST['username'], $_POST['user_id']); echo json_encode($is_valid); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * [AJAX] Change system language for current user. * * The language setting is stored in session data and retrieved every time the user * visits any of the system pages. * * @param string $_POST['language'] Selected language name. */ public function ajax_change_language() { try { // Check if language exists in the available languages. $found = false; foreach($this->config->item('available_languages') as $lang) { if ($lang == $_POST['language']) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) throw new Exception('Translations for the given language does not exist (' . $_POST['language'] . ').'); $this->session->set_userdata('language', $_POST['language']); $this->config->set_item('language', $_POST['language']); echo json_encode(AJAX_SUCCESS); } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * This method will return a list of the available google calendars. * * The user will need to select a specific calendar from this list to sync his * appointments with. Google access must be already granted for the specific * provider. * * @param string $_POST['provider_id'] Provider record id. */ public function ajax_get_google_calendars() { try { $this->load->library('google_sync'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); if (!isset($_POST['provider_id'])) throw new Exception('Provider id is required in order to fetch the google calendars.'); // Check if selected provider has sync enabled. $google_sync = $this->providers_model->get_setting('google_sync', $_POST['provider_id']); if ($google_sync) { $google_token = json_decode($this->providers_model->get_setting('google_token', $_POST['provider_id'])); $this->google_sync->refresh_token($google_token->refresh_token); $calendars = $this->google_sync->get_google_calendars(); echo json_encode($calendars); } else { echo json_encode(AJAX_FAILURE); } } catch(Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } /** * Select a specific google calendar for a provider. * * All the appointments will be synced with this particular calendar. * * @param numeric $_POST['provider_id'] Provider record id. * @param string $_POST['calendar_id'] Google calendar's id. */ public function ajax_select_google_calendar() { try { if ($this->privileges[PRIV_USERS]['edit'] == FALSE && $this->session->userdata('user_id') != $_POST['provider_id']) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required privileges for this task.'); } $this->load->model('providers_model'); $result = $this->providers_model->set_setting('google_calendar', $_POST['calendar_id'], $_POST['provider_id']); echo json_encode(($result) ? AJAX_SUCCESS : AJAX_FAILURE); } catch (Exception $exc) { echo json_encode(array( 'exceptions' => array(exceptionToJavaScript($exc)) )); } } } /* End of file backend_api.php */ /* Location: ./application/controllers/backend_api.php */