JSDoc 3 ======= [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/jsdoc3/jsdoc.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/jsdoc3/jsdoc) An inline API documentation processor for JavaScript. JSDoc 3 is intended to be an upgrade to JsDoc Toolkit (JSDoc 2). Want to contribute to JSDoc? Please read `CONTRIBUTING.md`. Installation ------------ Use git to clone the [official JSDoc repository](https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc): git clone git@github.com:jsdoc3/jsdoc.git Alternatively, you can download a .zip file for the [latest development version](https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/archive/master.zip) or a [previous release](https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/tags). You can also install JSDoc within a Node.js project's `node_modules` directory using npm. To install the latest development version, change directories to your Node.js project, then run the following command: npm install git://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc.git Or to install JSDoc globally: npm install -g git://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc.git **Note**: Although you can install JSDoc with npm, JSDoc does not currently run on Node.js. Usage ----- This example assumes that your working directory is the JSDoc application base directory: ./jsdoc yourSourceCodeFile.js For information about the supported command-line options, use the `--help` option. ./jsdoc --help Generated documentation will appear in the folder specified by the `--destination` option, or in a folder named "out" by default. Dependencies ------------ JSDoc 3 uses the Mozilla Rhino engine, which requires Java. JSDoc 3 is known to work with version 1.6.0_24 of Java. JSDoc 3 uses advanced features in Mozilla Rhino that are only available in or after version 1.7R3. In addition, JSDoc 3 requires several customizations to the standard Rhino distribution. The customized version of Rhino is included with JSDoc. In rare cases, users may have their Java CLASSPATH configured to override the included Rhino and point to an older version of Rhino instead. If this is the case, simply correct the CLASSPATH to remove the older Rhino. (On OS X, you may need to remove the file `~/Library/Java/Extensions/js.jar`.) The version of Rhino distributed with JSDoc 3 can be found here: https://github.com/hegemonic/rhino Debugging --------- Rhino is not always very friendly when it comes to reporting errors in JavaScript. Luckily, it comes with a full-on debugger included that can be much more useful than a simple stack trace. To invoke JSDoc with the debugger, run the following command on Windows: jsdoc --debug Or on OS X, Linux, and other POSIX-compliant systems: ./jsdoc --debug If you can't get the short-form commands to work, try invoking Java directly: java -cp lib/js.jar org.mozilla.javascript.tools.debugger.Main \ -debug -modules node_modules -modules rhino -modules lib -modules . \ jsdoc.js your/script.js Note: `--debug` must be the first argument to the short-form command. This will open a debugging window. Click Debug > Break on Exceptions, then click Run. If there is an error, you should see exactly where it is in the source code. See Also -------- Project Documentation: (under development) Project Documentation Source: JSDoc User's Group: JSDoc 3 Ant Task: Project Announcements: License ------- JSDoc 3 is copyright (c) 2011-2012 Michael Mathews . JSDoc 3 is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file `LICENSE.md` in this distribution for more details.