# Docker

Run the development containers of Easy!Appointments with Docker and Docker Compose utility. Docker allows you to compose your application in microservices, so that you can easily get started with the local development.

Simply clone the project and run `docker compose up` to start the environment.

You will need modify the root `config.php` so that it matches the following example:

class Config {
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const BASE_URL      = 'http://localhost'; 
    const LANGUAGE      = 'english';
    const DEBUG_MODE    = TRUE;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const DB_HOST       = 'mysql';
    const DB_NAME       = 'easyappointments';
    const DB_USERNAME   = 'user';
    const DB_PASSWORD   = 'password';

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const GOOGLE_SYNC_FEATURE   = FALSE; // You can optionally enable the Google Sync feature. 
    const GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID      = '';
    const GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET  = '';

In the host machine the server is accessible from `http://localhost` and the database from `localhost:3306`.

You can additionally access phpMyAdmin from `http://localhost:8080` (credentials are `root` / `secret`) and Mailpit from `http://localhost:8025`.

Baikal, a self-hosted CalDAV server used to develop the CalDAV syncing integration is available on `http://localhost:8100` (credentials are `admin` / `admin`). 

**Attention:** This configuration is meant to make development easier. It is not intended to server as a production environment!

A production image of Easy!Appointments can be found at: https://github.com/alextselegidis/easyappointments-docker

*This document applies to Easy!Appointments v1.4.3.*
