<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Easy!Appointments - Open Source Web Scheduler
 * @package     EasyAppointments
 * @author      A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) Alex Tselegidis
 * @license     https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3
 * @link        https://easyappointments.org
 * @since       v1.1.0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Update controller.
 * Handles the update related operations.
 * @package Controllers
class Update extends EA_Controller {
     * Update constructor.
    public function __construct()

     * This method will update the instance to the latest available version in the server.
     * IMPORTANT: The code files must exist in the server, this method will not fetch any new files but will update
     * the database schema.
     * This method can be used either by loading the page in the browser or by an ajax request. But it will answer with
     * JSON encoded data.
    public function index()
            if (cannot('edit', PRIV_SYSTEM_SETTINGS))
                abort(403, 'Forbidden');


            $view = ['success' => TRUE];
        catch (Throwable $e)
            $view = ['success' => FALSE, 'exception' => $e->getMessage()];

        $this->load->view('pages/update', $view);