mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 01:52:24 +03:00
[1081] added rudimentary translations for client form settings
This commit is contained in:
29 changed files with 86 additions and 2 deletions
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'الموقع الالكتروني للشركة ي
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'الذهاب الى صفحة الحجوزات';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'تم حفظ الاعدادات بنجاح';
$lang['general'] = 'عام';
$lang['client_form'] = 'نموذج العميل';
$lang['visible'] = 'مرئي';
$lang['hidden'] = 'مختفي';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'منطق الأعمال';
$lang['current_user'] = 'المستخدم الحالي';
$lang['about_app'] = 'About E!A';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Препратката на организация
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Към страница за запазване.';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Настройките записани успешно.';
$lang['general'] = 'Общи';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Клиентска форма';
$lang['visible'] = 'видим';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Скрит';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Бизнес логика';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Текущ потребител';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Относно';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'L\'enllaç a l\'organització hauria d\'enllaçar
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Ves a la pàgina de reserves';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Les configuracions s\'han desat correctament.';
$lang['general'] = 'General';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Formulari del client';
$lang['visible'] = 'Visible';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Amagat';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Lògica de negoci';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Usuari actual';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Quant a Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = '公司的网址应当指向公司的官方网页 (
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = '进入预约页面';
$lang['settings_saved'] = '设置成功保存.';
$lang['general'] = '一般设置';
$lang['client_form'] = '客户形态';
$lang['visible'] = '可见的';
$lang['hidden'] = '隐';
$lang['business_logic'] = '工作时间';
$lang['current_user'] = '目前登录用户';
$lang['about_app'] = '关于网上预约系统';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Odkaz na web společnosti by měl vést na oficál
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Přejít na stránku rezervací';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Nastavení úspěšně uložena.';
$lang['general'] = 'Obecné';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Formulář klienta';
$lang['visible'] = 'Viditelný';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Skrytý';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Business logika';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Přihlášený uživatel';
$lang['about_app'] = 'O aplikaci Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Firma linket skal gå ind på den officielle websi
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Gå til booking siden';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Indstillingerne er gemt';
$lang['general'] = 'Generelt';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Klientform';
$lang['visible'] = 'Synlig';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Skjult';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Forretningslogik';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Nuværende bruger';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Om Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'De link naar het bedrijf moet verwijzen naar de of
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Ga naar de boekingspagina';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Instellingen succesvol opgeslagen.';
$lang['general'] = 'Algemeen';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Klantformulier';
$lang['visible'] = 'Zichtbaar';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Verborgen';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Bedrijfsinstellingen';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Huidige gebruiker';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Over Easy!Appointments';
@ -98,8 +98,6 @@ $lang['save'] = 'Save';
$lang['new'] = 'New';
$lang['select'] = 'Select';
$lang['hide'] = 'Hide';
$lang['visible'] = 'Visible';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$lang['type_to_filter_customers'] = 'Type to filter customers.';
$lang['clear_fields_add_existing_customer_hint'] = 'Clear the fields and enter a new customer.';
$lang['pick_existing_customer_hint'] = 'Pick an existing customer.';
@ -173,6 +171,8 @@ $lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Go To Booking Page';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Settings saved successfully.';
$lang['general'] = 'General';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Client Form';
$lang['visible'] = 'Visible';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Business Logic';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Current User';
$lang['about_app'] = 'About Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Kotisivulinkin tulisi ohjata yrityksen kotisivuill
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Palaa ajanvaraussivulle';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Asetukset tallennettiin onnistuneesti.';
$lang['general'] = 'Yleinen';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Asiakaslomake';
$lang['visible'] = 'Näkyvä';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Piilotettu';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Työajat';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Nykyinen käyttäjä';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Tietoja Easy!Appointments:sta';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Le lien de la société doit pointer vers le site
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Aller à la page de rendez-vous';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Paramètres sauvegardés avec succès .';
$lang['general'] = 'Général';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Formulaire de clientèle';
$lang['visible'] = 'Visible';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Caché';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Logique commerciale';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Utilisateur actuel';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Au sujet d\'Easy!Appointments';
@ -166,6 +166,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Der Firmen-Link sollte auf die offizielle Webseite
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Weiter zur Buchungsseite';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Einstellungen erfolgreich gesichert.';
$lang['general'] = 'Allgemeines';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Kundenformular';
$lang['visible'] = 'Sichtbar';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Versteckt';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Unternehmerische Logik';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Aktueller Nutzer';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Über Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Ο σύνδεσμος εταιρείας θα πρ
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Πλοήγηση Στην Σελίδα Κράτησης';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Οι ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν επιτυχώς.';
$lang['general'] = 'Γενικά';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Μορφή πελάτη';
$lang['visible'] = 'Ορατός';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Κρυμμένος';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Επιχειρηματική Λογική';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Τρέχων Χρήστης';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Σχετικά με το Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'קישור החברה צריך לקשר לאתר
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'עבור לדף ההזמנות';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'ההגדרות נשמרו בהצלחה!';
$lang['general'] = 'כללי';
$lang['client_form'] = 'טופס הלקוח';
$lang['visible'] = 'גלוי';
$lang['hidden'] = 'מוּסתָר';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'לוגיקה עסקית';
$lang['current_user'] = 'משתמש נוכחי';
$lang['about_app'] = 'אודות Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'कंपनी की लिंक कंपन
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'आरक्षण का पेज पर जाएं';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'सेटिंग सफलतापूर्वक सेव.';
$lang['general'] = 'सामान्य';
$lang['client_form'] = 'क्लाइंट फॉर्म';
$lang['visible'] = 'दर्शनीय';
$lang['hidden'] = 'छिपा हुआ';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'व्यापार का तर्क';
$lang['current_user'] = 'तात्कालिक प्रयोगकर्ता';
$lang['about_app'] = 'ई ए के बारे में';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'A vállalkozás linkje a cég hivatalos weblapjár
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Ugrás a foglalási oldalra';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Beállítások sikeresen mentve.';
$lang['general'] = 'Általános';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Ügyfélforma';
$lang['visible'] = 'Látható';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Rejtett';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Business Logic';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Jelenlegi felhasználó';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Easy!Appointments-ról';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Il link aziendale dovrebbe puntare al sito ufficia
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Vai alla pagina delle prenotazioni';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Impostazioni salvate con successo.';
$lang['general'] = 'Generale';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Forma del cliente';
$lang['visible'] = 'Visible';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Nascosto';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Business Logic';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Utente corrente';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Info su Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = '会社のウェブサイトへのリンクを設
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = '予約ページへ';
$lang['settings_saved'] = '設定は保存されました。';
$lang['general'] = '一般';
$lang['client_form'] = 'お客様のフォーム';
$lang['visible'] = '目に見える';
$lang['hidden'] = '目に見えません';
$lang['business_logic'] = '勤務時間設定';
$lang['current_user'] = '現在のユーザー';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Easy!Appointmentsとは。';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'De Firmelink sollt op déi offiziell Websäit vun
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Gitt op d\'Buchungssäit';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Astellungen erfollegräich gespäichert.';
$lang['general'] = 'Allgemenges';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Client Form';
$lang['visible'] = 'Fir siichtbar';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Verstoppen';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Business Logik';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Ugemellte Benotzer';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Iwwert Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'कंपनी दुव्याने कंप
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'आरक्षण पृष्ठावर जा';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'सेव्ह यशस्वीरित्या सेट करीत आहे.';
$lang['general'] = 'सामान्य';
$lang['client_form'] = 'क्लायंट फॉर्म';
$lang['visible'] = 'दृश्यमान';
$lang['hidden'] = 'लपलेले';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'व्यवसाय तर्कशास्त्र';
$lang['current_user'] = 'तात्कालिक प्रयोगकर्ता';
$lang['about_app'] = 'अॅप बद्दल...';
@ -169,6 +169,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'لینک شرکت باید حاوی آدرس وب
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'برو به صفحه ثبت ملاقات';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'تنظیمات با موفقیت ذخیره شد';
$lang['general'] = 'عمومی';
$lang['client_form'] = 'فرم مشتری';
$lang['visible'] = 'قابل رویت';
$lang['hidden'] = 'پنهان';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'منطق تجارت';
$lang['current_user'] = 'کاربر جاری';
$lang['about_app'] = 'درباره Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Link firmowy powinien wskazywać na firmowe www. (
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Idź do strony bookowania';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Ustawienia zapisano.';
$lang['general'] = 'Ogólne';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Formularz klienta';
$lang['visible'] = 'Widoczny';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Ukryty';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Podział Firmy';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Bieżący Użytkownik';
$lang['about_app'] = 'O Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Endereço da empresa deve apontar para o site ofic
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Ir para a página de reserva';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Definições salvas com sucesso.';
$lang['general'] = 'Geral';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Forma de cliente';
$lang['visible'] = 'Visível';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Escondido';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Lógica de negócio';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Usuário Atual';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Sobre o Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Endereço da empresa deve apontar para o site ofic
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Ir para a página de reserva';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Definições guardadas com sucesso.';
$lang['general'] = 'Geral';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Forma de cliente';
$lang['visible'] = 'Visível';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Escondido';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Lógica de negócio';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Utilizador Actual';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Sobre o Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Linkul trebuie sa indice website-ul oficial al com
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'La pagina de înregistrari';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Setari salvate.';
$lang['general'] = 'General';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Client Formular';
$lang['visible'] = 'Vizibil';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Ascuns';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Logica afacerii';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Utilizator curent';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Despre Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Сайт компании должен указы
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Перейти на страницу заказов';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Настройки сохранены.';
$lang['general'] = 'Основные';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Форма клиента';
$lang['visible'] = 'Видимый';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Скрытый';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Бизнес-логика';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Текущий пользователь';
$lang['about_app'] = 'О приложении Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Link firmy by mal odkazovať na oficiálnu stránk
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Prejsť na stránku rezervácií';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Nastavenie úspešne uložené.';
$lang['general'] = 'Všeobecný';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Tvar klienta';
$lang['visible'] = 'Viditeľný';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Skrytý';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Firemné údaje';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Prihlásený užívateľ';
$lang['about_app'] = 'O Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'El enlace de la empresa debe dirigir al sitio web
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Ir a la página para agendar';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Configuración guardada exitosamente';
$lang['general'] = 'General';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Formulario del cliente';
$lang['visible'] = 'Visible';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Oculto';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Lógica del negocio';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Usuario actual';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Acerca de Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Länk till företagets hemsida. (obligatorisk)';
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Gå till bokningssidan.';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Inställningarna är sparade.';
$lang['general'] = 'Generellt';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Klientform';
$lang['visible'] = 'Synlig';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Dold';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'Affärsregler';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Nuvarande användare';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Om Easy!Appointments';
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ $lang['company_link_hint'] = 'Şirket web sitesi, şirketin resmi web sitesine y
$lang['go_to_booking_page'] = 'Rezervasyon Sayfasına Git';
$lang['settings_saved'] = 'Ayarlar başarıyla kaydedildi.';
$lang['general'] = 'Genel';
$lang['client_form'] = 'Müşteri formu';
$lang['visible'] = 'Gözle görülür';
$lang['hidden'] = 'Gizli';
$lang['business_logic'] = 'İş Mantığı';
$lang['current_user'] = 'Mevcut Kullanıcı';
$lang['about_app'] = 'Easy!Appointments Hakkında';
Reference in a new issue