mirror of
synced 2024-11-25 17:33:19 +03:00
Added translations for the time format setting.
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 35 additions and 35 deletions
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'اشعارات الزبون';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'سيتم تلقي اشعارات للزبون عند تغيّر موعد الحجز أو عند تحديثه';
$lang['date_format'] = 'صيغة التاريخ';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'تغيير صيغة وعرض التاريخ (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'ليتم تضمينه في صفحة الحجز Google Analytics ID أضف معرّف';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'نوع التوفر أو الإتاحة';
$lang['flexible'] = 'مرن';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Дефинира дали клиентъ
$lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Клиентски Известия';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Формат на Дата';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Промяна на дормат за показ на дата (D - дата, M - месец, Y - година).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Добавете Google Analytics ID за да бъде включена статистика в страницата за запазване на час.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Типове на работен период.';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Гъвкав';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Klant mededelingen';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Kies of de klant een bevestiging krijgt per email als er de afspraak wordt aangepast.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Datum formaat';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Verander het datum formaat (D - dag, M - maand, Y - jaar).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Voeg je Google Analytics ID toe om deze te gebruiken op je boekings pagina.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Beschikbaarheidstype';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexibel';
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ $lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receiv
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format.';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Asiakas ilmoitukset';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Jos aktivoitu, asiakkaalle lähetetään ilmoitus jos varattuun aikaan tulee muutoksia.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Päiväyksen muoto';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Vaihda päiväyksen esitysmuoto (D - Päivä, M - Kuukausi, Y - Vuosi).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Lisää Google Analytics ID varaussivulle.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Notifications aux clients';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Définit si les clients reçoivent des notifications par email chaque fois qu\'il y a un changement d\'horaire de l\'un de leurs rendez-vous.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Format des Dates';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change le format d\'affichage des dates (D - Jour, M - Mois, Y - Année).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Renseignez l\'ID Google Analytics à utiliser dans la page des réservations.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Kunden Benachrichtigungen';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Stellen Sie ein, ob die Kunden eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen erhalten, jedes mal es gibt ein neue änderung auf ein Termin.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Datumsformat';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Ändern Sie das Datumsanzeigeformat (D - Datum, M - Monat, Y - Jahr).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Zeitformat';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Ändern Sie das Zeitanzeigeformat (H - Stunden, M - Minuten).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Fügen Sie Ihre Google Analytics-ID hinzu, das auf der Buchungsseite enthalten wird.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Verfügungstyp';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexibel';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Ειδοποιήσεις Πελατών';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Ορίζει αν οι πελάτες θα λαμβάνουν ειδοποιήσεις μέσω email κάθε φορά που θα υπαχει μια αλλαγή σε κάποιο από τα ραντεβού τους.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Μορφή Ημερομηνίας';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Αλλάξτε την μορφή ημερομηνίας (D - Ημέρα, M - Μήνας, Y - Χρόνος).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Μορφή Ώρας';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Αλλάξτε την μορφή ώρας (H - Ώρα, M - Λεπτά).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Προσθέστε τον Google Analytics ID σας το οποίο θα συμπεριληφθεί στην σελίδα κράτησης.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Τύπος Διαθεσιμοτήτων';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Ευέλικτος';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ $lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Definisce se il cliente riceverà notifi
$lang['date_format'] = 'Formato data';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Cambia il formato di visualizzazione della data (D - Giorno, M - Mese, Y - Anno).';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Formato orario';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Cambia il formato di visualizzazione dell\'orario.';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Cambia il formato di visualizzazione dell\'orario. (H - Ore, M - Minuti)';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Aggiunti il tuo ID di Google Analytics per includerlo nella pagina di prenotazione.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Notificações de Clientes';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Define se o cliente receberá ou não, notificações por email sempre que um de seus agendamentos sejam alterados de horário.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Formato da Data';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Altera o formato de visualização da Data (D - Data, M - Mes, Y - Ano).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Adicione o seu ID do Google Analytics para ser incluido na pagina de agendamentos.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ $lang['customer_notifications'] = 'Customer Notifications';
$lang['customer_notifications_hint'] = 'Defines whether the customer will receive email notifications whenever there is a schedule change on one of his appointments.';
$lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$lang['date_format_hint'] = 'Change the date display format (D - Date, M - Month, Y - Year).';
$lang['time_format'] = '';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = '';
$lang['time_format'] = 'Time Format';
$lang['time_format_hint'] = 'Change the time display format (H - Hours, M - Minutes).';
$lang['google_analytics_code_hint'] = 'Add your Google Analytics ID to be included in the booking page.';
$lang['availabilities_type'] = 'Availabilities Type';
$lang['flexible'] = 'Flexible';
Reference in a new issue