mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 22:52:35 +03:00
Added popover functionality to table view (#182).
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 240 additions and 4 deletions
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ window.BackendCalendarAppointmentsModal = window.BackendCalendarAppointmentsModa
* create a new appointment.
$('#insert-appointment').click(function() {
var $dialog = $('#manage-appointment');
// Set the selected filter item and find the next appointment time as the default modal values.
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ window.BackendCalendarAppointmentsModal = window.BackendCalendarAppointmentsModa
* This method resets the manage appointment dialog modal to its initial state. After that you can make
* any modification might be necessary in order to bring the dialog to the desired state.
function _resetAppointmentDialog() {
exports.resetAppointmentDialog = function() {
var $dialog = $('#manage-appointment');
// Empty form fields.
@ -74,7 +74,239 @@ window.BackendCalendarTableView = window.BackendCalendarTableView || {};
var lastFocusedEventData;
$calendar.on('click', '.event', function(event) {
$('.popover').remove(); // Close all open popovers.
var html;
var entry = $(this).data();
if ($(this).hasClass('unavailability')) {
var notes = '<strong>Notes</strong> ' + entry.notes;
html =
'<style type="text/css">'
+ '.popover-content strong {min-width: 80px; display:inline-block;}'
+ '.popover-content button {margin-right: 10px;}'
+ '</style>' +
'<strong>' + EALang['start'] + '</strong> '
+ GeneralFunctions.formatDate(entry.start_datetime, GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
+ '<br>' +
'<strong>' + EALang['end'] + '</strong> '
+ GeneralFunctions.formatDate(entry.end_datetime, GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
+ '<br>'
+ notes
+ '<hr>' +
'<center>' +
'<button class="edit-popover btn btn-primary">' + EALang['edit'] + '</button>' +
'<button class="delete-popover btn btn-danger">' + EALang['delete'] + '</button>' +
'<button class="close-popover btn btn-default" data-po=' + event.target + '>' + EALang['close'] + '</button>' +
} else {
html =
'<style type="text/css">'
+ '.popover-content strong {min-width: 80px; display:inline-block;}'
+ '.popover-content button {margin-right: 10px;}'
+ '</style>' +
'<strong>' + EALang['start'] + '</strong> '
+ GeneralFunctions.formatDate(entry.start_datetime, GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
+ '<br>' +
'<strong>' + EALang['end'] + '</strong> '
+ GeneralFunctions.formatDate(entry.end_datetime, GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
+ '<br>' +
'<strong>' + EALang['service'] + '</strong> '
+ entry.service.name
+ '<br>' +
'<strong>' + EALang['provider'] + '</strong> '
+ entry.provider.first_name + ' '
+ entry.provider.last_name
+ '<br>' +
'<strong>' + EALang['customer'] + '</strong> '
+ entry.customer.first_name + ' '
+ entry.customer.last_name
+ '<hr>' +
'<center>' +
'<button class="edit-popover btn btn-primary">' + EALang['edit'] + '</button>' +
'<button class="delete-popover btn btn-danger">' + EALang['delete'] + '</button>' +
'<button class="close-popover btn btn-default" data-po=' + event.target + '>' + EALang['close'] + '</button>' +
placement: 'top',
title: entry.service.name + ' - ' + entry.customer.first_name + ' ' + entry.customer.last_name,
content: html,
html: true,
container: '#calendar',
trigger: 'manual'
lastFocusedEventData = entry;
// Fix popover position
if ($('.popover').length > 0) {
if ($('.popover').position().top < 200) $('.popover').css('top', '200px');
$(window).on('resize', _setCalendarSize);
* Event: Popover Close Button "Click"
* Hides the open popover element.
$calendar.on('click', '.close-popover', function() {
* Event: Popover Edit Button "Click"
* Enables the edit dialog of the selected calendar event.
$calendar.on('click', '.edit-popover', function() {
$(this).parents().eq(2).popover('destroy'); // Hide the popover
var $dialog;
if (lastFocusedEventData.is_unavailable == false) {
var appointment = lastFocusedEventData;
$dialog = $('#manage-appointment');
// Apply appointment data and show modal dialog.
$dialog.find('.modal-header h3').text(EALang['edit_appointment_title']);
// Set the start and end datetime of the appointment.
var startDatetime = Date.parseExact(appointment['start_datetime'],
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
$dialog.find('#start-datetime').datetimepicker('setDate', startDatetime);
var endDatetime = Date.parseExact(appointment['end_datetime'],
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
$dialog.find('#end-datetime').datetimepicker('setDate', endDatetime);
var customer = appointment['customer'];
} else {
var unavailable = lastFocusedEventData.data;
// Replace string date values with actual date objects.
unavailable.start_datetime = GeneralFunctions.clone(lastFocusedEventData.start_datetime);
unavailable.end_datetime = GeneralFunctions.clone(lastFocusedEventData.end_datetime);
$dialog = $('#manage-unavailable');
// Apply unvailable data to dialog.
$dialog.find('.modal-header h3').text('Edit Unavailable Period');
$dialog.find('#unavailable-start').datetimepicker('setDate', unavailable.start_datetime);
$dialog.find('#unavailable-end').datetimepicker('setDate', unavailable.end_datetime);
* Event: Popover Delete Button "Click"
* Displays a prompt on whether the user wants the appoinmtent to be deleted. If he confirms the
* deletion then an ajax call is made to the server and deletes the appointment from the database.
$calendar.on('click', '.delete-popover', function() {
$(this).parents().eq(2).popover('destroy'); // Hide the popover
if (lastFocusedEventData.is_unavailable == false) {
var messageButtons = {};
messageButtons['OK'] = function() {
var postUrl = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_delete_appointment';
var postData = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
appointment_id : lastFocusedEventData['id'],
delete_reason: $('#delete-reason').val()
$.post(postUrl, postData, function(response) {
if (response.exceptions) {
response.exceptions = GeneralFunctions.parseExceptions(response.exceptions);
if (response.warnings) {
response.warnings = GeneralFunctions.parseExceptions(response.warnings);
// Refresh calendar event items.
}, 'json').fail(GeneralFunctions.ajaxFailureHandler);
messageButtons[EALang['cancel']] = function() {
EALang['write_appointment_removal_reason'], messageButtons);
$('#message_box').append('<textarea id="delete-reason" rows="3"></textarea>');
$('#delete-reason').css('width', '100%');
} else {
// Do not display confirmation promt.
var postUrl = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_delete_unavailable';
var postData = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
unavailable_id : lastFocusedEventData.id
$.post(postUrl, postData, function(response) {
if (response.exceptions) {
response.exceptions = GeneralFunctions.parseExceptions(response.exceptions);
GeneralFunctions.displayMessageBox(GeneralFunctions.EXCEPTIONS_TITLE, GeneralFunctions.EXCEPTIONS_MESSAGE);
if (response.warnings) {
response.warnings = GeneralFunctions.parseExceptions(response.warnings);
GeneralFunctions.displayMessageBox(GeneralFunctions.WARNINGS_TITLE, GeneralFunctions.WARNINGS_MESSAGE);
// Refresh calendar event items.
}, 'json').fail(GeneralFunctions.ajaxFailureHandler);
function _createHeader() {
@ -243,6 +475,8 @@ window.BackendCalendarTableView = window.BackendCalendarTableView || {};
(appointment.customer.first_name + ' ' + appointment.customer.last_name).trim()
$tbody.find('tr').each(function(index, tr) {
var $td = $(tr).find('td:first');
@ -283,6 +517,8 @@ window.BackendCalendarTableView = window.BackendCalendarTableView || {};
$event.html(unavailability.notes || EALang['unavailable']);
$tbody.find('tr').each(function(index, tr) {
var $td = $(tr).find('td:first');
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ window.BackendCalendarUnavailabilitiesModal = window.BackendCalendarUnavailabili
* he cannot accept any appointments.
$('#insert-unavailable').click(function() {
var $dialog = $('#manage-unavailable');
// Set the default datetime values.
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ window.BackendCalendarUnavailabilitiesModal = window.BackendCalendarUnavailabili
* Reset the "#manage-unavailable" dialog. Use this method to bring the dialog to the initial state
* before it becomes visible to the user.
function _resetUnavailableDialog() {
exports.resetUnavailableDialog = function() {
var $dialog = $('#manage-unavailable');
Reference in a new issue