
83 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/* globals Prism */
(function ($, Prism) {
'use strict';
// My plugin default options
var defaultOptions = {};
function highlightIt(text, language) {
return [
'<pre class="language-' + language + '">',
'<code class="language-' + language + '">' + Prism.highlight(text, Prism.languages[language]) + '</code>',
// If my plugin is a button
function buildButtonDef(trumbowyg) {
return {
fn: function () {
var $modal = trumbowyg.openModal('Code', [
'<div class="' + trumbowyg.o.prefix + 'highlight-form-group">',
' <select class="' + trumbowyg.o.prefix + 'highlight-form-control language">',
(function () {
var options = '';
for (var lang in Prism.languages) {
if (Prism.languages[lang].comment) {
options += '<option value="' + lang + '">' + lang + '</option>';
return options;
' </select>',
'<div class="' + trumbowyg.o.prefix + 'highlight-form-group">',
' <textarea class="' + trumbowyg.o.prefix + 'highlight-form-control code"></textarea>',
$language = $modal.find('.language'),
$code = $modal.find('.code');
// Listen clicks on modal box buttons
$modal.on('tbwconfirm', function () {
trumbowyg.execCmd('insertHTML', highlightIt($code.val(), $language.val()));
trumbowyg.execCmd('insertHTML', '<p><br></p>');
$modal.on('tbwcancel', function () {
$.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, {
// Add some translations
langs: {
en: {
highlight: 'Code syntax highlight'
// Add our plugin to Trumbowyg registred plugins
plugins: {
highlight: {
init: function (trumbowyg) {
// Fill current Trumbowyg instance with my plugin default options
trumbowyg.o.plugins.highlight = $.extend(true, {},
trumbowyg.o.plugins.highlight || {}
// If my plugin is a button
trumbowyg.addBtnDef('highlight', buildButtonDef(trumbowyg));
})(jQuery, Prism);