
258 lines
8.6 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

(function ($) {
'use strict';
$.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, {
langs: {
// jshint camelcase:false
en: {
fontsize: 'Font size',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Extra small',
'small': 'Small',
'medium': 'Regular',
'large': 'Large',
'x-large': 'Extra large',
'custom': 'Custom'
fontCustomSize: {
title: 'Custom Font Size',
label: 'Font Size',
value: '48px'
es: {
fontsize: 'Tamaño de Fuente',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Extra pequeña',
'small': 'Pegueña',
'medium': 'Regular',
'large': 'Grande',
'x-large': 'Extra Grande',
'custom': 'Customizada'
fontCustomSize: {
title: 'Tamaño de Fuente Customizada',
label: 'Tamaño de Fuente',
value: '48px'
da: {
fontsize: 'Skriftstørrelse',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Ekstra lille',
'small': 'Lille',
'medium': 'Normal',
'large': 'Stor',
'x-large': 'Ekstra stor',
'custom': 'Brugerdefineret'
fr: {
fontsize: 'Taille de la police',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Très petit',
'small': 'Petit',
'medium': 'Normal',
'large': 'Grand',
'x-large': 'Très grand',
'custom': 'Taille personnalisée'
fontCustomSize: {
title: 'Taille de police personnalisée',
label: 'Taille de la police',
value: '48px'
de: {
fontsize: 'Schriftgröße',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Sehr klein',
'small': 'Klein',
'medium': 'Normal',
'large': 'Groß',
'x-large': 'Sehr groß',
'custom': 'Benutzerdefiniert'
fontCustomSize: {
title: 'Benutzerdefinierte Schriftgröße',
label: 'Schriftgröße',
value: '48px'
nl: {
fontsize: 'Lettergrootte',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Extra klein',
'small': 'Klein',
'medium': 'Normaal',
'large': 'Groot',
'x-large': 'Extra groot',
'custom': 'Tilpasset'
tr: {
fontsize: 'Yazı Boyutu',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Çok Küçük',
'small': 'Küçük',
'medium': 'Normal',
'large': 'Büyük',
'x-large': 'Çok Büyük',
'custom': 'Görenek'
zh_tw: {
fontsize: '字體大小',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': '最小',
'small': '小',
'medium': '中',
'large': '大',
'x-large': '最大',
'custom': '自訂大小',
fontCustomSize: {
title: '自訂義字體大小',
label: '字體大小',
value: '48px'
pt_br: {
fontsize: 'Tamanho da fonte',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Extra pequeno',
'small': 'Pequeno',
'regular': 'Médio',
'large': 'Grande',
'x-large': 'Extra grande',
'custom': 'Personalizado'
fontCustomSize: {
title: 'Tamanho de Fonte Personalizado',
label: 'Tamanho de Fonte',
value: '48px'
it: {
fontsize: 'Dimensioni del testo',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': 'Molto piccolo',
'small': 'piccolo',
'regular': 'normale',
'large': 'grande',
'x-large': 'Molto grande',
'custom': 'Personalizzato'
fontCustomSize: {
title: 'Dimensioni del testo personalizzato',
label: 'Dimensioni del testo',
value: '48px'
ko: {
fontsize: '글꼴 크기',
fontsizes: {
'x-small': '아주 작게',
'small': '작게',
'medium': '보통',
'large': '크게',
'x-large': '아주 크게',
'custom': '사용자 지정'
fontCustomSize: {
title: '사용자 지정 글꼴 크기',
label: '글꼴 크기',
value: '48px'
// jshint camelcase:true
var defaultOptions = {
sizeList: [
allowCustomSize: true
// Add dropdown with font sizes
$.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, {
plugins: {
fontsize: {
init: function (trumbowyg) {
trumbowyg.o.plugins.fontsize = $.extend({},
trumbowyg.o.plugins.fontsize || {}
trumbowyg.addBtnDef('fontsize', {
dropdown: buildDropdown(trumbowyg)
function setFontSize(trumbowyg, size) {
var text = trumbowyg.range.startContainer.parentElement;
var selectedText = trumbowyg.getRangeText();
if ($(text).html() === selectedText) {
$(text).css('font-size', size);
} else {
var html = '<span style="font-size: ' + size + ';">' + selectedText + '</span>';
var node = $(html)[0];
function buildDropdown(trumbowyg) {
var dropdown = [];
$.each(trumbowyg.o.plugins.fontsize.sizeList, function (index, size) {
trumbowyg.addBtnDef('fontsize_' + size, {
text: '<span style="font-size: ' + size + ';">' + (trumbowyg.lang.fontsizes[size] || size) + '</span>',
hasIcon: false,
fn: function () {
setFontSize(trumbowyg, size);
dropdown.push('fontsize_' + size);
if (trumbowyg.o.plugins.fontsize.allowCustomSize) {
var customSizeButtonName = 'fontsize_custom';
var customSizeBtnDef = {
fn: function () {
size: {
label: trumbowyg.lang.fontCustomSize.label,
value: trumbowyg.lang.fontCustomSize.value
function (form) {
setFontSize(trumbowyg, form.size);
return true;
text: '<span style="font-size: medium;">' + trumbowyg.lang.fontsizes.custom + '</span>',
hasIcon: false
trumbowyg.addBtnDef(customSizeButtonName, customSizeBtnDef);
return dropdown;