708 lines
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708 lines
28 KiB
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Unit_tests_appointments_model extends CI_Driver {
private $ci;
private $provider_id;
private $customer_id;
private $service_id;
* Class Constructor
public function __construct() {
$this->ci =& get_instance();
// Add some sample data from the database (will be needed in the
// testing methods).
$provider = array(
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'email' => 'test@test.com',
'mobile_number' => '000000',
'phone_number' => '111111',
'address' => 'Some Str',
'city' => 'Some City',
'state' => 'Some State',
'zip_code' => '12345',
'notes' => 'This is a test provider',
'id_roles' => $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_roles',
array('slug' => DB_SLUG_PROVIDER))->row()->id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $provider);
$this->provider_id = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
$service = array(
'name' => 'Test Service',
'duration' => 30,
'price' => '20.00',
'currency' => 'Euro',
'description' => 'Some description here ...',
'id_service_categories' => NULL
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_services', $service);
$this->service_id = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
$customer = array(
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'first_name' => 'John',
'email' => 'alextselegidis@gmail.com',
'phone_number' => '0123456789',
'address' => 'Abbey Road 18',
'city' => 'London',
'zip_code' => '12345',
'id_roles' => $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_roles',
array('slug' => DB_SLUG_CUSTOMER))->row()->id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $customer);
$this->customer_id = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
* Run all the available tests
public function run_all() {
// All the methods whose names start with "test" are going to be
// executed. If you want a method to not be executed remove the
// "test" keyword from the beginning.
$class_methods = get_class_methods('Unit_tests_appointments_model');
foreach ($class_methods as $method_name) {
if (substr($method_name, 0, 5) === 'test_') {
call_user_func(array($this, $method_name));
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $this->customer_id));
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $this->provider_id));
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_services', array('id' => $this->service_id));
* Test the appointment add method - insert new record.
private function test_add_appointment_insert() {
// Add - insert new appointment record to the database.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->appointments_model->add($appointment);
$this->ci->unit->run($appointment['id'], 'is_int', 'Test if add() appointment (insert '
. 'operation) returned the db row id.');
// Check if the record is the one that was inserted.
$db_data = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']))
// These should not be included because they are generated when the
// record is inserted.
$this->ci->unit->run($appointment, $db_data, 'Test if add() appointment (insert '
. 'operation) has successfully inserted a record.');
// Delete inserted record.
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']));
* Test the appointment add method - update existing record.
private function test_add_appointment_update() {
// Insert new appointment (this row will be updated later).
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_appointments', $appointment);
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
// Perform the update operation and check if the record is update.
$changed_notes = 'Some CHANGED notes right here ...';
$appointment['notes'] = $changed_notes;
$update_result = $this->ci->appointments_model->add($appointment);
$this->ci->unit->run($update_result, 'is_int', 'Test if add() appointment (update '
. 'operation) has returned the row id.');
$db_notes = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_appointments', array('id' => $update_result))
$this->ci->unit->run($changed_notes, $db_notes, 'Test add() appointment (update '
. 'operation) has successfully updated record.');
// Delete inserted record.
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']));
* Test appointment data insertion with wrong date
* format for the corresponding datetime db fields.
private function test_add_appointment_wrong_date_format() {
// Insert new appointment with no foreign keys.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-0WRONG5-01 12:30WRONG:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-0WRONG5-01WRONG 13:00WRONG:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$has_thrown_exception = FALSE; // This method must throw a validation exception.
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exception = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exception, TRUE, 'Test add() appointment with wrong '
. 'date format.', 'A validation exception must be thrown.');
* Test the exists() method.
* Insert a new appointment and test if it exists.
private function test_exists() {
// Insert new appointment (this row will be checked later).
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_appointments', $appointment);
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
// Test the exists() method
$this->ci->unit->run($this->ci->appointments_model->exists($appointment), TRUE,
'Test exists() method with an inserted record.');
// Delete inserted record.
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']));
private function test_exists_record_does_not_exist() {
// Create random appointment data that doesn't exist in the database.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 08:33:45',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-02 13:13:13',
'notes' => 'This is totally random!',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => '198678',
'id_users_customer' => '194702',
'id_services' => '8766293'
$this->ci->unit->run($this->ci->appointments_model->exists($appointment), FALSE,
'Test exists() method with an appointment that does not exist');
private function test_exists_with_wrong_data() {
// Create random appointment data that doesn't exist in the database.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2WRONG013-05-01 0WRONG8:33:45',
'end_datetime' => '2013-0WRONG5-02 13:13:WRONG13',
'notes' => 'This is totally random!',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => '1986WRONG78',
'id_users_customer' => '1WRONG94702',
'id_services' => '876WRONG6293'
$this->ci->unit->run($this->ci->appointments_model->exists($appointment), FALSE,
'Test exists() method with wrong appointment data.');
* Test the find record id method with a record that already
* exists in the database.
private function test_find_record_id() {
// Create a new appointment record.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_appointments', $appointment);
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
// Find record id of the new appointment record.
$method_result_id = $this->ci->appointments_model->find_record_id($appointment);
$this->ci->unit->run($method_result_id, $appointment['id'], 'Test find_record_id() '
. 'successfully returned the correct record id.');
// Delete appointment record.
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_appointments', array('id' => $method_result_id));
* Try to find the record id of an appointment that doesn't
* exist in the database.
* A database exception is expected to be raised.
private function test_find_record_id_appointment_does_not_exist() {
// Define appointment data. These data shouldn't exist in the database.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
// Load the appointments model and execute the find record id method.
$has_thrown_exception = FALSE;
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exception = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exception, TRUE, 'Test find_record_id() with appointment '
. 'data that does not exist in the database.', 'A database exception is expected '
. 'to be raised.');
* Test the find_record_id() method by providing wrong
* appointment data.
* A database exception is expected to be raised.
private function test_find_record_id_wrong_data() {
// Define appointment data array with wrong values.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013WRONG-05-0WRONG1 12:WRONG30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00WRONG',
'notes' => 'Some notes righWRONGt here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => 'WRONG',
'id_users_customer' => 'WRONG',
'id_services' => 'WRONG'
// Try to find the appointment's record id. A database
// exception should be raised.
$has_thrown_exception = FALSE;
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exception = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exception, TRUE, 'Test find_record_id() with appointment '
. 'data array with wrong values.', 'A database exception is expected to be raised.');
* Test the normal flow of deleting an appointment record.
private function test_delete() {
// Create a new appointment record.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_appointments', $appointment);
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
// Delete new record
$delete_result = $this->ci->appointments_model->delete($appointment['id']);
$this->ci->unit->run($delete_result, TRUE, 'Test delete() method result (should be TRUE).');
// Check if the record has been successfully deleted.
$num_rows = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']))
$this->ci->unit->run($num_rows, 0, 'Test if the record was successfully deleted.');
* Test the delete method with a record that doesn't exist
* in the database.
private function test_delete_record_does_not_exist() {
$random_record_id = 1233265;
$delete_result = $this->ci->appointments_model->delete($random_record_id);
$this->ci->unit->run($delete_result, FALSE, 'Test delete() method with a record id'
. ' that does not exist');
* Test the delete method by providing a wrong argument
* (string and not integer).
private function test_delete_record_wrong_parameter_given() {
$wrong_record_id = 'not_numeric';
$has_thrown_exception = FALSE;
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exception = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exception, TRUE, 'Test delete() method with argument '
. 'that is not an numeric.');
* Test the get_batch() method of the appointments model.
private function test_get_batch() {
// Get all the appointment records (without using the model).
$db_data = $this->ci->db->get('ea_appointments')->result_array();
// Get all the appointment records (by using the model).
$model_data = $this->ci->appointments_model->get_batch();
// Check that the two arrays are the same.
$this->ci->unit->run($model_data, $db_data, 'Test get_batch() method.');
* Test the get_batch() method of the appointments model
* with a where clause.
private function test_get_batch_where_clause() {
// Insert new appointment.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_appointments', $appointment);
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
// Get filtered appointment records without using the model.
$db_data = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']))
// Get filtered appointment records by using the model.
$model_data = $this->ci->appointments_model->get_batch(array('id' => $appointment['id']));
// Check that the two arrays are the same.
$this->ci->unit->run($model_data, $db_data, 'Test get_batch() method.');
// Delete appointment record.
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']));
* Test the get_batch() method of the appointments model
* with a wrong where clause.
* A database exception is expected to be raised.
* <strong>IMPORTANT!</strong> This test is unabled because code
* igniter handles itself wrong queries.
private function unabled_test_get_batch_wrong_where_clause() {
$has_thrown_exception = FALSE;
try {
$this->ci->appointments_model->get_batch('WRONG QUERY HERE');
} catch(Exception $db_exc) {
$has_thrown_exception = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exception, TRUE, 'Test get_batch() with wrong where clause.',
'A database exception is expected to be thrown.');
* Test get_row() method.
private function test_get_row() {
// Insert new appointment record.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'hash' => '91de2d31f5cbb6d26a5b1b3e710d38d1',
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_appointments', $appointment);
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
// Get the appointment row from the database.
$db_data = $this->ci->appointments_model->get_row($appointment['id']);
// Check if this is the record we seek.
$this->ci->unit->run($db_data, $appointment, 'Test get_row() method.');
// Delete appointment record.
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']));
* Test get_row() with a record that doesn't exist in the db.
private function test_get_row_that_does_not_exist() {
$random_record_id = 789453486;
$row_data = $this->ci->appointments_model->get_row($random_record_id);
$this->ci->unit->run($row_data, NULL, 'Test get_row() with record id that does '
. 'not exist in the database.');
* Test get_row() method with wrong argument.
* A database exception is expected.
private function test_get_row_with_invalid_argument() {
$invalid_id = 'THIS IS NOT NUMERIC';
$has_thrown_exception = FALSE;
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exception = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exception, TRUE, 'Test get_row() with wrong argument.');
* Test the get field value method.
private function test_get_value() {
// Insert new appointment record.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_appointments', $appointment);
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
// Get a specific value from the database.
$db_value = $this->ci->appointments_model->get_value('start_datetime', $appointment['id']);
// Check if the value was correctly fetched from the database.
$this->ci->unit->run($db_value, $appointment['start_datetime'], 'Test get_value() method.');
// Delete inserted appointment record.
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']));
* Test the get field value method with a record id that
* doesn't exist in the db.
* A database exception is expected.
private function test_get_value_record_does_not_exist() {
$random_record_id = 843521368768;
$has_thrown_exception = FALSE;
try {
$this->ci->appointments_model->get_value('start_datetime', $random_record_id);
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exception = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exception, TRUE, 'Test get_value() with record id that '
. 'does not exist.');
* Test the get_value() method with a field that does
* not exist in the db.
* A database exception is expected.
private function test_get_value_field_does_not_exist() {
// Insert new appointment record.
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$this->ci->db->insert('ea_appointments', $appointment);
$appointment['id'] = $this->ci->db->insert_id();
// Try to get record value with wrong field name.
$wrong_field_name = 'THIS IS WRONG';
$has_thrown_exception = FALSE;
try {
$this->ci->appointments_model->get_value($wrong_field_name, $appointment['id']);
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exception = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exception, TRUE, 'Test get_value() with record id that '
. 'does not exist.');
// Delete inserted record.
$this->ci->db->delete('ea_appointments', array('id' => $appointment['id']));
private function test_validate_data() {
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$validation_result = $this->ci->appointments_model->validate($appointment);
$this->ci->unit->run($validation_result, TRUE, 'Test validate() method.');
private function test_validate_data_wrong_date_format() {
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '20WRONG13-05-01 12WRONG:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05WRONG-01 13:00WRONG:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$has_thrown_exc = FALSE;
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exc = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if validate() method with '
. 'wrong date formats has thrown exception.');
private function test_validate_data_invalid_provider_id() {
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => 'THIS IS WRONG',
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$has_thrown_exc = FALSE;
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exc = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if validate() method with '
. 'invalid provider id has thrown exception.');
private function test_validate_data_invalid_customer_id() {
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => 'THIS IS WRONG',
'id_services' => $this->service_id
$has_thrown_exc = FALSE;
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exc = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if validate() method with '
. 'invalid customer id has thrown exception.');
private function test_validate_data_invalid_service_id() {
$appointment = array(
'start_datetime' => '2013-05-01 12:30:00',
'end_datetime' => '2013-05-01 13:00:00',
'notes' => 'Some notes right here...',
'is_unavailable' => FALSE,
'id_users_provider' => $this->provider_id,
'id_users_customer' => $this->customer_id,
'id_services' => 'THIS IS WRONG'
$has_thrown_exc = FALSE;
try {
} catch(Exception $exc) {
$has_thrown_exc = TRUE;
$this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if validate() method with '
. 'invalid service id has thrown exception.');
/* End of file Unit_tests_appointments_model.php */
/* Location: ./application/libraries/Unit_tests/drivers/Unit_tests_appointments_model.php */