# Docker Run the development containers of Easy!Appointments with Docker and Docker Compose utility. Docker allows you to compose your application from micro-services, without worrying about inconsistencies between development and production environments and without locking into any platform or language. Enter the `docker` directory and run `docker-compose up` to start the environment. You will need modify the root `config.php` so that it matches the following example: ```php class Config { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GENERAL SETTINGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000'; const LANGUAGE = 'english'; const DEBUG_MODE = TRUE; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DATABASE SETTINGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ const DB_HOST = 'easyappointments-database:3306'; const DB_NAME = 'easyappointments'; const DB_USERNAME = 'root'; const DB_PASSWORD = 'root'; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GOOGLE CALENDAR SYNC // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ const GOOGLE_SYNC_FEATURE = FALSE; // You can optionally enable the Google Sync feature. const GOOGLE_PRODUCT_NAME = ''; const GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = ''; const GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = ''; const GOOGLE_API_KEY = ''; } ``` In the host machine the server is accessible from `http://localhost:8000` and the database from `localhost:8001`. You can remove the docker containers with `docker rm easyappointments-server easyappointments-database`. You can remove the server image with `docker rmi easyappointments-server:v1`. *This document applies to Easy!Appointments v1.4.0.* [Back](readme.md)