db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $provider_id))->row_array(); } /** * Get a specific field value from the database. * * @param string $field_name The field name of the value to be * returned. * @param int $provider_id The selected record's id. * @return string Returns the records value from the database. */ public function get_value($field_name, $provider_id) { if (!is_int($provider_id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid argument provided as $customer_id : ' . $provider_id); } if (!is_string($field_name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('$field_name argument is not a string : ' . $field_name); } if ($this->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $provider_id))->num_rows() == 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The record with the $provider_id argument does not exist in the database : ' . $provider_id); } $row_data = $this->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $provider_id))->row_array(); if (!isset($row_data[$field_name])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The given $field_name argument does not exist in the database : ' . $field_name); } return $this->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $provider_id))->row_array()[$field_name]; } /** * Get all, or specific records from provider's table. * * @example $this->Model->getBatch('id = ' . $recordId); * * @param string $whereClause (OPTIONAL) The WHERE clause of * the query to be executed. DO NOT INCLUDE 'WHERE' KEYWORD. * @return array Returns the rows from the database. */ public function get_batch($where_clause = '') { $providers_role_id = $this->get_providers_role_id(); if ($where_clause != '') { $this->db->where($where_clause); } $this->db->where('id_roles', $providers_role_id); return $this->db->get('ea_users')->result_array(); } /** * This method returns the available providers and * the services that can provide. * * @return array Returns an array with the providers * data. */ public function get_available_providers() { $this->db ->select('ea_users.*') ->from('ea_users') ->join('ea_roles', 'ea_roles.id = ea_users.id_roles', 'inner') ->where('ea_roles.slug', 'provider'); $providers = $this->db->get()->result_array(); foreach($providers as &$provider) { $this->db ->select('id_services') ->from('ea_services_providers') ->where('id_users', $provider['id']); $provider_services = $this->db->get()->result_array(); if (!isset($provider['services'])) { $provider['services'] = array(); } foreach($provider_services as $providerService) { $provider['services'][] = $providerService['id_services']; } } return $providers; } /** * Get the providers role id from the database. * * @return int Returns the role id for the customer records. */ public function get_providers_role_id() { return $this->db->get_where('ea_roles', array('slug' => DB_SLUG_PROVIDER))->row()->id; } } /* End of file providers_model.php */ /* Location: ./application/models/providers_model.php */