ci =& get_instance(); $this->ci->load->library('Unit_test'); $this->ci->load->model('secretaries_model'); $this->secretary_role_id = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_roles', array('slug' => DB_SLUG_SECRETARY))->row()->id; $this->default_secretary = array( 'first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe', 'email' => '', 'mobile_number' => '2340982039', 'phone_number' => '9098091234', 'address' => 'Some Street 80', 'city' => 'Some City', 'state' => 'Some State', 'zip_code' => '12345', 'notes' => 'This is a test secretary user.', 'id_roles' => $this->secretary_role_id ); $this->default_settings = array( 'username' => 'test_secretary', 'password' => 'test_pswd', 'working_plan' => NULL, 'notifications' => FALSE, 'google_sync' => 0, 'google_token' => NULL, 'sync_past_days' => NULL, 'sync_future_days' => NULL ); } /** * Run all the available tests */ public function run_all() { // All the methods whose names start with "test" are going to be // executed. If you want a method to not be executed remove the // "test" keyword from the beginning. $class_methods = get_class_methods('Unit_tests_secretaries_model'); foreach ($class_methods as $method_name) { if (substr($method_name, 0, 5) === 'test_') { call_user_func(array($this, $method_name)); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UNIT TESTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEST ADD METHOD ------------------------------------------------------ private function test_add_insert() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $secretary['providers'] = array(); $secretary['settings'] = $this->default_settings; $secretary['id'] = $this->ci->secretaries_model->add($secretary); $this->ci->unit->run($secretary['id'], 'is_int', 'Test if add() - insert operation - ' . 'has returned and integer value.'); $db_secretary = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id']))->row_array(); $db_secretary['providers'] = array(); $db_secretary['settings'] = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_user_settings', array('id_users' => $secretary['id']))->row_array(); unset($db_secretary['settings']['id_users'], $db_secretary['settings']['salt'], $secretary['settings']['password'], $db_secretary['settings']['password']); // not needed $this->ci->unit->run($secretary, $db_secretary, 'Test if add() - insert operation - ' . 'has successfully inserted a new record.'); $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id'])); } private function test_add_update() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $secretary); $secretary['id'] = intval($this->ci->db->insert_id()); $secretary['settings'] = $this->default_settings; $secretary['settings']['id_users'] = $secretary['id']; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_user_settings', $secretary['settings']); unset($secretary['settings']['id_users']); $secretary['first_name'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['last_name'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['email'] = ''; $secretary['mobile_number'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['phone_number'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['address'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['city'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['state'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['zip_code'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['notes'] = 'value changed'; $secretary['providers'] = array(); $update_result = $this->ci->secretaries_model->add($secretary); $this->ci->unit->run($update_result, 'is_int', 'Test if add() - update operation - has ' . 'returned an integer value.'); $db_secretary = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id']))->row_array(); $db_secretary['providers'] = array(); $db_secretary['settings'] = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_user_settings', array('id_users' => $secretary['id']))->row_array(); unset($db_secretary['settings']['id_users'], $db_secretary['settings']['salt'], $secretary['settings']['password'], $db_secretary['settings']['password']); // not needed $this->ci->unit->run($secretary, $db_secretary, 'Test if add() - update operation - has ' . 'successfully updated the secretary record.'); $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id'])); } private function test_add_invalid_data() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $secretary['email'] = 'this value is invalid'; $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->add($secretary); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if add() has thrown exception ' . 'on invalid data.'); } private function disabled_test_add_using_find_record_id() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $secretary); $secretary_id = intval($this->ci->db->insert_id()); $secretary['settings'] = $this->default_settings; $secretary['settings']['id_users'] = $secretary_id; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_user_settings', $secretary['settings']); unset($secretary['settings']['id_users']); // Since $secretary array does not contain an 'id' value but // exists in the database, the find_record_id() method is going // to be used inside the add() method to find the secretary id. $secretary['last_name'] = 'updated value'; $secretary['providers'] = array(); $update_result = $this->ci->secretaries_model->add($secretary); $this->ci->unit->run($update_result, 'is_int', 'Test if add() - update operation - has ' . 'returned and integer value.'); $db_secretary = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary_id))->row_array(); $db_secretary['providers'] = array(); unset($db_secretary['id']); $db_secretary['settings'] = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_user_settings', array('id_users' => $secretary_id))->row_array(); unset($db_secretary['settings']['id_users'], $db_secretary['settings']['salt'], $secretary['settings']['password'], $db_secretary['settings']['password']); // not needed $this->ci->unit->run($secretary, $db_secretary, 'Test if add() - update operation - has ' . 'successfully updated the secretary record using find_record_id() method ' . 'internally.'); $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary_id)); } // TEST EXISTS METHOD ----------------------------------------------------- private function test_exists_record_exists() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $secretary); $secretary['id'] = intval($this->ci->db->insert_id()); $exists = $this->ci->secretaries_model->exists($secretary); $this->ci->unit->run($exists, TRUE, 'Test if exists() has returned TRUE with record ' . 'that exists.'); $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id'])); } private function test_exists_record_does_not_exist() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $exists = $this->ci->secretaries_model->exists($secretary); $this->ci->unit->run($exists, FALSE, 'Test if exists() has returned FALSE with record ' . 'that does not exists.'); } private function test_exists_invalid_argument() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; unset($secretary['email']); $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->exists($secretary); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if exists() has thrown exception with ' . 'invalid argument (missing email).'); } // TEST FIND RECORD ID METHOD --------------------------------------------- private function test_find_record_id_record_exists() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $secretary); $secretary['id'] = intval($this->ci->db->insert_id()); $model_id = $this->ci->secretaries_model->find_record_id($secretary); $this->ci->unit->run($model_id, 'is_int', 'Test if find_record_id() has returned ' . 'an integer valuel.'); $this->ci->unit->run($secretary['id'], $model_id, 'Test if find_record_id() has ' . 'successfully found the selected record id'); $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $model_id)); } private function test_find_record_id_record_does_not_exist() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->find_record_id($secretary); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if find_record_id() has thrown ' . 'exception on record that does not exist.'); } private function test_find_record_id_invalid_argument() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; unset($secretary['email']); $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->find_record_id($secretary); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if find_record_id() has thrown ' . 'exception on invalid argument given (missing email value).'); } // TEST VALIDATE METHOD --------------------------------------------------- private function test_validate() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $validation_result = $this->ci->secretaries_model->validate($secretary); $this->ci->unit->run($validation_result, TRUE, 'Test if validate() has returned TRUE ' . 'on valid secretary data.'); } private function test_validate_provided_id_does_not_exist() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $secretary['id'] = 'This id does not exist in database.'; $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->validate($secretary); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if validate() has thrown an exception ' . 'with invalid data (provided id does not exists in db).'); } private function test_validate_invalid_users_value_data_type() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $secretary['providers'] = 'This is not an array'; $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->validate($secretary); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if validate() has thrown an exception ' . 'with invalid data (users value is not an array).'); } private function test_validate_missing_required_field_values() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; unset($secretary['last_name']); unset($secretary['email']); unset($secretary['phone_number']); $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->validate($secretary); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if validate() has thrown an exception ' . 'with invalid data (missing required field values).'); } private function test_validate_invalid_email_address() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $secretary['email'] = 'This is invalid.'; $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->validate($secretary); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if validate() has thrown an exception ' . 'with invalid data (invalid email address).'); } // TEST DELETE METHOD ----------------------------------------------------- private function test_delete() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $secretary); $secretary['id'] = intval($this->ci->db->insert_id()); $delete_result = $this->ci->secretaries_model->delete($secretary['id']); $this->ci->unit->run($delete_result, TRUE, 'Test if delete() method has returned TRUE ' . 'successfull deletion.'); $num_rows = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id']))->num_rows(); $this->ci->unit->run($num_rows, 0, 'Test if delete() method has successfully deleted ' . 'the secretary record.'); if ($num_rows > 0) { $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id'])); } } private function test_delete_invalid_argument() { $invalid_id = 'This is invalid'; $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->delete($invalid_id); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if delete() has thrown exception on ' . 'invalid argument given.'); } private function test_delete_record_does_not_exist() { $random_id = 23420930923; // no record exists with this id $delete_result = $this->ci->secretaries_model->delete($random_id); $this->ci->unit->run($delete_result, FALSE, 'Test if delete() method has returned FALSE ' . 'when trying to delete a record that does not exist.'); } // TEST GET ROW METHOD ---------------------------------------------------- private function test_get_row() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $secretary); $secretary['id'] = intval($this->ci->db->insert_id()); $secretary['providers'] = array(); $secretary['settings'] = $this->default_settings; $secretary['settings']['id_users'] = $secretary['id']; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_user_settings', $secretary['settings']); unset($secretary['settings']['id_users'], $secretary['settings']['password']); $model_secretary = $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_row($secretary['id']); unset($model_secretary['settings']['password']); $this->ci->unit->run($secretary, $model_secretary, 'Test if get_row() has successfully ' . 'returned the secretary record.'); $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id'])); } private function test_get_row_invalid_argument() { $invalid_id = 'this is invalid'; $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_row($invalid_id); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if get_row() has thrown exception ' . 'on invalid argument given.'); } private function test_get_row_record_does_not_exist() { $random_id = 2309203923; // no record exists with this id. $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_row($random_id); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if get_row() has thrown an exception ' . 'when trying to get a record that does not exist in the database.'); } // TEST GET VALUE METHOD -------------------------------------------------- private function test_get_value() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $secretary); $secretary['id'] = intval($this->ci->db->insert_id()); $field_name = 'last_name'; $last_name = $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_value($field_name, $secretary['id']); $this->ci->unit->run($secretary['last_name'], $last_name, 'Test if get_value() has ' . 'successfully returned the correct value.'); $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id'])); } private function test_get_value_invalid_field_name() { $field_name = 23423452342; // this is invalid $secretary_id = 1; // random pick $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_value($field_name, $secretary_id); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if get_value() has thrown exception ' . 'on invalid field name.'); } private function test_get_value_invalid_record_id() { $field_name = 'last_name'; // random pick $secretary_id = 'this is invalid'; $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_value($field_name, $secretary_id); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if get_value() has thrown exception ' . 'on invalid record id.'); } private function test_get_value_record_does_not_exist() { $field_name = 'last_name'; $secretary_id = 23092093233; // this record does not exist $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_value($field_name, $secretary_id); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if get_value() has thrown exception ' . 'on record does not exist.'); } private function test_get_value_field_does_not_exist() { $field_name = 'this field name does not exist'; $secretary_id = 23; // random pick $has_thrown_exc = FALSE; try { $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_value($field_name, $secretary_id); } catch (Exception $exc) { $has_thrown_exc = TRUE; } $this->ci->unit->run($has_thrown_exc, TRUE, 'Test if get_value() has thrown exception ' . 'on field name does not exist.'); } // TEST GET BATCH METHOD -------------------------------------------------- private function test_get_batch() { $model_batch = $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_batch(); $no_model_batch = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id_roles' => $this->secretary_role_id))->result_array(); foreach($no_model_batch as &$secretary) { $providers = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_secretaries_providers', array('id_users_secretary' => $secretary['id']))->result_array(); $secretary['providers'] = array(); foreach($providers as $provider) { $secretary['providers'][] = $provider['id_users_provider']; } $secretary['settings'] = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_user_settings', array('id_users' => $secretary['id']))->row_array(); unset($secretary['settings']['id_users']); } $this->ci->unit->run($model_batch, $no_model_batch, 'Test if get_batch() has ' . 'returned the correct results.'); } private function test_get_batch_where_clause() { $secretary = $this->default_secretary; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_users', $secretary); $secretary['id'] = intval($this->ci->db->insert_id()); $secretary['settings'] = $this->default_settings; $secretary['settings']['id_users'] = $secretary['id']; $this->ci->db->insert('ea_user_settings', $secretary['settings']); unset($secretary['settings']['id_users']); $model_batch = $this->ci->secretaries_model->get_batch(array('id' => $secretary['id'])); $no_model_batch = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id']))->result_array(); foreach($no_model_batch as &$secretary) { $providers = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_secretaries_providers', array('id_users_secretary' => $secretary['id']))->result_array(); $secretary['providers'] = array(); foreach($providers as $provider) { $secretary['providers'][] = $provider['id_users_provider']; } $secretary['settings'] = $this->ci->db->get_where('ea_user_settings', array('id_users' => $secretary['id']))->row_array(); unset($secretary['settings']['id_users']); } $this->ci->unit->run($model_batch, $no_model_batch, 'Test if get_batch() with where clause ' . 'has returned the correct results.'); $this->ci->db->delete('ea_users', array('id' => $secretary['id'])); } } /* End of file Unit_tests_secretaries_model.php */ /* Location: ./application/libraries/Unit_tests/drivers/Unit_tests_secretaries_model.php */