/*global app: true, args: true, env: true, publish: true */ /** * @project jsdoc * @author Michael Mathews * @license See LICENSE.md file included in this distribution. */ // try: $ java -classpath build-files/java/classes/js.jar org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main main.js `pwd` script/to/parse.js //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// /** * Data representing the environment in which this app is running. * * @namespace * @name env */ require('lib/jsdoc/util/global').env = { /** * Running start and finish times. * * @memberof env */ run: { start: new Date(), finish: null }, /** * The command-line arguments passed into JSDoc. * * @type Array * @memberof env */ args: [], /** * The parsed JSON data from the configuration file. * * @type Object * @memberof env */ conf: {}, /** * The absolute path to the base directory of the JSDoc application. * * @private * @deprecated Use `__dirname` instead. * @type string * @memberof env */ dirname: '.', /** * The command-line arguments, parsed into a key/value hash. * * @type Object * @memberof env * @example if (env.opts.help) { console.log('Helpful message.'); } */ opts: {}, /** * The JSDoc version number and revision date. * * @type Object * @memberof env */ version: {} }; // initialize the environment for the current JavaScript VM (function(args) { var vm = require('jsdoc/util/vm').vm; // TODO: may need to move this file to support Node.js require('initialize')[vm](args); })( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0) ); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// /** * Data that must be shared across the entire application. * @namespace * @name app */ require('lib/jsdoc/util/global').app = { jsdoc: { scanner: new (require('jsdoc/src/scanner').Scanner)(), parser: new (require('jsdoc/src/parser').Parser)(), name: require('jsdoc/name') } }; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// /** Try to recursively print out all key/values in an object. @global @private @param {Object} ... Object/s to dump out to console. */ function dump() { var doop = require('jsdoc/util/doop').doop; var _dump = require('jsdoc/util/dumper').dump; for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) { console.log( _dump(doop(arguments[i])) ); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// /** * Run the jsdoc application. * @todo Refactor function (and require statements) into smaller functions */ function main() { var _ = require('underscore'); var fs = require('jsdoc/fs'); var path = require('jsdoc/path'); var taffy = require('taffydb').taffy; var jsdoc = { augment: require('jsdoc/augment'), borrow: require('jsdoc/borrow'), Config: require('jsdoc/config'), opts: { args: require('jsdoc/opts/args') }, 'package': require('jsdoc/package'), plugins: require('jsdoc/plugins'), Readme: require('jsdoc/readme'), src: { filter: require('jsdoc/src/filter'), handlers: require('jsdoc/src/handlers') }, tutorial: { resolver: require('jsdoc/tutorial/resolver') }, util: { include: require('jsdoc/util/include') } }; var confPath; var defaultOpts; var docs; var filter; var i; var info; var l; var packageDocs; var packageJson; var sourceFiles; var template; defaultOpts = { destination: './out/', encoding: 'utf8' }; // get JSDoc version number info = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'package.json'), 'utf8')); env.version = { number: info.version, revision: new Date(parseInt(info.revision, 10)).toUTCString() }; env.opts = jsdoc.opts.args.parse(env.args); confPath = env.opts.configure || path.join(__dirname, 'conf.json'); if ( !fs.statSync(confPath).isFile() ) { confPath = path.join(__dirname, 'conf.json.EXAMPLE'); } try { env.conf = new jsdoc.Config( fs.readFileSync(confPath, 'utf8') ) .get(); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Cannot parse the config file ' + confPath + ': ' + e); } // look for options on the command line, in the config file, and in the defaults, in that order env.opts = _.defaults(env.opts, env.conf.opts, defaultOpts); if (env.opts.help) { console.log( jsdoc.opts.args.help() ); process.exit(0); } else if (env.opts.test) { jsdoc.util.include('test/runner.js'); process.exit(0); } else if (env.opts.version) { console.log('JSDoc ' + env.version.number + ' (' + env.version.revision + ')'); process.exit(0); } if (env.conf.plugins) { jsdoc.plugins.installPlugins(env.conf.plugins, app.jsdoc.parser); } if (env.conf.source && env.conf.source.include) { env.opts._ = (env.opts._ || []).concat(env.conf.source.include); } // any source file named package.json or README.md is treated special for (i = 0, l = env.opts._.length; i < l; i++ ) { if (/\bpackage\.json$/i.test(env.opts._[i])) { packageJson = fs.readFileSync( env.opts._[i], 'utf8' ); env.opts._.splice(i--, 1); } if (/(\bREADME|\.md)$/i.test(env.opts._[i])) { env.opts.readme = new jsdoc.Readme(env.opts._[i]).html; env.opts._.splice(i--, 1); } } if (env.conf.source && env.opts._.length > 0) { // are there any files to scan and parse? filter = new jsdoc.src.filter.Filter(env.conf.source); sourceFiles = app.jsdoc.scanner.scan(env.opts._, (env.opts.recurse? 10 : undefined), filter); jsdoc.src.handlers.attachTo(app.jsdoc.parser); docs = app.jsdoc.parser.parse(sourceFiles, env.opts.encoding); //The files are ALWAYS useful for the templates to have //If there is no package.json, just create an empty package packageDocs = new jsdoc.package.Package(packageJson); packageDocs.files = sourceFiles || []; docs.push(packageDocs); jsdoc.borrow.indexAll(docs); jsdoc.augment.addInherited(docs); jsdoc.borrow.resolveBorrows(docs); if (env.opts.explain) { dump(docs); process.exit(0); } if (env.opts.tutorials) { jsdoc.tutorial.resolver.load(env.opts.tutorials); jsdoc.tutorial.resolver.resolve(); } env.opts.template = (function() { var publish = env.opts.template || 'templates/default'; // if we don't find it, keep the user-specified value so the error message is useful return path.getResourcePath(publish) || env.opts.template; })(); try { template = require(env.opts.template + '/publish'); } catch(e) { throw new Error('Unable to load template: ' + e.message || e); } // templates should include a publish.js file that exports a "publish" function if (template.publish && typeof template.publish === 'function') { // convert this from a URI back to a path if necessary env.opts.template = path._uriToPath(env.opts.template); template.publish( taffy(docs), env.opts, jsdoc.tutorial.resolver.root ); } else { // old templates define a global "publish" function, which is deprecated jsdoc.util.include(env.opts.template + '/publish.js'); if (publish && typeof publish === 'function') { console.log( env.opts.template + ' uses a global "publish" function, which is ' + 'deprecated and may not be supported in future versions. ' + 'Please update the template to use "exports.publish" instead.' ); // convert this from a URI back to a path if necessary env.opts.template = path._uriToPath(env.opts.template); publish( taffy(docs), env.opts, jsdoc.tutorial.resolver.root ); } else { throw new Error( env.opts.template + ' does not export a "publish" function.' ); } } } } try { main(); env.run.finish = new Date(); process.exit(0); } catch(e) { env.run.finish = new Date(); if (e.rhinoException != null) { e.rhinoException.printStackTrace(); process.exit(1); } else { throw e; } }