/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Easy!Appointments - Open Source Web Scheduler * * @package EasyAppointments * @author A.Tselegidis * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2018, Alex Tselegidis * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3 * @link http://easyappointments.org * @since v1.0.0 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function () { 'use strict'; /** * This class contains the Admins helper class declaration, along with the "Admins" tab * event handlers. By dividing the backend/users tab functionality into separate files * it is easier to maintain the code. * * @class AdminsHelper */ var AdminsHelper = function () { this.filterResults = []; // Store the results for later use. }; /** * Bind the event handlers for the backend/users "Admins" tab. */ AdminsHelper.prototype.bindEventHandlers = function () { /** * Event: Filter Admins Form "Submit" * * Filter the admin records with the given key string. */ $('#admins').on('submit', '#filter-admins form', function () { var key = $('#filter-admins .key').val(); $('#filter-admins .selected').removeClass('selected'); this.resetForm(); this.filter(key); return false; }.bind(this)); /** * Event: Clear Filter Results Button "Click" */ $('#admins').on('click', '#filter-admins .clear', function () { this.filter(''); $('#filter-admins .key').val(''); this.resetForm(); }.bind(this)); /** * Event: Filter Admin Row "Click" * * Display the selected admin data to the user. */ $('#admins').on('click', '.admin-row', function (e) { if ($('#filter-admins .filter').prop('disabled')) { $('#filter-admins .results').css('color', '#AAA'); return; // exit because we are currently on edit mode } var adminId = $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-id'); var admin = {}; $.each(this.filterResults, function (index, item) { if (item.id === adminId) { admin = item; return false; } }); this.display(admin); $('#filter-admins .selected').removeClass('selected'); $(e.currentTarget).addClass('selected'); $('#edit-admin, #delete-admin').prop('disabled', false); }.bind(this)); /** * Event: Add New Admin Button "Click" */ $('#admins').on('click', '#add-admin', function () { this.resetForm(); $('#admins .add-edit-delete-group').hide(); $('#admins .save-cancel-group').show(); $('#admins .record-details').find('input, textarea').prop('readonly', false); $('#admins .record-details').find('select').prop('disabled', false); $('#admin-password, #admin-password-confirm').addClass('required'); $('#admin-notifications').prop('disabled', false); $('#filter-admins button').prop('disabled', true); $('#filter-admins .results').css('color', '#AAA'); }.bind(this)); /** * Event: Edit Admin Button "Click" */ $('#admins').on('click', '#edit-admin', function () { $('#admins .add-edit-delete-group').hide(); $('#admins .save-cancel-group').show(); $('#admins .record-details').find('input, textarea').prop('readonly', false); $('#admins .record-details').find('select').prop('disabled', false); $('#admin-password, #admin-password-confirm').removeClass('required'); $('#admin-notifications').prop('disabled', false); $('#filter-admins .filter').prop('disabled', true); $('#filter-admins .results').css('color', '#AAA'); }); /** * Event: Delete Admin Button "Click" */ $('#admins').on('click', '#delete-admin', function () { var adminId = $('#admin-id').val(); var buttons = [ { text: EALang.delete, click: function () { this.delete(adminId); $('#message_box').dialog('close'); }.bind(this) }, { text: EALang.cancel, click: function () { $('#message_box').dialog('close'); } } ]; GeneralFunctions.displayMessageBox(EALang.delete_admin, EALang.delete_record_prompt, buttons); }.bind(this)); /** * Event: Save Admin Button "Click" */ $('#admins').on('click', '#save-admin', function () { var admin = { first_name: $('#admin-first-name').val(), last_name: $('#admin-last-name').val(), email: $('#admin-email').val(), mobile_number: $('#admin-mobile-number').val(), phone_number: $('#admin-phone-number').val(), address: $('#admin-address').val(), city: $('#admin-city').val(), state: $('#admin-state').val(), zip_code: $('#admin-zip-code').val(), notes: $('#admin-notes').val(), settings: { username: $('#admin-username').val(), notifications: $('#admin-notifications').hasClass('active'), calendar_view: $('#admin-calendar-view').val() } }; // Include password if changed. if ($('#admin-password').val() !== '') { admin.settings.password = $('#admin-password').val(); } // Include id if changed. if ($('#admin-id').val() !== '') { admin.id = $('#admin-id').val(); } if (!this.validate()) { return; } this.save(admin); }.bind(this)); /** * Event: Cancel Admin Button "Click" * * Cancel add or edit of an admin record. */ $('#admins').on('click', '#cancel-admin', function () { var id = $('#admin-id').val(); this.resetForm(); if (id != '') { this.select(id, true); } }.bind(this)); }; /** * Save admin record to database. * * @param {Object} admin Contains the admin record data. If an 'id' value is provided * then the update operation is going to be executed. */ AdminsHelper.prototype.save = function (admin) { var postUrl = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_save_admin'; var postData = { csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken, admin: JSON.stringify(admin) }; $.post(postUrl, postData, function (response) { if (!GeneralFunctions.handleAjaxExceptions(response)) { return; } Backend.displayNotification(EALang.admin_saved); this.resetForm(); $('#filter-admins .key').val(''); this.filter('', response.id, true); }.bind(this), 'json').fail(GeneralFunctions.ajaxFailureHandler); }; /** * Delete an admin record from database. * * @param {Number} id Record id to be deleted. */ AdminsHelper.prototype.delete = function (id) { var postUrl = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_delete_admin'; var postData = { csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken, admin_id: id }; $.post(postUrl, postData, function (response) { if (!GeneralFunctions.handleAjaxExceptions(response)) { return; } Backend.displayNotification(EALang.admin_deleted); this.resetForm(); this.filter($('#filter-admins .key').val()); }.bind(this), 'json').fail(GeneralFunctions.ajaxFailureHandler); }; /** * Validates an admin record. * * @return {Boolean} Returns the validation result. */ AdminsHelper.prototype.validate = function () { $('#admins .has-error').removeClass('has-error'); try { // Validate required fields. var missingRequired = false; $('#admins .required').each(function () { if ($(this).val() == '' || $(this).val() == undefined) { $(this).closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); missingRequired = true; } }); if (missingRequired) { throw 'Fields with * are required.'; } // Validate passwords. if ($('#admin-password').val() != $('#admin-password-confirm').val()) { $('#admin-password, #admin-password-confirm').closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); throw EALang.passwords_mismatch; } if ($('#admin-password').val().length < BackendUsers.MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH && $('#admin-password').val() != '') { $('#admin-password, #admin-password-confirm').closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); throw EALang.password_length_notice.replace('$number', BackendUsers.MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH); } // Validate user email. if (!GeneralFunctions.validateEmail($('#admin-email').val())) { $('#admin-email').closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); throw EALang.invalid_email; } // Check if username exists if ($('#admin-username').attr('already-exists') == 'true') { $('#admin-username').closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); throw EALang.username_already_exists; } return true; } catch (message) { $('#admins .form-message') .addClass('alert-danger') .text(message) .show(); return false; } }; /** * Resets the admin form back to its initial state. */ AdminsHelper.prototype.resetForm = function () { $('#admins .add-edit-delete-group').show(); $('#admins .save-cancel-group').hide(); $('#admins .record-details').find('input, textarea').prop('readonly', true); $('#admins .record-details').find('select').prop('disabled', true); $('#admins .form-message').hide(); $('#admin-notifications').prop('disabled', true); $('#admins .record-details').find('input, textarea').val(''); $('#admin-notifications').removeClass('active'); $('#edit-admin, #delete-admin').prop('disabled', true); $('#filter-admins .selected').removeClass('selected'); $('#filter-admins button').prop('disabled', false); $('#filter-admins .results').css('color', ''); }; /** * Display a admin record into the admin form. * * @param {Object} admin Contains the admin record data. */ AdminsHelper.prototype.display = function (admin) { $('#admin-id').val(admin.id); $('#admin-first-name').val(admin.first_name); $('#admin-last-name').val(admin.last_name); $('#admin-email').val(admin.email); $('#admin-mobile-number').val(admin.mobile_number); $('#admin-phone-number').val(admin.phone_number); $('#admin-address').val(admin.address); $('#admin-city').val(admin.city); $('#admin-state').val(admin.state); $('#admin-zip-code').val(admin.zip_code); $('#admin-notes').val(admin.notes); $('#admin-username').val(admin.settings.username); $('#admin-calendar-view').val(admin.settings.calendar_view); if (admin.settings.notifications == true) { $('#admin-notifications').addClass('active'); } else { $('#admin-notifications').removeClass('active'); } }; /** * Filters admin records depending a key string. * * @param {String} key This string is used to filter the admin records of the database. * @param {Number} selectId (OPTIONAL = undefined) This record id will be selected when * the filter operation is finished. * @param {Boolean} display (OPTIONAL = false) If true the selected record data are going * to be displayed on the details column (requires a selected record though). */ AdminsHelper.prototype.filter = function (key, selectId, display) { display = display || false; var postUrl = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_filter_admins'; var postData = { csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken, key: key }; $.post(postUrl, postData, function (response) { if (!GeneralFunctions.handleAjaxExceptions(response)) { return; } this.filterResults = response; $('#filter-admins .results').html(''); $.each(response, function (index, admin) { var html = this.getFilterHtml(admin); $('#filter-admins .results').append(html); }.bind(this)); if (response.length == 0) { $('#filter-admins .results').html('' + EALang.no_records_found + '') } if (selectId != undefined) { this.select(selectId, display); } }.bind(this), 'json').fail(GeneralFunctions.ajaxFailureHandler); }; /** * Get an admin row html code that is going to be displayed on the filter results list. * * @param {Object} admin Contains the admin record data. * * @return {String} The html code that represents the record on the filter results list. */ AdminsHelper.prototype.getFilterHtml = function (admin) { var name = admin.first_name + ' ' + admin.last_name; var info = admin.email; info = (admin.mobile_number != '' && admin.mobile_number != null) ? info + ', ' + admin.mobile_number : info; info = (admin.phone_number != '' && admin.phone_number != null) ? info + ', ' + admin.phone_number : info; var html = '
' + '' + name + '
' + info + '
' + '

'; return html; }; /** * Select a specific record from the current filter results. If the admin id does not exist * in the list then no record will be selected. * * @param {Number} id The record id to be selected from the filter results. * @param {Boolean} display Optional (false), if true then the method will display the record * on the form. */ AdminsHelper.prototype.select = function (id, display) { display = display || false; $('#filter-admins .selected').removeClass('selected'); $('.admin-row').each(function () { if ($(this).attr('data-id') == id) { $(this).addClass('selected'); return false; } }); if (display) { $.each(this.filterResults, function (index, admin) { if (admin.id == id) { this.display(admin); $('#edit-admin, #delete-admin').prop('disabled', false); return false; } }.bind(this)); } }; window.AdminsHelper = AdminsHelper; })();