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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Easy!Appointments - Open Source Web Scheduler
* @package EasyAppointments
* @author A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Alex Tselegidis
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3
* @link http://easyappointments.org
* @since v1.2.0
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
window.BackendCalendarTableView = window.BackendCalendarTableView || {};
* Backend Calendar
* This module implements the table calendar view of backend.
* @module BackendCalendarTableView
(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var $filterProvider;
var $filterService;
var lastFocusedEventData;
* Bind page event handlers.
function bindEventHandlers() {
var $calendarToolbar = $('#calendar-toolbar');
var $calendar = $('#calendar');
$calendar.on('click', '.calendar-header .btn.previous', function () {
var dayInterval = $('#select-filter-item').val();
var currentDate = $('.select-date').datepicker('getDate');
var startDate = moment(currentDate).subtract(1, 'days');
var endDate = startDate.clone().add(dayInterval - 1, 'days');
$('.select-date').datepicker('setDate', startDate.toDate());
createView(startDate.toDate(), endDate.toDate());
$calendar.on('click', '.calendar-header .btn.next', function () {
var dayInterval = $('#select-filter-item').val();
var currentDate = $('.select-date').datepicker('getDate');
var startDate = moment(currentDate).add(1, 'days');
var endDate = startDate.clone().add(dayInterval - 1, 'days');
$('.select-date').datepicker('setDate', startDate.toDate());
createView(startDate.toDate(), endDate.toDate());
$calendarToolbar.on('change', '#select-filter-item', function () {
var dayInterval = $('#select-filter-item').val();
var currentDate = $('.select-date').datepicker('getDate');
var startDate = moment(currentDate);
var endDate = startDate.clone().add(dayInterval - 1, 'days');
createView(startDate.toDate(), endDate.toDate());
$calendarToolbar.on('click', '#reload-appointments', function () {
// Remove all the events from the tables.
$('.calendar-view .event').remove();
// Fetch the events and place them in the existing HTML format.
var dayInterval = $('#select-filter-item').val();
var currentDate = $('.select-date').datepicker('getDate');
var startDateMoment = moment(currentDate);
var startDate = startDateMoment.toDate();
var endDateMoment = startDateMoment.clone().add(dayInterval - 1, 'days');
var endDate = endDateMoment.toDate();
getCalendarEvents(startDate, endDate)
.done(function () {
var currentDate = startDate;
while (currentDate <= endDate) {
$('.calendar-view .date-column').each(function (index, dateColumn) {
var $dateColumn = $(dateColumn);
var date = new Date($dateColumn.data('date'));
if (currentDate.getTime() !== date.getTime()) {
return true;
$dateColumn.find('.date-column-title').text(GeneralFunctions.formatDate(date, GlobalVariables.dateFormat));
$dateColumn.find('.provider-column').each(function (index, providerColumn) {
var $providerColumn = $(providerColumn);
var provider = $providerColumn.data('provider');
// Add the appointments to the column.
createAppointments($providerColumn, response.appointments);
// Add the unavailability events to the column.
createUnavailabilityEvents($providerColumn, response.unavailability_events);
// Add the provider breaks to the column.
var workingPlan = JSON.parse(provider.settings.working_plan);
var day = date.toString('dddd').toLowerCase();
if (workingPlan[day]) {
var breaks = workingPlan[day].breaks;
createBreaks($providerColumn, breaks);
currentDate.add({days: 1});
// setCalendarViewSize();
* Event: On Window Resize
$(window).on('resize', function () {
* Event: Popover Close Button "Click"
* Hides the open popover element.
$calendar.on('click', '.close-popover', function () {
* Event: Popover Edit Button "Click"
* Enables the edit dialog of the selected table event.
$calendar.on('click', '.edit-popover', function () {
var $dialog;
if (lastFocusedEventData.data.workingPlanException) {
var date = lastFocusedEventData.data.date;
var workingPlanException = lastFocusedEventData.data.workingPlanException;
var provider = lastFocusedEventData.data.provider;
.edit(date, workingPlanException)
.done(function (date, workingPlanException) {
var successCallback = function () {
var workingPlanExceptions = jQuery.parseJSON(provider.settings.working_plan_exceptions) || {};
workingPlanExceptions[date] = workingPlanException;
for (var index in GlobalVariables.availableProviders) {
var availableProvider = GlobalVariables.availableProviders[index];
if (Number(availableProvider.id) === Number(provider.id)) {
availableProvider.settings.working_plan_exceptions = JSON.stringify(workingPlanExceptions);
$('#select-filter-item').trigger('change'); // Update the calendar.
BackendCalendarApi.saveWorkingPlanException(date, workingPlanException, provider.id, successCallback, null);
} else if (lastFocusedEventData.data.is_unavailable === '0') {
var appointment = lastFocusedEventData.data;
$dialog = $('#manage-appointment');
// Apply appointment data and show modal dialog.
$dialog.find('.modal-header h3').text(EALang.edit_appointment_title);
// Set the start and end datetime of the appointment.
var startDatetime = Date.parseExact(appointment.start_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
$dialog.find('#start-datetime').datetimepicker('setDate', startDatetime);
var endDatetime = Date.parseExact(appointment.end_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
$dialog.find('#end-datetime').datetimepicker('setDate', endDatetime);
var customer = appointment.customer;
} else {
var unavailable = lastFocusedEventData.data;
// Replace string date values with actual date objects.
unavailable.start_datetime = lastFocusedEventData.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var startDatetime = Date.parseExact(unavailable.start_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
unavailable.end_datetime = lastFocusedEventData.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var endDatetime = Date.parseExact(unavailable.end_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
$dialog = $('#manage-unavailable');
// Apply unavailable data to dialog.
$dialog.find('.modal-header h3').text('Edit Unavailable Period');
$dialog.find('#unavailable-start').datetimepicker('setDate', startDatetime);
$dialog.find('#unavailable-end').datetimepicker('setDate', endDatetime);
* Event: Popover Delete Button "Click"
* Displays a prompt on whether the user wants the appointment to be deleted. If he confirms the
* deletion then an ajax call is made to the server and deletes the appointment from the database.
$calendar.on('click', '.delete-popover', function () {
$(this).parents('.popover').popover('dispose'); // Hide the popover.
var url;
var data;
// If id_role parameter exists the popover is an working plan exception.
if (lastFocusedEventData.data.hasOwnProperty('id_roles')) {
// Do not display confirmation prompt.
url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_delete_working_plan_exception';
data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
working_plan_exception: lastFocusedEventData.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
provider_id: lastFocusedEventData.data.id
$.post(url, data)
.done(function () {
var workingPlanExceptions = jQuery.parseJSON(lastFocusedEventData.data.settings.working_plan_exceptions);
delete workingPlanExceptions[lastFocusedEventData.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD')];
lastFocusedEventData.data.settings.working_plan_exceptions = JSON.stringify(workingPlanExceptions);
// Refresh calendar event items.
} else if (lastFocusedEventData.data.is_unavailable === '0') {
var buttons = [
text: EALang.cancel,
click: function () {
text: 'OK',
click: function () {
url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_delete_appointment';
data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
appointment_id: lastFocusedEventData.data.id,
delete_reason: $('#delete-reason').val()
$.post(url, data)
.done(function () {
// Refresh calendar event items.
EALang.write_appointment_removal_reason, buttons);
$('<textarea/>', {
'class': 'form-control w-100',
'id': 'delete-reason',
'rows': '3'
} else {
// Do not display confirmation prompt.
url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_delete_unavailable';
data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
unavailable_id: lastFocusedEventData.data.id
$.post(url, data)
.done(function () {
// Refresh calendar event items.
* Create table view header container.
* The header contains the date navigation elements (buttons and datepicker).
function createHeader() {
var $calendarFilter = $('#calendar-filter');
.append(new Option('1 ' + EALang.day, 1))
.append(new Option('3 ' + EALang.days, 3));
var $calendarHeader = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'calendar-header'
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'btn btn-xs btn-outline-secondary previous mr-2',
'html': [
$('<span/>', {
'class': 'fas fa-chevron-left'
$('<input/>', {
'type': 'text',
'class': 'form-control d-inline-block select-date mr-2',
'value': GeneralFunctions.formatDate(new Date(), GlobalVariables.dateFormat, false)
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'btn btn-xs btn-outline-secondary next',
'html': [
$('<span/>', {
'class': 'fas fa-chevron-right'
var dateFormat;
switch (GlobalVariables.dateFormat) {
case 'DMY':
dateFormat = 'dd/mm/yy';
case 'MDY':
dateFormat = 'mm/dd/yy';
case 'YMD':
dateFormat = 'yy/mm/dd';
throw new Error('Invalid date format setting provided: ' + GlobalVariables.dateFormat);
defaultDate: new Date(),
dateFormat: dateFormat,
onSelect: function (dateText, instance) {
var startDate = new Date(instance.currentYear, instance.currentMonth, instance.currentDay);
var endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime()).add({days: parseInt($('#select-filter-item').val()) - 1});
createView(startDate, endDate);
var providers = GlobalVariables.availableProviders.filter(function (provider) {
return GlobalVariables.user.role_slug === Backend.DB_SLUG_ADMIN
|| (GlobalVariables.user.role_slug === Backend.DB_SLUG_SECRETARY
&& GlobalVariables.secretaryProviders.indexOf(provider.id) !== -1)
|| (GlobalVariables.user.role_slug === Backend.DB_SLUG_PROVIDER
&& Number(provider.id) === Number(GlobalVariables.user.id));
// Create providers and service filters.
$('<label/>', {
'text': EALang.provider
$filterProvider = $('<select/>', {
'id': 'filter-provider',
'multiple': 'multiple',
'on': {
'change': function () {
var startDate = new Date($('.calendar-view .date-column:first').data('date'));
var endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime()).add({days: parseInt($('#select-date').val()) - 1});
createView(startDate, endDate);
if (GlobalVariables.user.role_slug !== Backend.DB_SLUG_PROVIDER) {
providers.forEach(function (provider) {
$filterProvider.append(new Option(provider.first_name + ' ' + provider.last_name, provider.id));
} else {
providers.forEach(function (provider) {
if (Number(provider.id) === Number(GlobalVariables.user.id)) {
$filterProvider.append(new Option(provider.first_name + ' ' + provider.last_name, provider.id));
var services = GlobalVariables.availableServices.filter(function (service) {
var provider = providers.find(function (provider) {
return provider.services.indexOf(service.id) !== -1;
return GlobalVariables.user.role_slug === Backend.DB_SLUG_ADMIN || provider;
$('<label/>', {
'text': EALang.service
$filterService = $('<select/>', {
'id': 'filter-service',
'multiple': 'multiple',
'on': {
'change': function () {
var startDate = new Date($('.calendar-view .date-column:first').data('date'));
var endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime()).add({days: parseInt($('#select-date').val()) - 1});
createView(startDate, endDate);
services.forEach(function (service) {
$filterService.append(new Option(service.name, service.id));
* Create table schedule view.
* This method will destroy any previous instances and create a new view for displaying the appointments in
* a table format.
* @param {Date} startDate Start date to be displayed.
* @param {Date} endDate End date to be displayed.
function createView(startDate, endDate) {
// Disable date navigation.
$('#calendar .calendar-header .btn')
.prop('disabled', true);
// Remember provider calendar view mode.
var providerView = {};
$('.provider-column').each(function (index, providerColumn) {
var $providerColumn = $(providerColumn);
var providerId = $providerColumn.data('provider').id;
providerView[providerId] = $providerColumn.find('.calendar-wrapper').fullCalendar('getView').name;
$('#calendar .calendar-view').remove();
var $calendarView = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'calendar-view'
startDate: startDate.toString('yyyy-MM-dd'),
endDate: endDate.toString('yyyy-MM-dd')
var $wrapper = $('<div/>').appendTo($calendarView);
getCalendarEvents(startDate, endDate)
.done(function (response) {
var currentDate = startDate;
while (currentDate <= endDate) {
createDateColumn($wrapper, currentDate, response);
currentDate.add({days: 1});
// Activate calendar navigation.
$('#calendar .calendar-header .btn').removeClass('disabled').prop('disabled', false);
// Apply provider calendar view mode.
$('.provider-column').each(function (index, providerColumn) {
var $providerColumn = $(providerColumn);
var providerId = $providerColumn.data('provider').id;
.fullCalendar('changeView', providerView[providerId] || 'agendaDay');
* Create Date Column Container
* This element will contain the provider columns.
* @param {jQuery} $wrapper The wrapper div element of the table view.
* @param {Date} date Selected date for the column.
* @param {Object[]} events Events to be displayed on this date.
function createDateColumn($wrapper, date, events) {
var $dateColumn = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'date-column'
$dateColumn.data('date', date.getTime());
$('<h5/>', {
'class': 'date-column-title',
'text': GeneralFunctions.formatDate(date, GlobalVariables.dateFormat)
var filterProviderIds = $filterProvider.val();
var filterServiceIds = $filterService.val();
var providers = GlobalVariables.availableProviders.filter(function (provider) {
var servedServiceIds = provider.services.filter(function (serviceId) {
var matches = filterServiceIds.filter(function (filterServiceId) {
return Number(serviceId) === Number(filterServiceId);
return matches.length;
return (!filterProviderIds.length && !filterServiceIds.length) || servedServiceIds.length
|| filterProviderIds.indexOf(provider.id) !== -1;
if (GlobalVariables.user.role_slug === 'provider') {
GlobalVariables.availableProviders.forEach(function (provider) {
if (Number(provider.id) === Number(GlobalVariables.user.id)) {
providers = [provider];
if (GlobalVariables.user.role_slug === 'secretary') {
providers = [];
GlobalVariables.availableProviders.forEach(function (provider) {
if (GlobalVariables.secretaryProviders.indexOf(provider.id) > -1) {
providers.forEach(function (provider) {
createProviderColumn($dateColumn, date, provider, events);
* Create Provider Column Container
* @param {jQuery} $dateColumn Element to container the provider's column.
* @param {Date} date Selected date for the column.
* @param {Object} provider Contains the provider data.
* @param {Object[]} events Events to be displayed on this date.
function createProviderColumn($dateColumn, date, provider, events) {
if (provider.services.length === 0) {
var $providerColumn = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'provider-column'
$providerColumn.data('provider', provider);
// Create calendar.
createCalendar($providerColumn, date, provider);
// Create non working hours.
// Add the appointments to the column.
createAppointments($providerColumn, events.appointments);
// Add the unavailability events to the column.
createUnavailabilityEvents($providerColumn, events.unavailability_events);
* Get Calendar Component Height
* This method calculates the proper calendar height, in order to be displayed correctly, even when the browser
* window is resizing.
* @return {Number} Returns the calendar element height in pixels.
function getCalendarHeight() {
var result = window.innerHeight - $('#footer').outerHeight() - $('#header').outerHeight()
- 60; // 60 for fine tuning
return result > 500 ? result : 500; // Minimum height is 500px
function createCalendar($providerColumn, goToDate, provider) {
var $wrapper = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'calendar-wrapper'
var columnFormat = '';
switch (GlobalVariables.dateFormat) {
case 'DMY':
columnFormat = 'ddd D/M';
case 'MDY':
case 'YMD':
columnFormat = 'ddd M/D';
throw new Error('Invalid date format setting provided!', GlobalVariables.dateFormat);
// Time formats
var timeFormat = '';
var slotTimeFormat = '';
switch (GlobalVariables.timeFormat) {
case 'military':
timeFormat = 'H:mm';
slotTimeFormat = 'H(:mm)';
case 'regular':
timeFormat = 'h:mm a';
slotTimeFormat = 'h(:mm) a';
throw new Error('Invalid time format setting provided!' + GlobalVariables.timeFormat);
var firstWeekday = GlobalVariables.firstWeekday;
var firstWeekdayNumber = GeneralFunctions.getWeekDayId(firstWeekday);
defaultView: 'agendaDay',
height: getCalendarHeight(),
editable: true,
firstDay: firstWeekdayNumber,
timeFormat: timeFormat,
slotLabelFormat: slotTimeFormat,
allDaySlot: true,
columnFormat: columnFormat,
titleFormat: 'MMMM YYYY',
header: {
left: 'listDay,agendaDay',
center: '',
right: ''
// Selectable
selectable: true,
selectHelper: true,
select: function (start, end, jsEvent) {
if (!start.hasTime() || !end.hasTime()) {
// Preselect service & provider.
var $providerColumn = $(jsEvent.target).parents('.provider-column');
var providerId = $providerColumn.data('provider').id;
var provider = GlobalVariables.availableProviders.find(function (provider) {
return Number(provider.id) === Number(providerId);
var service = GlobalVariables.availableServices.find(function (service) {
return provider.services.indexOf(service.id) !== -1
// Preselect time
$('#start-datetime').datepicker('setDate', new Date(start.format('YYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss')));
$('#end-datetime').datepicker('setDate', new Date(end.format('YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss')));
return false;
// Translations
monthNames: [EALang.january, EALang.february, EALang.march, EALang.april,
EALang.may, EALang.june, EALang.july, EALang.august,
EALang.september, EALang.october, EALang.november,
monthNamesShort: [EALang.january.substr(0, 3), EALang.february.substr(0, 3),
EALang.march.substr(0, 3), EALang.april.substr(0, 3),
EALang.may.substr(0, 3), EALang.june.substr(0, 3),
EALang.july.substr(0, 3), EALang.august.substr(0, 3),
EALang.september.substr(0, 3), EALang.october.substr(0, 3),
EALang.november.substr(0, 3), EALang.december.substr(0, 3)],
dayNames: [EALang.sunday, EALang.monday, EALang.tuesday, EALang.wednesday,
EALang.thursday, EALang.friday, EALang.saturday],
dayNamesShort: [EALang.sunday.substr(0, 3), EALang.monday.substr(0, 3),
EALang.tuesday.substr(0, 3), EALang.wednesday.substr(0, 3),
EALang.thursday.substr(0, 3), EALang.friday.substr(0, 3),
EALang.saturday.substr(0, 3)],
dayNamesMin: [EALang.sunday.substr(0, 2), EALang.monday.substr(0, 2),
EALang.tuesday.substr(0, 2), EALang.wednesday.substr(0, 2),
EALang.thursday.substr(0, 2), EALang.friday.substr(0, 2),
EALang.saturday.substr(0, 2)],
buttonText: {
today: EALang.today,
day: EALang.day,
week: EALang.week,
month: EALang.month,
agendaDay: EALang.calendar,
listDay: EALang.list,
// Calendar events need to be declared on initialization.
eventClick: onEventClick,
eventResize: onEventResize,
eventDrop: onEventDrop,
dayClick: onDayClick,
viewRender: onViewRender
$wrapper.fullCalendar('gotoDate', moment(goToDate));
$('<h6/>', {
'text': provider.first_name + ' ' + provider.last_name
* Calendar Day "Click" Callback
* When the user clicks on a day square on the calendar, then he will automatically be transferred to that
* day view calendar.
function onDayClick(date) {
var $dialog = $('#manage-appointment');
var providerId = $(this).closest('.provider-column').data('provider').id;
var provider = GlobalVariables.availableProviders.find(function (provider) {
return Number(provider.id) === Number(providerId);
if (!provider) {
var service = GlobalVariables.availableServices.find(function (service) {
return provider.services.indexOf(service.id) !== -1;
if (provider.services.length) {
$dialog.find('#start-datetime').val(GeneralFunctions.formatDate(date, GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true));
$dialog.find('#start-datetime').datepicker('setDate', date);
GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true));
$dialog.find('#end-datetime').datepicker('setDate', date);
function onViewRender(view, element) {
$(element).fullCalendar('option', 'height', getCalendarHeight());
function createNonWorkingHours($calendar, provider) {
var workingPlan = JSON.parse(provider.settings.working_plan);
var workingPlanExceptions = JSON.parse(provider.settings.working_plan_exceptions);
var view = $calendar.fullCalendar('getView');
var start = view.start.clone();
var end = view.end.clone();
var selDayName = start.toDate().toString('dddd').toLowerCase();
var selDayDate = start.format('YYYY-MM-DD');
if (workingPlanExceptions[selDayDate]) {
workingPlan[selDayName] = workingPlanExceptions[selDayDate];
var workingPlanExceptionStart = selDayDate + ' ' + workingPlan[selDayName].start;
var workingPlanExceptionEnd = selDayDate + ' ' + workingPlan[selDayName].end;
var workingPlanExceptionEvent = {
title: EALang.working_plan_exception,
start: moment(workingPlanExceptionStart, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', true),
end: moment(workingPlanExceptionEnd, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', true).add(1, 'day'),
allDay: true,
color: '#879DB4',
editable: false,
className: 'fc-working-plan-exception fc-custom',
data: {
date: selDayDate,
workingPlanException: workingPlanExceptions[selDayDate],
provider: provider
$calendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', workingPlanExceptionEvent, false);
if (workingPlan[selDayName] === null) {
var nonWorkingDay = {
title: EALang.not_working,
start: start,
end: end,
allDay: false,
color: '#BEBEBE',
editable: false,
className: 'fc-unavailable'
$calendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', nonWorkingDay, true);
var workDateStart = moment(start.toDate().toString('yyyy-MM-dd') + ' ' + workingPlan[selDayName].start);
if (start < workDateStart) {
unavailablePeriod = {
title: EALang.not_working,
start: start,
end: workDateStart,
allDay: false,
color: '#BEBEBE',
editable: false,
className: 'fc-unavailable'
$calendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', unavailablePeriod, false);
// Add unavailable period after work ends.
var workDateEnd = moment(start.toDate().toString('yyyy-MM-dd') + ' ' + workingPlan[selDayName].end);
if (end > workDateEnd) {
var unavailablePeriod = {
title: EALang.not_working,
start: workDateEnd,
end: end,
allDay: false,
color: '#BEBEBE',
editable: false,
className: 'fc-unavailable'
$calendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', unavailablePeriod, false);
// Add unavailable periods for breaks.
var breakStart;
var breakEnd;
workingPlan[selDayName].breaks.forEach(function (currentBreak) {
breakStart = moment(start.toDate().toString('yyyy-MM-dd') + ' ' + currentBreak.start);
breakEnd = moment(start.toDate().toString('yyyy-MM-dd') + ' ' + currentBreak.end);
var unavailablePeriod = {
title: EALang.break,
start: breakStart,
end: breakEnd,
allDay: false,
color: '#BEBEBE',
editable: false,
className: 'fc-unavailable fc-break'
$calendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', unavailablePeriod, false);
* Create Appointment Events
* This method will add the appointment events on the table view.
* @param {jQuery} $providerColumn The provider column container.
* @param {Object[]} appointments Contains the appointment events data.
function createAppointments($providerColumn, appointments) {
if (appointments.length === 0) {
var filterServiceIds = $filterService.val();
appointments = appointments.filter(function (appointment) {
return !filterServiceIds.length || filterServiceIds.indexOf(appointment.id_services) !== -1;
var calendarEvents = [];
for (var index in appointments) {
var appointment = appointments[index];
if (appointment.id_users_provider !== $providerColumn.data('provider').id) {
id: appointment.id,
title: appointment.service.name + ' - '
+ appointment.customer.first_name + ' '
+ appointment.customer.last_name,
start: moment(appointment.start_datetime),
end: moment(appointment.end_datetime),
allDay: false,
data: appointment // Store appointment data for later use.
$providerColumn.find('.calendar-wrapper').fullCalendar('addEventSource', calendarEvents);
* Create Unavailability Events
* This method will add the unavailability events on the table view.
* @param {jQuery} $providerColumn The provider column container.
* @param {Object[]} unavailabilityEvents Contains the unavailability events data.
function createUnavailabilityEvents($providerColumn, unavailabilityEvents) {
if (unavailabilityEvents.length === 0) {
for (var index in unavailabilityEvents) {
var unavailability = unavailabilityEvents[index];
if (unavailability.id_users_provider !== $providerColumn.data('provider').id) {
var event = {
title: EALang.unavailable,
start: moment(unavailability.start_datetime),
end: moment(unavailability.end_datetime),
allDay: false,
color: '#879DB4',
editable: true,
className: 'fc-unavailable fc-custom',
data: unavailability
$providerColumn.find('.calendar-wrapper').fullCalendar('renderEvent', event, false);
* Create break events in the table view.
* @param {jQuery} $providerColumn The provider column container.
* @param {Object[]} breaks Contains the break events data.
function createBreaks($providerColumn, breaks) {
if (breaks.length === 0) {
var currentDate = new Date($providerColumn.parents('.date-column').data('date'));
var $tbody = $providerColumn.find('table tbody');
for (var index in breaks) {
var entry = breaks[index];
var startHour = entry.start.split(':');
var eventDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate(), startHour[0], startHour[1]);
var endHour = entry.end.split(':');
var endDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate(), endHour[0], endHour[1]);
var eventDuration = Math.round((endDate - eventDate) / 60000);
var $event = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'event unavailability break'
EALang.break +
' <span class="hour">' + eventDate.toString('HH:mm') + '</span> (' + eventDuration + '\')');
$tbody.find('tr').each(function (index, tr) {
var $td = $(tr).find('td:first');
var cellDate = new Date(currentDate.getTime()).set({
hour: parseInt($td.text().split(':')[0]),
minute: parseInt($td.text().split(':')[1])
if (eventDate < cellDate) {
// Remove the hour from the event if it is the same as the row.
if (eventDate.toString('HH:mm') === $(tr).prev().find('td').eq(0).text()) {
$(tr).prev().find('td:gt(0)').each(function (index, td) {
return false;
* Get the event notes for the popup widget.
* @param {Event} event
function getEventNotes(event) {
if (!event.data || !event.data.notes) {
return '-';
var notes = event.data.notes;
return notes.length > 100 ? notes.substring(0, 100) + '...' : notes;
* Calendar Event "Click" Callback
* When the user clicks on an appointment object on the calendar, then a data preview popover is display
* above the calendar item.
function onEventClick(event, jsEvent) {
$('.popover').popover('dispose'); // Close all open popovers.
var $html;
var displayEdit;
var displayDelete;
// Depending where the user clicked the event (title or empty space) we
// need to use different selectors to reach the parent element.
var $parent = $(jsEvent.target.offsetParent);
var $altParent = $(jsEvent.target).parents().eq(1);
if ($(this).hasClass('fc-unavailable') || $parent.hasClass('fc-unavailable') || $altParent.hasClass('fc-unavailable')) {
displayEdit = (($parent.hasClass('fc-custom') || $altParent.hasClass('fc-custom'))
&& GlobalVariables.user.privileges.appointments.edit === true)
? '' : 'd-none';
displayDelete = (($parent.hasClass('fc-custom') || $altParent.hasClass('fc-custom'))
&& GlobalVariables.user.privileges.appointments.delete === true)
? '' : 'd-none'; // Same value at the time.
$html = $('<div/>', {
'html': [
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.start
$('<span/>', {
'text': GeneralFunctions.formatDate(event.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.end
$('<span/>', {
'text': GeneralFunctions.formatDate(event.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.notes
$('<span/>', {
'text': getEventNotes(event)
$('<div/>', {
'class': 'd-flex justify-content-center',
'html': [
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'close-popover btn btn-outline-secondary mr-2',
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'fas fa-ban mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.close
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'delete-popover btn btn-outline-secondary mr-2 ' + displayDelete,
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'far fa-trash-alt mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.delete
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'edit-popover btn btn-primary ' + displayEdit,
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'far fa-edit mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.edit
} else if ($(this).hasClass('fc-working-plan-exception') || $parent.hasClass('fc-working-plan-exception') || $altParent.hasClass('fc-working-plan-exception')) {
displayEdit = (($parent.hasClass('fc-custom') || $altParent.hasClass('fc-custom'))
&& GlobalVariables.user.privileges.appointments.edit === true)
? '' : 'd-none'; // Same value at the time.
displayDelete = (($parent.hasClass('fc-custom') || $altParent.hasClass('fc-custom'))
&& GlobalVariables.user.privileges.appointments.delete === true)
? '' : 'd-none'; // Same value at the time.
$html = $('<div/>', {
'html': [
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.provider
$('<span/>', {
'text': event.data ? event.data.provider.first_name + ' ' + event.data.provider.last_name : '-'
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.start
$('<span/>', {
'text': GeneralFunctions.formatDate(event.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.end
$('<span/>', {
'text': GeneralFunctions.formatDate(event.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.timezone
$('<span/>', {
'text': GlobalVariables.timezones[event.data.provider.timezone]
$('<div/>', {
'class': 'd-flex justify-content-center',
'html': [
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'close-popover btn btn-outline-secondary mr-2',
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'fas fa-ban mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.close
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'delete-popover btn btn-outline-secondary mr-2 ' + displayDelete,
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'far fa-trash-alt mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.delete
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'edit-popover btn btn-primary ' + displayEdit,
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'far fa-edit mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.edit
} else {
displayEdit = (GlobalVariables.user.privileges.appointments.edit === true)
? '' : 'd-none';
displayDelete = (GlobalVariables.user.privileges.appointments.delete === true)
? '' : 'd-none';
$html = $('<div/>', {
'html': [
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.start
$('<span/>', {
'text': GeneralFunctions.formatDate(event.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.end
$('<span/>', {
'text': GeneralFunctions.formatDate(event.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), GlobalVariables.dateFormat, true)
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.timezone
$('<span/>', {
'text': GlobalVariables.timezones[event.data.provider.timezone]
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.service
$('<span/>', {
'text': event.data.service.name
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.provider
$('<span/>', {
'text': event.data.provider.first_name + ' ' + event.data.provider.last_name
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.customer
$('<span/>', {
'text': event.data.customer.first_name + ' ' + event.data.customer.last_name
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.email
$('<span/>', {
'text': event.data.customer.email
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.phone
$('<span/>', {
'text': event.data.customer.phone_number
$('<strong/>', {
'text': EALang.notes
$('<span/>', {
'text': getEventNotes(event)
$('<div/>', {
'class': 'd-flex justify-content-center',
'html': [
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'close-popover btn btn-outline-secondary mr-2',
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'fas fa-ban mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.close
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'delete-popover btn btn-outline-secondary mr-2' + displayDelete,
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'far fa-trash-alt mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.delete
$('<button/>', {
'class': 'edit-popover btn btn-primary ' + displayEdit,
'html': [
$('<i/>', {
'class': 'far fa-edit mr-2'
$('<span/>', {
'text': EALang.edit
placement: 'top',
title: event.title,
content: $html,
html: true,
container: '#calendar',
trigger: 'manual'
lastFocusedEventData = event;
// Fix popover position.
if ($('.popover').length > 0 && $('.popover').position().top < 200) {
$('.popover').css('top', '200px');
* Calendar Event "Resize" Callback
* The user can change the duration of an event by resizing an appointment object on the calendar. This
* change needs to be stored to the database too and this is done via an ajax call.
* @see updateAppointmentData()
function onEventResize(event, delta, revertFunc) {
if (GlobalVariables.user.privileges.appointments.edit === false) {
var $calendar = $('#calendar');
if ($('#notification').is(':visible')) {
var successCallback;
if (event.data.is_unavailable === '0') {
// Prepare appointment data.
event.data.end_datetime = Date.parseExact(
event.data.end_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({days: delta.days(), hours: delta.hours(), minutes: delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
var appointment = GeneralFunctions.clone(event.data);
// Must delete the following because only appointment data should be provided to the AJAX call.
delete appointment.customer;
delete appointment.provider;
delete appointment.service;
// Success callback
successCallback = function () {
// Display success notification to user.
var undoFunction = function () {
appointment.end_datetime = event.data.end_datetime = Date.parseExact(
appointment.end_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({days: -delta.days(), hours: -delta.hours(), minutes: -delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
var url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_save_appointment';
var data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
appointment_data: JSON.stringify(appointment)
$.post(url, data)
.done(function () {
Backend.displayNotification(EALang.appointment_updated, [
'label': EALang.undo,
'function': undoFunction
$('#footer').css('position', 'static'); // Footer position fix.
// Update the event data for later use.
$calendar.fullCalendar('updateEvent', event);
// Update appointment data.
BackendCalendarApi.saveAppointment(appointment, null, successCallback);
} else {
// Update unavailable time period.
var unavailable = {
id: event.data.id,
start_datetime: event.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
end_datetime: event.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
id_users_provider: event.data.id_users_provider
event.data.end_datetime = unavailable.end_datetime;
// Define success callback function.
successCallback = function () {
// Display success notification to user.
var undoFunction = function () {
unavailable.end_datetime = event.data.end_datetime = Date.parseExact(
unavailable.end_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({minutes: -delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
var url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_save_unavailable';
var data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
unavailable: JSON.stringify(unavailable)
$.post(url, data)
.done(function () {
Backend.displayNotification(EALang.unavailable_updated, [
'label': EALang.undo,
'function': undoFunction
$('#footer').css('position', 'static'); // Footer position fix.
// Update the event data for later use.
$calendar.fullCalendar('updateEvent', event);
BackendCalendarApi.saveUnavailable(unavailable, successCallback);
* Calendar Event "Drop" Callback
* This event handler is triggered whenever the user drags and drops an event into a different position
* on the calendar. We need to update the database with this change. This is done via an ajax call.
function onEventDrop(event, delta, revertFunc) {
if (GlobalVariables.user.privileges.appointments.edit === false) {
if ($('#notification').is(':visible')) {
var successCallback;
if (event.data.is_unavailable === '0') {
// Prepare appointment data.
var appointment = GeneralFunctions.clone(event.data);
// Must delete the following because only appointment data should be provided to the ajax call.
delete appointment.customer;
delete appointment.provider;
delete appointment.service;
appointment.start_datetime = Date.parseExact(
appointment.start_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({days: delta.days(), hours: delta.hours(), minutes: delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
appointment.end_datetime = Date.parseExact(
appointment.end_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({days: delta.days(), hours: delta.hours(), minutes: delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
event.data.start_datetime = appointment.start_datetime;
event.data.end_datetime = appointment.end_datetime;
// Define success callback function.
successCallback = function () {
// Define the undo function, if the user needs to reset the last change.
var undoFunction = function () {
appointment.start_datetime = Date.parseExact(
appointment.start_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({days: -delta.days(), hours: -delta.hours(), minutes: -delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
appointment.end_datetime = Date.parseExact(
appointment.end_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({days: -delta.days(), hours: -delta.hours(), minutes: -delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
event.data.start_datetime = appointment.start_datetime;
event.data.end_datetime = appointment.end_datetime;
var url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_save_appointment';
var data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
appointment_data: JSON.stringify(appointment)
$.post(url, data)
.done(function () {
Backend.displayNotification(EALang.appointment_updated, [
'label': EALang.undo,
'function': undoFunction
$('#footer').css('position', 'static'); // Footer position fix.
// Update appointment data.
BackendCalendarApi.saveAppointment(appointment, null, successCallback);
} else {
// Update unavailable time period.
var unavailable = {
id: event.data.id,
start_datetime: event.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
end_datetime: event.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
id_users_provider: event.data.id_users_provider
successCallback = function () {
var undoFunction = function () {
unavailable.start_datetime = Date.parseExact(
unavailable.start_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({days: -delta.days(), minutes: -delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
unavailable.end_datetime = Date.parseExact(
unavailable.end_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
.add({days: -delta.days(), minutes: -delta.minutes()})
.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
event.data.start_datetime = unavailable.start_datetime;
event.data.end_datetime = unavailable.end_datetime;
var url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_save_unavailable';
var data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
unavailable: JSON.stringify(unavailable)
$.post(url, data)
.done(function () {
Backend.displayNotification(EALang.unavailable_updated, [
label: EALang.undo,
function: undoFunction
$('#footer').css('position', 'static'); // Footer position fix.
BackendCalendarApi.saveUnavailable(unavailable, successCallback);
* Set Table Calendar View
* This method will set the optimal size in the calendar view elements in order to fit in the page without
* using scrollbars.
function setCalendarViewSize() {
var height = window.innerHeight - $('#header').outerHeight() - $('#footer').outerHeight()
- $('#calendar-toolbar').outerHeight() - $('.calendar-header').outerHeight() - 50;
if (height < 500) {
height = 500;
var $dateColumn = $('.date-column');
var $calendarViewDiv = $('.calendar-view > div');
$calendarViewDiv.css('min-width', '1000%');
var width = 0;
$dateColumn.each(function (index, dateColumn) {
width += $(dateColumn).outerWidth();
$calendarViewDiv.css('min-width', width + 200);
var dateColumnHeight = $dateColumn.outerHeight();
$('.calendar-view .not-working').outerHeight((dateColumnHeight > height ? dateColumnHeight : height) - 70);
* Get the calendar events.
* @param {Date} startDate The start date of the selected period.
* @param {Date} endDate The end date of the selected period.
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
function getCalendarEvents(startDate, endDate) {
var url = GlobalVariables.baseUrl + '/index.php/backend_api/ajax_get_calendar_events';
var data = {
csrfToken: GlobalVariables.csrfToken,
startDate: startDate.toString('yyyy-MM-dd'),
endDate: endDate.toString('yyyy-MM-dd')
return $.ajax({
url: url,
data: data,
method: 'POST',
beforeSend: function () {
// $('#loading').css('visibility', 'hidden');
complete: function () {
// $('#loading').css('visibility', '');
* Initialize Page
exports.initialize = function () {
var startDate = moment().toDate();
var endDate = moment().add(Number($('#select-filter-item').val()) - 1, 'days').toDate();
createView(startDate, endDate);
// Hide Google Calendar Sync buttons cause they can not be used within this view.
$('#enable-sync, #google-sync').hide();