/*global describe: true, expect: true, it: true, jasmine: true */ describe('module that exports a function that is not a constructor', function() { var docSet = jasmine.getDocSetFromFile('test/fixtures/moduleisfunction.js'); var functions = docSet.doclets.filter(function(doclet) { return doclet.kind === 'function'; }); it('should include one doclet whose kind is "function"', function() { expect(functions.length).toBe(1); expect(functions[0].kind).toBe('function'); }); describe('function doclet', function() { it('should not include a "scope" property', function() { expect(functions[0].scope).not.toBeDefined(); }); it('should not include a "memberof" property', function() { expect(functions[0].memberof).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); });