<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed'); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Easy!Appointments - Open Source Web Scheduler * * @package EasyAppointments * @author A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com> * @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Tselegidis * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3 * @link https://easyappointments.org * @since v1.0.0 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Google controller. * * Handles the Google Calendar synchronization related operations. * * @package Controllers */ class Google extends EA_Controller { /** * Google constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('google_sync'); $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); $this->load->model('roles_model'); } /** * Complete synchronization of appointments between Google Calendar and Easy!Appointments. * * This method will completely sync the appointments of a provider with his Google Calendar account. The sync period * needs to be relatively small, because a lot of API calls might be necessary and this will lead to consuming the * Google limit for the Calendar API usage. * * @param int $provider_id Provider record to be synced. */ public static function sync($provider_id = NULL) { try { /** @var EA_Controller $CI */ $CI = get_instance(); $CI->load->library('google_sync'); $CI->load->model('appointments_model'); $CI->load->model('providers_model'); $CI->load->model('services_model'); $CI->load->model('customers_model'); $CI->load->model('settings_model'); $user_id = session('user_id'); if ( ! $user_id && ! is_cli()) { return; } if ( ! $provider_id) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('No provider ID provided.'); } $provider = $CI->providers_model->find($provider_id); // Check whether the selected provider has the Google Sync enabled. $google_sync = $CI->providers_model->get_setting($provider['id'], 'google_sync'); if ( ! $google_sync) { throw new Exception('The selected provider has not the google synchronization setting enabled.'); } $google_token = json_decode($CI->providers_model->get_setting($provider['id'], 'google_token')); $CI->google_sync->refresh_token($google_token->refresh_token); // Fetch provider's appointments that belong to the sync time period. $sync_past_days = $CI->providers_model->get_setting($provider['id'], 'sync_past_days'); $sync_future_days = $CI->providers_model->get_setting($provider['id'], 'sync_future_days'); $start = strtotime('-' . $sync_past_days . ' days', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))); $end = strtotime('+' . $sync_future_days . ' days', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))); $where = [ 'start_datetime >=' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start), 'end_datetime <=' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end), 'id_users_provider' => $provider['id'] ]; $appointments = $CI->appointments_model->get($where); $settings = [ 'company_name' => setting('company_name'), 'company_link' => setting('company_link'), 'company_email' => setting('company_email') ]; $provider_timezone = new DateTimeZone($provider['timezone']); // Sync each appointment with Google Calendar by following the project's sync protocol (see documentation). foreach ($appointments as $appointment) { if ($appointment['is_unavailable'] == FALSE) { $service = $CI->services_model->find($appointment['id_services']); $customer = $CI->customers_model->find($appointment['id_users_customer']); } else { $service = NULL; $customer = NULL; } // If current appointment not synced yet, add to Google Calendar. if ($appointment['id_google_calendar'] == NULL) { $google_event = $CI->google_sync->add_appointment($appointment, $provider, $service, $customer, $settings); $appointment['id_google_calendar'] = $google_event->id; $CI->appointments_model->save($appointment); // Save the Google Calendar ID. } else { // Appointment is synced with Google Calendar. try { $google_event = $CI->google_sync->get_event($provider, $appointment['id_google_calendar']); if ($google_event->status == 'cancelled') { throw new Exception('Event is cancelled, remove the record from Easy!Appointments.'); } // If Google Calendar event is different from Easy!Appointments appointment then update // Easy!Appointments record. $is_different = FALSE; $appointment_start = strtotime($appointment['start_datetime']); $appointment_end = strtotime($appointment['end_datetime']); $event_start = new DateTime($google_event->getStart()->getDateTime()); $event_start->setTimezone($provider_timezone); $event_end = new DateTime($google_event->getEnd()->getDateTime()); $event_end->setTimezone($provider_timezone); $is_different = $appointment_start !== $event_start->getTimestamp() || $appointment_end !== $event_end->getTimestamp() || $appointment['notes'] !== $google_event->getDescription(); if ($is_different) { $appointment['start_datetime'] = $event_start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $appointment['end_datetime'] = $event_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $appointment['notes'] = $google_event->getDescription(); $CI->appointments_model->save($appointment); } } catch (Throwable $e) { // Appointment not found on Google Calendar, delete from Easy!Appointments. $CI->appointments_model->delete($appointment['id']); $appointment['id_google_calendar'] = NULL; } } } // Add Google Calendar events that do not exist in Easy!Appointments. $google_calendar = $provider['settings']['google_calendar']; $google_events = $CI->google_sync->get_sync_events($google_calendar, $start, $end); foreach ($google_events->getItems() as $google_event) { if ($google_event->getStatus() === 'cancelled') { continue; } if ($google_event->getStart() === NULL || $google_event->getEnd() === NULL) { continue; } if ($google_event->getStart()->getDateTime() === $google_event->getEnd()->getDateTime()) { $event_start = new DateTime($google_event->getStart()->getDate()); $event_start->setTimezone($provider_timezone); $event_end = new DateTime($google_event->getEnd()->getDate()); $event_end->setTimezone($provider_timezone); } else { $event_start = new DateTime($google_event->getStart()->getDateTime()); $event_start->setTimezone($provider_timezone); $event_end = new DateTime($google_event->getEnd()->getDateTime()); $event_end->setTimezone($provider_timezone); } $results = $CI->appointments_model->get(['id_google_calendar' => $google_event->getId()]); if ( ! empty($results)) { continue; } // Record doesn't exist in the Easy!Appointments, so add the event now. $appointment = [ 'start_datetime' => $event_start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'end_datetime' => $event_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'is_unavailable' => TRUE, 'location' => $google_event->getLocation(), 'notes' => $google_event->getSummary() . ' ' . $google_event->getDescription(), 'id_users_provider' => $provider_id, 'id_google_calendar' => $google_event->getId(), 'id_users_customer' => NULL, 'id_services' => NULL, ]; $CI->appointments_model->save($appointment); } json_response([ 'success' => TRUE ]); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } /** * Authorize Google Calendar API usage for a specific provider. * * Since it is required to follow the web application flow, in order to retrieve a refresh token from the Google API * service, this method is going to authorize the given provider. * * @param int $provider_id The provider id, for whom the sync authorization is made. */ public function oauth(int $provider_id) { // Store the provider id for use on the callback function. session(['oauth_provider_id' => $provider_id]); // Redirect browser to google user content page. header('Location: ' . $this->google_sync->get_auth_url()); } /** * Callback method for the Google Calendar API authorization process. * * Once the user grants consent with his Google Calendar data usage, the Google OAuth service will redirect him back * in this page. Here we are going to store the refresh token, because this is what will be used to generate access * tokens in the future. * * IMPORTANT: Because it is necessary to authorize the application using the web server flow (see official * documentation of OAuth), every Easy!Appointments installation should use its own calendar api key. So in every * api console account, the "http://path-to-Easy!Appointments/google/oauth_callback" should be included in an allowed redirect URL. */ public function oauth_callback() { $code = request('code'); if (empty($code)) { response('Code authorization failed.'); return; } $token = $this->google_sync->authenticate($code); if (empty($token)) { response('Token authorization failed.'); return; } // Store the token into the database for future reference. $oauth_provider_id = session('oauth_provider_id'); if ($oauth_provider_id) { $this->providers_model->set_setting($oauth_provider_id, 'google_sync', TRUE); $this->providers_model->set_setting($oauth_provider_id, 'google_token', json_encode($token)); $this->providers_model->set_setting($oauth_provider_id, 'google_calendar', 'primary'); } else { response('Sync provider id not specified.'); } } /** * This method will return a list of the available Google Calendars. * * The user will need to select a specific calendar from this list to sync his appointments with. Google access must * be already granted for the specific provider. */ public function ajax_get_google_calendars() { try { if ( ! request('provider_id')) { throw new Exception('Provider id is required in order to fetch the google calendars.'); } // Check if selected provider has sync enabled. $provider_id = request('provider_id'); $google_sync = $this->providers_model->get_setting($provider_id, 'google_sync'); if ( ! $google_sync) { json_response([ 'success' => FALSE ]); return; } $google_token = json_decode($this->providers_model->get_setting($provider_id, 'google_token')); $this->google_sync->refresh_token($google_token->refresh_token); $calendars = $this->google_sync->get_google_calendars(); json_response($calendars); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } /** * Select a specific google calendar for a provider. * * All the appointments will be synced with this particular calendar. */ public function ajax_select_google_calendar() { try { $provider_id = request('provider_id'); $user_id = session('user_id'); if (cannot('edit', PRIV_USERS) && (int)$user_id !== (int)$provider_id) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required permissions for this task.'); } $calendar_id = request('calendar_id'); $this->providers_model->set_setting($provider_id, 'google_calendar', $calendar_id); json_response([ 'success' => TRUE ]); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } /** * Disable a providers sync setting. * * This method deletes the "google_sync" and "google_token" settings from the database. * * After that the provider's appointments will be no longer synced with Google Calendar. */ public function ajax_disable_provider_sync() { try { $provider_id = request('provider_id'); if ( ! $provider_id) { throw new Exception('Provider id not specified.'); } $user_id = session('user_id'); if ( cannot('edit', PRIV_USERS) && (int)$user_id !== (int)$provider_id) { throw new Exception('You do not have the required permissions for this task.'); } $this->providers_model->set_setting($provider_id, 'google_sync', FALSE); $this->providers_model->set_setting($provider_id, 'google_token', NULL); $this->appointments_model->clear_google_sync_ids($provider_id); json_response([ 'success' => TRUE, ]); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } }