#!/bin/bash # Nginx Docker Localtest CONT_NAME="IFLRANDEVU_NGINX_LOCALTEST" # nginx docker name MOUNT_PATH="/source" # binded mount path in nginx docker FILE_NAME="nginx_docker_localtest.sh" # name of the *this* file _RED='\033[0;31m' _NC='\033[0m \e[0m' # No Color, No Effect if [[ $1 != "docker" ]]; then if [[ $(pwd) != *iflrandevu ]]; then echo "PLEASE CHANGE DIRECTORY TO \`iflrandevu/\` BEFORE STARTING SCRIPT" exit fi docker stop $CONT_NAME docker rm $CONT_NAME echo "removed" docker run -it -d --name "$CONT_NAME" --mount type=bind,source=".",target=/source/,readonly --publish 8000:80 nginx bash echo -e "RUN SCRIPT: \`${_RED}bash $MOUNT_PATH/nginx_docker_localtest.sh docker${_NC}\`" docker attach $CONT_NAME --detach-keys="ctrl-k" echo "EXIT" exit elif [[ $1 == "docker" ]]; then apt update apt install nano exa tree -y cd /usr/share/nginx/html rm -f "50x.html" rm -f "index.html" cp -r /source/build/ . fi