<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed'); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Easy!Appointments - Online Appointment Scheduler * * @package EasyAppointments * @author A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com> * @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Tselegidis * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3 * @link https://easyappointments.org * @since v1.5.0 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Appointments API v1 controller. * * @package Controllers */ class Appointments_api_v1 extends EA_Controller { /** * Appointments_api_v1 constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('appointments_model'); $this->load->model('customers_model'); $this->load->model('providers_model'); $this->load->model('services_model'); $this->load->model('settings_model'); $this->load->library('api'); $this->load->library('synchronization'); $this->load->library('notifications'); $this->api->auth(); $this->api->model('appointments_model'); } /** * Get an appointment collection. */ public function index() { try { $keyword = $this->api->request_keyword(); $limit = $this->api->request_limit(); $offset = $this->api->request_offset(); $order_by = $this->api->request_order_by(); $fields = $this->api->request_fields(); $with = $this->api->request_with(); $where = NULL; // Date query param. $date = request('date'); if ( ! empty($date)) { $where['DATE(start_datetime)'] = (new DateTime($date))->format('Y-m-d'); } // From query param. $from = request('from'); if ( ! empty($from)) { $where['DATE(start_datetime) >='] = (new DateTime($from))->format('Y-m-d'); } // Till query param. $till = request('till'); if ( ! empty($till)) { $where['DATE(end_datetime) <='] = (new DateTime($till))->format('Y-m-d'); } // Service ID query param. $service_id = request('serviceId'); if ( ! empty($service_id)) { $where['id_services'] = $service_id; } // Provider ID query param. $provider_id = request('providerId'); if ( ! empty($provider_id)) { $where['id_users_provider'] = $provider_id; } // Customer ID query param. $customer_id = request('customerId'); if ( ! empty($customer_id)) { $where['id_users_customer'] = $customer_id; } $appointments = empty($keyword) ? $this->appointments_model->get($where, $limit, $offset, $order_by) : $this->appointments_model->search($keyword, $limit, $offset, $order_by); foreach ($appointments as &$appointment) { $this->appointments_model->api_encode($appointment); $this->aggregates($appointment); if ( ! empty($fields)) { $this->appointments_model->only($appointment, $fields); } if ( ! empty($with)) { $this->appointments_model->load($appointment, $with); } } json_response($appointments); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } /** * Get a single appointment. * * @param int|null $id Appointment ID. */ public function show(int $id = NULL) { try { $fields = $this->api->request_fields(); $with = $this->api->request_with(); $appointment = $this->appointments_model->find($id); $this->appointments_model->api_encode($appointment); if ( ! empty($fields)) { $this->appointments_model->only($appointment, $fields); } if ( ! empty($with)) { $this->appointments_model->load($appointment, $with); } if ( ! $appointment) { response('Not Found', 404); return; } json_response($appointment); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } /** * Create an appointment. */ public function store() { try { $appointment = request(); $this->appointments_model->api_decode($appointment); if (array_key_exists('id', $appointment)) { unset($appointment['id']); } if ( ! array_key_exists('end_datetime', $appointment)) { $appointment['end_datetime'] = $this->calculate_end_datetime($appointment); } $appointment_id = $this->appointments_model->save($appointment); $created_appointment = $this->appointments_model->find($appointment_id); $this->notify_and_sync_appointment($created_appointment); $this->appointments_model->api_encode($created_appointment); json_response($created_appointment, 201); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } /** * Update an appointment. * * @param int $id Appointment ID. */ public function update(int $id) { try { $occurrences = $this->appointments_model->get(['id' => $id]); if (empty($occurrences)) { response('', 404); return; } $original_appointment = $occurrences[0]; $appointment = request(); $this->appointments_model->api_decode($appointment, $original_appointment); $appointment_id = $this->appointments_model->save($appointment); $updated_appointment = $this->appointments_model->find($appointment_id); $this->notify_and_sync_appointment($updated_appointment, 'update'); $this->appointments_model->api_encode($updated_appointment); json_response($updated_appointment); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } /** * Delete an appointment. * * @param int $id Appointment ID. */ public function destroy(int $id) { try { $occurrences = $this->appointments_model->get(['id' => $id]); if (empty($occurrences)) { response('', 404); return; } $deleted_appointment = $occurrences[0]; $service = $this->services_model->find($deleted_appointment['id_services']); $provider = $this->providers_model->find($deleted_appointment['id_users_provider']); $customer = $this->customers_model->find($deleted_appointment['id_users_customer']); $settings = [ 'company_name' => setting('company_name'), 'company_email' => setting('company_email'), 'company_link' => setting('company_link'), 'date_format' => setting('date_format'), 'time_format' => setting('time_format') ]; $this->appointments_model->delete($id); $this->synchronization->sync_appointment_deleted($deleted_appointment, $provider); $this->notifications->notify_appointment_deleted($deleted_appointment, $service, $provider, $customer, $settings); response('', 204); } catch (Throwable $e) { json_exception($e); } } /** * Send the required notifications and trigger syncing after saving an appointment. * * @param array $appointment Appointment data. * @param string $action Performed action ("store" or "update"). */ private function notify_and_sync_appointment(array $appointment, string $action = 'store') { $manage_mode = $action === 'update'; $service = $this->services_model->find($appointment['id_services']); $provider = $this->providers_model->find($appointment['id_users_provider']); $customer = $this->customers_model->find($appointment['id_users_customer']); $settings = [ 'company_name' => setting('company_name'), 'company_email' => setting('company_email'), 'company_link' => setting('company_link'), 'date_format' => setting('date_format'), 'time_format' => setting('time_format') ]; $this->synchronization->sync_appointment_saved($appointment, $service, $provider, $customer, $settings); $this->notifications->notify_appointment_saved($appointment, $service, $provider, $customer, $settings, $manage_mode); } /** * Calculate the end date time of an appointment based on the selected service. * * @param array $appointment Appointment data. * * @return string Returns the end date time value. * * @throws Exception */ private function calculate_end_datetime(array $appointment): string { $duration = $this->services_model->value($appointment['id_services'], 'duration'); $end = new DateTime($appointment['start_datetime']); $end->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $duration . 'M')); return $end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } /** * Load the relations of the current appointment if the "aggregates" query parameter is present. * * This is a compatibility addition to the appointment resource which was the only one to support it. * * Use the "attach" query parameter instead as this one will be removed. * * @param array $appointment Appointment data. * * @deprecated Since 1.5 */ private function aggregates(array &$appointment) { $aggregates = request('aggregates') !== NULL; if ($aggregates) { $appointment['service'] = $this->services_model->find($appointment['id_services'] ?? $appointment['serviceId'] ?? NULL); $appointment['provider'] = $this->providers_model->find($appointment['id_users_provider'] ?? $appointment['providerId'] ?? NULL); $appointment['customer'] = $this->customers_model->find($appointment['id_users_customer'] ?? $appointment['customerId']) ?? NULL; $this->services_model->api_encode($appointment['service']); $this->providers_model->api_encode($appointment['provider']); $this->customers_model->api_encode($appointment['customer']); } } }