/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Easy!Appointments - Online Appointment Scheduler
 * @package     EasyAppointments
 * @author      A.Tselegidis <alextselegidis@gmail.com>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) Alex Tselegidis
 * @license     https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 - GPLv3
 * @link        https://easyappointments.org
 * @since       v1.5.0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Appointments modal component.
 * This module implements the appointments modal functionality.
 * Old Name: BackendCalendarAppointmentsModal
App.Components.AppointmentsModal = (function () {
    const $appointmentsModal = $('#appointments-modal');
    const $startDatetime = $('#start-datetime');
    const $endDatetime = $('#end-datetime');
    const $filterExistingCustomers = $('#filter-existing-customers');
    const $customerId = $('#customer-id');
    const $firstName = $('#first-name');
    const $lastName = $('#last-name');
    const $email = $('#email');
    const $phoneNumber = $('#phone-number');
    const $address = $('#address');
    const $city = $('#city');
    const $zipCode = $('#zip-code');
    const $language = $('#language');
    const $timezone = $('#timezone');
    const $customerNotes = $('#customer-notes');
    const $selectCustomer = $('#select-customer');
    const $saveAppointment = $('#save-appointment');
    const $appointmentId = $('#appointment-id');
    const $appointmentLocation = $('#appointment-location');
    const $appointmentColor = $('#appointment-color');
    const $appointmentNotes = $('#appointment-notes');
    const $reloadAppointments = $('#reload-appointments');
    const $selectFilterItem = $('#select-filter-item');
    const $selectService = $('#select-service');
    const $selectProvider = $('#select-provider');
    const $insertAppointment = $('#insert-appointment');
    const $existingCustomersList = $('#existing-customers-list');
    const $newCustomer = $('#new-customer');

     * Update the displayed timezone.
    function updateTimezone() {
        const providerId = $selectProvider.val();

        const provider = vars('available_providers').find(
            (availableProvider) => Number(availableProvider.id) === Number(providerId)

        if (provider && provider.timezone) {

     * Add the component event listeners.
    function addEventListeners() {
         * Event: Manage Appointments Dialog Save Button "Click"
         * Stores the appointment changes or inserts a new appointment depending on the dialog mode.
        $saveAppointment.on('click', () => {
            // Before doing anything the appointment data need to be validated.
            if (!validateAppointmentForm()) {

            // ID must exist on the object in order for the model to update the record and not to perform
            // an insert operation.

            const startDatetime = moment($startDatetime.datetimepicker('getDate')).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
            const endDatetime = moment($endDatetime.datetimepicker('getDate')).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');

            const appointment = {
                id_services: $selectService.val(),
                id_users_provider: $selectProvider.val(),
                start_datetime: startDatetime,
                end_datetime: endDatetime,
                location: $appointmentLocation.val(),
                color: App.Components.ColorSelection.getColor($appointmentColor),
                notes: $appointmentNotes.val(),
                is_unavailability: Number(false)

            if ($appointmentId.val() !== '') {
                // Set the id value, only if we are editing an appointment.
                appointment.id = $appointmentId.val();

            const customer = {
                first_name: $firstName.val(),
                last_name: $lastName.val(),
                email: $email.val(),
                phone_number: $phoneNumber.val(),
                address: $address.val(),
                city: $city.val(),
                zip_code: $zipCode.val(),
                language: $language.val(),
                timezone: $timezone.val(),
                notes: $customerNotes.val()

            if ($customerId.val() !== '') {
                // Set the id value, only if we are editing an appointment.
                customer.id = $customerId.val();
                appointment.id_users_customer = customer.id;

            // Define success callback.
            const successCallback = () => {
                // Display success message to the user.

                // Close the modal dialog and refresh the calendar appointments.

            // Define error callback.
            const errorCallback = () => {

            // Save appointment data.
            App.Http.Calendar.saveAppointment(appointment, customer, successCallback, errorCallback);

         * Event: Insert Appointment Button "Click"
         * When the user presses this button, the manage appointment dialog opens and lets the user create a new
         * appointment.
        $insertAppointment.on('click', () => {


            // Set the selected filter item and find the next appointment time as the default modal values.
            if ($selectFilterItem.find('option:selected').attr('type') === 'provider') {
                const providerId = $('#select-filter-item').val();

                const providers = vars('available_providers').filter(
                    (provider) => Number(provider.id) === Number(providerId)

                if (providers.length) {
            } else if ($selectFilterItem.find('option:selected').attr('type') === 'service') {
                $selectService.find('option[value="' + $selectFilterItem.val() + '"]').prop('selected', true);
            } else {
                $selectService.find('option:first').prop('selected', true).trigger('change');


            const serviceId = $selectService.val();

            const service = vars('available_services').find(
                (availableService) => Number(availableService.id) === Number(serviceId)

            const duration = service ? service.duration : 60;

            const startMoment = moment();

            const currentMin = parseInt(startMoment.format('mm'));

            if (currentMin > 0 && currentMin < 15) {
                startMoment.set({minutes: 15});
            } else if (currentMin > 15 && currentMin < 30) {
                startMoment.set({minutes: 30});
            } else if (currentMin > 30 && currentMin < 45) {
                startMoment.set({minutes: 45});
            } else {
                startMoment.add(1, 'hour').set({minutes: 0});

                App.Utils.Date.format(startMoment.toDate(), vars('date_format'), vars('time_format'), true)

                    startMoment.add(duration, 'minutes').toDate(),

            // Display modal form.
            $appointmentsModal.find('.modal-header h3').text(lang('new_appointment_title'));


         * Event: Pick Existing Customer Button "Click"
         * @param {jQuery.Event} event
        $selectCustomer.on('click', (event) => {
            if (!$existingCustomersList.is(':visible')) {
                vars('customers').forEach((customer) => {
                    $('<div/>', {
                        'data-id': customer.id,
                        'text': (customer.first_name || '[No First Name]') + ' ' + (customer.last_name || '[No Last Name]')
            } else {

         * Event: Select Existing Customer From List "Click"
         * @param {jQuery.Event}
        $appointmentsModal.on('click', '#existing-customers-list div', (event) => {
            const customerId = $(event.target).attr('data-id');

            const customer = vars('customers').find((customer) => Number(customer.id) === Number(customerId));

            if (customer) {

            $selectCustomer.trigger('click'); // Hide the list.

        let filterExistingCustomersTimeout = null;

         * Event: Filter Existing Customers "Change"
         * @param {jQuery.Event}
        $filterExistingCustomers.on('keyup', (event) => {
            if (filterExistingCustomersTimeout) {

            const keyword = $(event.target).val().toLowerCase();

            filterExistingCustomersTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
                $('#loading').css('visibility', 'hidden');

                App.Http.Customers.search(keyword, 50)
                    .done((response) => {

                        response.forEach((customer) => {
                            $('<div/>', {
                                'data-id': customer.id,
                                'text': (customer.first_name || '[No First Name]') + ' ' + (customer.last_name || '[No Last Name]')

                            // Verify if this customer is on the old customer list.
                            const result = vars('customers').filter((existingCustomer) => {
                                return Number(existingCustomer.id) === Number(customer.id);

                            // Add it to the customer list.
                            if (!result.length) {
                    .fail(() => {
                        // If there is any error on the request, search by the local client database.

                        vars('customers').forEach((customer) => {
                            if (
                                customer.first_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) !== -1 ||
                                customer.last_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) !== -1 ||
                                customer.email.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) !== -1 ||
                                customer.phone_number.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) !== -1 ||
                                customer.address.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) !== -1 ||
                                customer.city.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) !== -1 ||
                                customer.zip_code.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) !== -1 ||
                                customer.notes.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) !== -1
                            ) {
                                $('<div/>', {
                                    'data-id': customer.id,
                                    'text': (customer.first_name || '[No First Name]') + ' ' + (customer.last_name || '[No Last Name]')
                    .always(() => {
                        $('#loading').css('visibility', '');
            }, 1000);

         * Event: Selected Service "Change"
         * When the user clicks on a service, its available providers should become visible. We also need to
         * update the start and end time of the appointment.
        $selectService.on('change', () => {
            const serviceId = $selectService.val();


            // Automatically update the service duration.
            const service = vars('available_services').find((availableService) => {
                return Number(availableService.id) === Number(serviceId);

            const duration = service ? service.duration : 60;

            const start = $startDatetime.datetimepicker('getDate');
            $endDatetime.datetimepicker('setDate', new Date(start.getTime() + duration * 60000));

            // Update the providers select box.

            vars('available_providers').forEach((provider) => {
                provider.services.forEach((providerServiceId) => {
                    if (
                        vars('role_slug') === App.Layouts.Backend.DB_SLUG_PROVIDER &&
                        Number(provider.id) !== vars('user_id')
                    ) {
                        return; // continue

                    if (
                        vars('role_slug') === App.Layouts.Backend.DB_SLUG_SECRETARY &&
                        vars('secretary_providers').indexOf(Number(provider.id)) === -1
                    ) {
                        return; // continue

                    // If the current provider is able to provide the selected service, add him to the list box.
                    if (Number(providerServiceId) === Number(serviceId)) {
                        $selectProvider.append(new Option(provider.first_name + ' ' + provider.last_name, provider.id));

         * Event: Provider "Change"
        $selectProvider.on('change', () => {

         * Event: Enter New Customer Button "Click"
        $newCustomer.on('click', () => {

     * Reset Appointment Dialog
     * This method resets the manage appointment dialog modal to its initial state. After that you can make
     * any modification might be necessary in order to bring the dialog to the desired state.
    function resetModal() {
        // Empty form fields.
        $appointmentsModal.find('input, textarea').val('');


        // Reset color.

        // Prepare service and provider select boxes.

        // Fill the providers list box with providers that can serve the appointment's service and then select the
        // user's provider.
        vars('available_providers').forEach((provider) => {
            const serviceId = $selectService.val();

            const canProvideService =
                provider.services.filter((providerServiceId) => {
                    return Number(providerServiceId) === Number(serviceId);
                }).length > 0;

            if (canProvideService) {
                // Add the provider to the list box.
                $selectProvider.append(new Option(provider.first_name + ' ' + provider.last_name, provider.id));

        // Close existing customers-filter frame.

        // Setup start and datetimepickers.
        // Get the selected service duration. It will be needed in order to calculate the appointment end datetime.
        const serviceId = $selectService.val();

        const service = vars('available_services').forEach((service) => Number(service.id) === Number(serviceId));

        const duration = service ? service.duration : 0;

        const startDatetime = new Date();
        const endDatetime = moment().add(duration, 'minutes').toDate();

        App.Utils.UI.initializeDatetimepicker($startDatetime, {
            onClose: () => {
                const serviceId = $selectService.val();

                // Automatically update the #end-datetime DateTimePicker based on service duration.
                const service = vars('available_services').find(
                    (availableService) => Number(availableService.id) === Number(serviceId)

                const start = $startDatetime.datetimepicker('getDate');
                $endDatetime.datetimepicker('setDate', new Date(start.getTime() + service.duration * 60000));

        $startDatetime.datetimepicker('setDate', startDatetime);

        $endDatetime.datetimepicker('setDate', endDatetime);

     * Validate the manage appointment dialog data.
     * Validation checks need to run every time the data are going to be saved.
     * @return {Boolean} Returns the validation result.
    function validateAppointmentForm() {
        // Reset previous validation css formatting.

        try {
            // Check required fields.
            let missingRequiredField = false;

            $appointmentsModal.find('.required').each((index, requiredField) => {
                if ($(requiredField).val() === '' || $(requiredField).val() === null) {
                    missingRequiredField = true;

            if (missingRequiredField) {
                throw new Error(lang('fields_are_required'));

            // Check email address.
            if ($appointmentsModal.find('#email').val() && !App.Utils.Validation.email($appointmentsModal.find('#email').val())) {
                throw new Error(lang('invalid_email'));

            // Check appointment start and end time.
            const start = $startDatetime.datetimepicker('getDate');
            const end = $endDatetime.datetimepicker('getDate');
            if (start > end) {
                throw new Error(lang('start_date_before_end_error'));

            return true;
        } catch (error) {
            return false;

     * Initialize the module.
    function initialize() {

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize);

    return {