forked from mirrors/easyappointments
Renamed the step_*_title translation keys to meaningful keys based on their content (most translations kept unchanged as the previous texts still matches)
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 116 additions and 116 deletions
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// Arabic
$lang['page_title'] = 'احجز موعد مع';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'اختر الخدمة والمزود';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'اختر الخدمة والمزود';
$lang['select_service'] = 'اختر الخدمة';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'اختر المزود';
$lang['duration'] = 'المدة';
$lang['minutes'] = 'دقائق';
$lang['price'] = 'السعر';
$lang['back'] = 'الخلف';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'اختر وقت وتاريخ الموعد';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'اختر وقت وتاريخ الموعد';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'لا يوجد مواعيد متاحة في الوقت الذي تم إختياره الرجاء اختيار وقت آخر';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'الرجاء اختيار ساعة الموعد قبل الإكمال';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'أدخل بياناتك';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'أدخل بياناتك';
$lang['first_name'] = 'الاسم الأول';
$lang['last_name'] = 'العائلة';
$lang['email'] = 'البريد الإلكتروني';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'المدينة';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'الرمز البريدي';
$lang['notes'] = 'ملاحظات';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'الحقول ب* مطلوب تعبئتها';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'تأكيد الموعد';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'تأكيد الموعد';
$lang['confirm'] = 'تأكيد';
$lang['update'] = 'تحديث';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = ' .إضغط زر "إلغاء" لحذف الموعد من الجدول';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Bulgarian
$lang['page_title'] = 'Запазете час с ...';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Изберете Услуга и Изпълнител';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Изберете Услуга и Изпълнител';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Изберете Услуга';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Изберете Изпълнител';
$lang['duration'] = 'Продължителност';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Минути';
$lang['price'] = 'Цена';
$lang['back'] = 'Обратно';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Изберете дата и час';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Изберете дата и час';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Не са налични свободни часове за избраната дата. Моля изберете друга дата.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Моля изберете час преди да продължите!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Моля попълнете Вашите данни';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Моля попълнете Вашите данни';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Име';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Фамилия';
$lang['email'] = 'електронна поща';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Град';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Пощенски Код';
$lang['notes'] = 'Записки';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Полетата обозначени с * са задължителни!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Потвърдете часът';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Потвърдете часът';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Потвърждение';
$lang['update'] = 'Актуализиране';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Натиснете бутон "отказ" за да отстраните часът си от графика.';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Catalan
$lang['page_title'] = 'Reserva una cita amb';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Selecció del servei i el proveïdor';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Selecció del servei i el proveïdor';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Seleccioneu el servei';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Seleccioneu el proveïdor';
$lang['duration'] = 'Durada';
$lang['minutes'] = 'minuts';
$lang['price'] = 'Preu';
$lang['back'] = 'Enrere';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Selecció de la data i l\'hora de la cita';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Selecció de la data i l\'hora de la cita';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'No hi ha hores disponibles per a la data seleccionada. Seleccioneu una altra data.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Seleccioneu-ne una altra abans de continuar!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Introducció de dades personals';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Introducció de dades personals';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Nom';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Cognoms';
$lang['email'] = 'Correu electrònic';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Ciutat';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Codi postal';
$lang['notes'] = 'Notes';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Els camps amb un * són obligatoris!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Confirmació de la cita';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Confirmació de la cita';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Confirma';
$lang['update'] = 'Actualitza';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Prem el botó "Cancel·la" per eliminar la cita del calendari de l\'organització.';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Chinese
$lang['page_title'] = '准备预约';
$lang['step_one_title'] = '选择服务人员以及服务项目';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = '选择服务人员以及服务项目';
$lang['select_service'] = '选择您需要的服务项目';
$lang['select_provider'] = '选择服务人员';
$lang['duration'] = '时长';
$lang['minutes'] = '分钟';
$lang['price'] = '价格';
$lang['back'] = '返回';
$lang['step_two_title'] = '选择预约的日期和时间';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = '选择预约的日期和时间';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = '您所选择的日期和时间没有空位。请选择其他日期.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = '继续之前请选择您的预约时间!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = '填写您的信息';
$lang['customer_information'] = '填写您的信息';
$lang['first_name'] = '名字';
$lang['last_name'] = '姓氏';
$lang['email'] = '电子邮箱';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = '城市';
$lang['zip_code'] = '邮编';
$lang['notes'] = '注释';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = '标记*的位置必须填写!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = '确认预约';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = '确认预约';
$lang['confirm'] = '确认';
$lang['update'] = '更新';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = '点击取消可从公司时间表移除预约.';
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// Czech
$lang['page_title'] = 'Rezervace schůzky s';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Výběr služby & poskytovatele';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Výběr služby & poskytovatele';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Vyberte službu';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Vyberte poskytovatele';
$lang['duration'] = 'Trvání';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minut';
$lang['price'] = 'Cena';
$lang['back'] = 'Zpět';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Výběr data a času schůzky';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Výběr data a času schůzky';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'V rámci zvoleného data nejsou k dispozici žádné termíny pro rezervaci schůzky. Zvolte prosím jiné datum.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Než budete pokračovat, zvolte prosím termín schůzky!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Zadání vašich údajů';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Zadání vašich údajů';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Jméno';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Příjmení';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Obec';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'PSČ';
$lang['notes'] = 'Poznámky';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Pole označená * jsou povinná!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Rezervace schůzky';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Rezervace schůzky';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Potvrdit';
$lang['update'] = 'Změnit';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Pro odebrání schůzky z kalendáře společnosti klikněte na tlačítko "Zrušit".';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
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// Danish
$lang['page_title'] = 'Book tid ved ...';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Vælg tjeneste og leverandør';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Vælg tjeneste og leverandør';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Vælg tjeneste';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Vælg leverandør';
$lang['duration'] = 'Varighed:';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minutter:';
$lang['price'] = 'Pris:';
$lang['back'] = 'Tilbage';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Vælg dato og tid';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Vælg dato og tid';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Der er ingen ledig tid på den valgte dato.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Vælg en tid før du kan fortsætte.';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Udfyld informationer';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Udfyld informationer';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Fornavn';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Efternavn';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'By';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Postnummer';
$lang['notes'] = 'Bemærkning';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Felter mærkeret med * skal udfyldes';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Bekræft aftale';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Bekræft aftale';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Bekræft';
$lang['update'] = 'opdater';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Tryk "annuller" for at aflyse aftalen';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
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// Dutch
$lang['page_title'] = 'Boek afspraak met';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Kies een dienst en een medewerker';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Kies een dienst en een medewerker';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Kies een dienst';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Kies een medewerker';
$lang['duration'] = 'Duur:';
$lang['minutes'] = 'minuten';
$lang['price'] = 'Prijs:';
$lang['back'] = 'Vorige';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Selecteer een datum en tijd';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Selecteer een datum en tijd';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Het is momenteel niet mogelijk een afspraak te maken op die datum. Kies een andere datum.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Kies een tijd voordat u verder gaat!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Vul uw informatie in';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Vul uw informatie in';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Voornaam';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Achternaam';
$lang['email'] = 'E-mail';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Plaats';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Postcode';
$lang['notes'] = 'Opmerkingen';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Velden met een * zijn verplicht!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Afspraak bevestigen';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Afspraak bevestigen';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Bevestigen';
$lang['update'] = 'Update';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Druk op de knop "Annuleren" om uw afspraak te verwijderen van de agenda van dit bedrijf.';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
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// English
$lang['page_title'] = 'Book Appointment With';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Select Service & Provider';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Service & Provider';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Select Service';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Select Provider';
$lang['duration'] = 'Duration';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minutes';
$lang['price'] = 'Price';
$lang['back'] = 'Back';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Select Appointment Date And Time';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Appointment Date & Time';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'There are no available appointment hours for the selected date. Please choose another date.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Please select an appointment hour before continuing!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Fill In Your Information';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Customer Information';
$lang['first_name'] = 'First Name';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Last Name';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'City';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Zip Code';
$lang['notes'] = 'Notes';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Fields with * are required!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Confirm Appointment';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Appointment Confirmation';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Confirm';
$lang['update'] = 'Update';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Press the "Cancel" button to remove the appointment from the company schedule.';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Finnish
$lang['page_title'] = 'Varaa aika';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Valitse palvelu ja henkilö';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Valitse palvelu ja henkilö';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Valitse palvelupaketti';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Valitse henkilö';
$lang['duration'] = 'Kesto';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minuutteja';
$lang['price'] = 'Hinta';
$lang['back'] = 'Takaisin';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Valitse päivämäärä ja aika';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Valitse päivämäärä ja aika';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Valitsemallesi päivälle ei ole vapaita aikoja';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Valitse kellonaika ennen jatkamista';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Syötä tietosi';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Syötä tietosi';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Etunimi';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Sukunimi';
$lang['email'] = 'Sähköposti';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Kaupunki';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Postinumero';
$lang['notes'] = 'Lisätietoja';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Tähdellä (*) merkityt kentät vaaditaan';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Vahvista ajanvaraus';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Vahvista ajanvaraus';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Vahvista';
$lang['update'] = 'Päivitä';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Paina "Peruuta" poistaaksesi varauksen.';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// French
$lang['page_title'] = 'Prendre rendez-vous avec ...';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Choisissez une prestation et un exécutant';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Choisissez une prestation et un exécutant';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Choisissez une prestation';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Choisissez un exécutant';
$lang['duration'] = 'Durée';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minutes';
$lang['price'] = 'Prix';
$lang['back'] = 'Retour';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Choisissez la date et l\'heure de votre rendez-vous';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Choisissez la date et l\'heure de votre rendez-vous';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Il n\'y a pas d\'heures de rendez-vous disponibles pour la date sélectionnée. Choisissez une autre date s\'il vous plaît.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'S\'il vous plaît, choisissez une heure de rendez-vous avant de pouvoir poursuivre.';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Remplissez vos informations';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Remplissez vos informations';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Prénom';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Nom';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Ville';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Code postal';
$lang['notes'] = 'Commentaires';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Les champs avec * sont obligatoires';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Confirmez votre rendez-vous';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Confirmez votre rendez-vous';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Confirmation';
$lang['update'] = 'Mise à jour';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Appuyer sur le bouton "Annuler" pour supprimer un rendez-vous de l\'agenda.';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// German
$lang['page_title'] = 'Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Auswahl der Dienstleistung und des Anbieters';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Dienstleistung & Anbieter';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Auswahl der Dienstleistung';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Auswahl des Anbieters';
$lang['duration'] = 'Dauer';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minuten';
$lang['price'] = 'Preis';
$lang['back'] = 'Zurück';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Auswahl des Datums und der Uhrzeit des Termins';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Datum & Uhrzeit des Termins';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Es gibt leider keine freien Termine für das ausgewählte Datum. Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Datum.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Bitte wählen Sie einen Termin bevor Sie fortfahren!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Bitte tragen Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten ein';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Kundeninformationen';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Vorname';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Nachname';
$lang['email'] = 'E-Mail';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Stadt';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Postleitzahl';
$lang['notes'] = 'Bemerkungen';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Die Felder mit einem * sind Pflichtfelder!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Bitte bestätigen Sie die Terminauswahl';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Bitte bestätigen Sie die Terminauswahl';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Bestätigung';
$lang['update'] = 'Aktualisierung';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Bitte klicken Sie auf "Abbrechen" um den Termin aus dem Terminplan des Unternehmens zu löschen.';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Greek
$lang['page_title'] = 'Κράτηση Ραντεβού Με';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Επιλογή Υπηρεσίας & Πάροχου';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Υπηρεσία & Πάροχος';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Επιλογή Υπηρεσίας';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Επιλογή Πάροχου';
$lang['duration'] = 'Διάρκεια';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Λεπτά';
$lang['price'] = 'Τιμή';
$lang['back'] = 'Πίσω';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Επιλογή Ημερομηνίας και Ώρας Ραντεβού';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Ημερομηνία & Ώρα Ραντεβού';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες ώρες ραντεβού για την επιλεγμένη ημερομηνία. Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε άλλη ημερομηνία.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε μια ημερομηνία ραντεβού πριν συνεχίσετε.';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Συμπληρώστε Τα Στοιχεία Σας';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Πληροφορίες Πελάτη';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Όνομα';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Επώνυμο';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Πόλη';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Ταχυδρομικός Κώδικας';
$lang['notes'] = 'Σημειώσεις';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Τα πεδία με * είναι υποχρεωτικά!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Επιβεβαίωση Κράτησης Ραντεβού';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Επιβεβαίωση Ραντεβού';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Επιβεβαίωση';
$lang['update'] = 'Ενημέρωση';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Πιέστε το κουμπί "Ακύρωση" για να διαγράψετε το ραντεβού από το πλάνο της εταιρείας.';
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// Hindi
$lang['page_title'] = 'नअपॉइंटमेंट बुक करें';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'प्रदान करनेवाला और सेवा का चयन करें';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'प्रदान करनेवाला और सेवा का चयन करें';
$lang['select_service'] = 'सेवा का चयन करें';
$lang['select_provider'] = ' प्रबन्धक का चयन करें';
$lang['duration'] = 'अवधि';
$lang['minutes'] = 'मिनट';
$lang['price'] = 'कीमत';
$lang['back'] = 'वापस';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'अपॉइंटमेंट की तारीख और समय का चयन करें';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'अपॉइंटमेंट की तारीख और समय का चयन करें';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'चयनित तिथि के लिए कोई घंटे उपलब्ध नहीं है, एक और चयन करें';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'आगे बढ़ने से पहले एक नियुक्ति घंटे का चयन करें!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'आपकी जानकारी भरें';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'आपकी जानकारी भरें';
$lang['first_name'] = 'पहला नाम';
$lang['last_name'] = 'अंतिम नाम';
$lang['email'] = 'ईमेल';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'शहर';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'पिन कोड';
$lang['notes'] = 'अनुदेश';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = '* वाले क्षेत्र ज़रूरी हैं!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'अपॉइंटमेंट की पुष्टि करें';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'अपॉइंटमेंट की पुष्टि करें';
$lang['confirm'] = 'पक्का करें';
$lang['update'] = 'अद्यतन';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'कंपनी अनुसूची से अपॉइंटमेंट को दूर करने के लिए "रद् करें" बटन दबाएँ।';
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// Hungarian
$lang['page_title'] = 'Foglalj időpontot a ...';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Válassz szolgáltatást és szolgáltatót';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Válassz szolgáltatást és szolgáltatót';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Válassz szolgáltatást';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Válassz szolgáltatót';
$lang['duration'] = 'Időtartam';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Perc';
$lang['price'] = 'Ár';
$lang['back'] = 'Vissza';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Válaszd ki az időpont dátumát és idejét';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Válaszd ki az időpont dátumát és idejét';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'A kiválasztott napon nincsen szabad időpont. Kérlek válassz másik dátumot!';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Válassz egy időpontot mielőtt folytatnád!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Töltsd ki az adataidat!';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Töltsd ki az adataidat!';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Keresztnév';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Vezetéknév';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Város';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Irányítószám';
$lang['notes'] = 'Megjegyzés';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'A *-gal jelöltek kitöltése kötelező!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Az időpont jóváhagyása';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Az időpont jóváhagyása';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Jóváhagyás';
$lang['update'] = 'Frissít';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Nyomd meg a "Mégse" gombot az időpont cégből való eltávolításához';
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// Italian
$lang['page_title'] = 'Prenota un appuntamento con';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Seleziona servizio & fornitore';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Seleziona servizio & fornitore';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Seleziona un servizio';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Seleziona un fornitore';
$lang['duration'] = 'Durata';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minuti';
$lang['price'] = 'Prezzo';
$lang['back'] = 'Precedente';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Seleziona data e ora dell\'appuntamento';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Seleziona data e ora dell\'appuntamento';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Non ci sono appuntamenti disponibili per la data selezionata. Si prega di scegliere un\'altra data.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Seleziona un orario d\'appuntamento prima di continuare!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Inserisci le tue informazioni';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Inserisci le tue informazioni';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Nome';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Cognome';
$lang['email'] = 'E-mail';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Città';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'CAP';
$lang['notes'] = 'Note';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'I campi contrassegnati con * sono obbligatori!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Conferma appuntamento';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Conferma appuntamento';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Conferma';
$lang['update'] = 'Aggiorna';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Clicca sul bottone "Cancella" per rimuovere l\'appuntamento dalla pianificazione aziendale.';
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// Japanese
$lang['page_title'] = '予約システム - ';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'メニューと担当者の選択:';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'メニューと担当者の選択:';
$lang['select_service'] = 'メニュー';
$lang['select_provider'] = '担当者';
$lang['duration'] = '所要時間';
$lang['minutes'] = '分';
$lang['price'] = '料金';
$lang['back'] = '戻る';
$lang['step_two_title'] = '日時の選択';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = '日時の選択';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = '選択された日に空席がありません。別の日を選択してください。';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = '次に行く前に予約時間を選択してください。';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'お客様のご連絡先';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'お客様のご連絡先';
$lang['first_name'] = '名前';
$lang['last_name'] = '名字';
$lang['email'] = 'メールアドレス';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = '市';
$lang['zip_code'] = '郵便番号';
$lang['notes'] = '連絡事項';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = '* のある項目は必須です。';
$lang['step_four_title'] = '予約の確認';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = '予約の確認';
$lang['confirm'] = '確認OK';
$lang['update'] = '更新';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = '会社のスケジュールから予約を削除するにはキャンセルボタンを押してください。';
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// Luxembourgish
$lang['page_title'] = 'Huelt ee Termäin mat';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Auswiel vun der Dingschtleeschtung an dem Mataarbechter';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Auswiel vun der Dingschtleeschtung an dem Mataarbechter';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Auswiel vun der Dingschtleeschtung';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Auswiel vum Mataarbechter';
$lang['duration'] = 'Dauer';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minutten';
$lang['price'] = 'Präis';
$lang['back'] = 'Zeréck';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Auswiel vum Datum an der Auerzäit vum Termäin';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Auswiel vum Datum an der Auerzäit vum Termäin';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Et gëtt leider kee fräie Termäin méi fir deen ausgewielten Dag. Wielt w.e.g. en aner Dag aus.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Wielt w.e.g. ee Termäin iert Der weider maacht!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Gitt w.e.g. Är perséinlech Donnéeën an';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Gitt w.e.g. Är perséinlech Donnéeën an';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Virnumm';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Familljennumm';
$lang['email'] = 'E-Mail';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Duerf';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Postleitzuel';
$lang['notes'] = 'Bemierkungen';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'D\'Felder mat * sinn obligatoresch!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Bestätegt w.e.g. Är Auswiel vum Termäin';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Bestätegt w.e.g. Är Auswiel vum Termäin';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Bestätegung';
$lang['update'] = 'Aktualiséierung';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Klickt w.e.g. "Ofbriechen" fir de Termäin aus dem Kalenner ze läschen.';
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// Marathi-by Kaustubh Kulkarni @
$lang['page_title'] = 'अपॉईंटमेंट बुक करा';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'प्रदाता आणि सेवा निवडा';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'प्रदाता आणि सेवा निवडा';
$lang['select_service'] = 'सेवा निवडा';
$lang['select_provider'] = ' व्यवस्थापक निवडा';
$lang['duration'] = 'कालावधी';
$lang['minutes'] = 'मिनिट';
$lang['price'] = 'किंमत';
$lang['back'] = 'मागे';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'भेटीची तारीख आणि वेळ निवडा';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'भेटीची तारीख आणि वेळ निवडा';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'निवडलेल्या तारखेसाठी कोणतेही तास उपलब्ध नाहीत, दुसरे निवडा';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'कृपया पुढे जाण्यापूर्वी एक अपॉईंटमेंट निवडा!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'आपली माहिती भरा';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'आपली माहिती भरा';
$lang['first_name'] = 'नाव';
$lang['last_name'] = 'आडनाव';
$lang['email'] = 'ईमेल';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'शहर';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'पिन कोड';
$lang['notes'] = 'सूचना';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = '* फील्ड आवश्यक आहेत!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'भेटीची पुष्टी करा';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'भेटीची पुष्टी करा';
$lang['confirm'] = 'खात्री करा';
$lang['update'] = 'अद्यतनित करा';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'कंपनीच्या वेळापत्रकातून अपॉईंटमेंट रद्द करण्यासाठी, "रद्द करा" बटण दाबा.';
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// Polish
$lang['page_title'] = 'Zamów wizytę';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Wybierz Zabieg i Personel';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Wybierz Zabieg i Personel';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Wybierz zabieg:';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Wybierz personel';
$lang['duration'] = 'Czas trwania';
$lang['minutes'] = 'min.';
$lang['price'] = 'Cena';
$lang['back'] = 'wstecz';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Wybierz Datę i Czas Wizyty';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Wybierz Datę i Czas Wizyty';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Brak dostępnych terminów w wybranym dniu, proszę wybrać inny dzień.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Proszę wybrać godzinę wizyty przed kontynuowaniem.';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Wypełnij Twoje informacje.';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Wypełnij Twoje informacje.';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Imię';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Nazwisko';
$lang['email'] = 'E-mail';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Miasto';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Kod pocztowy';
$lang['notes'] = 'Uwagi';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Pola z * są wymagane!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Potwierdz Wizytę';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Potwierdz Wizytę';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Potwierdź';
$lang['update'] = 'Aktualizuj';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Przyciśnij \'Anuluj\' aby usunąć wizytę z terminarza.';
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// Portuguese BR
$lang['page_title'] = 'Agendar Horário';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Selecione o serviço e o atendente';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Selecione o serviço e o atendente';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Selecione o serviço';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Selecione o atendente';
$lang['duration'] = 'Duração';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minutos';
$lang['price'] = 'Valor';
$lang['back'] = 'Voltar';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Selecione a data e a hora do agendamento';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Selecione a data e a hora do agendamento';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Não existem horários disponíveis para a data selecionada. Por favor, selecione outra data.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Por favor, selecione um horário antes de continuar!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Preencha as suas informações';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Preencha as suas informações';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Primeiro Nome';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Ultimo Nome';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Cidade';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'CEP';
$lang['notes'] = 'Observações.';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = '* campos obrigatórios';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Confirmar Agendamento';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Confirmar Agendamento';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Comfirmar';
$lang['update'] = 'Atualizar';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Pressione o botão "cancelar" para cancelar o agendamento.';
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// Portuguese
$lang['page_title'] = 'Livro de Apontamentos';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Selecione o serviço e o fornecedor';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Selecione o serviço e o fornecedor';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Selecione o serviço';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Selecione o fornecedor';
$lang['duration'] = 'Duração';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minutos';
$lang['price'] = 'Preço';
$lang['back'] = 'Anterior';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Selecione a data e hora do evento';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Selecione a data e hora do evento';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Não existem eventos para a data selecionada, Por favor, selecione outra data.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Por favor, selecione a hora do evento antes de continuar!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Preencha as suas informações';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Preencha as suas informações';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Primeiro Nome';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Ultimo Nome';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Cidade';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Código Postal';
$lang['notes'] = 'Notas';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = '* campos obrigatorios';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Confirmar Evento';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Confirmar Evento';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Comfirmar';
$lang['update'] = 'Update';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Pressione o botão "cancelar" para remover o compromisso da agenda (da empresa).';
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// Româna
$lang['page_title'] = 'Programeaza întâlniri cu';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Selecteaza Serviciul si Furnizorul';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Selecteaza Serviciul si Furnizorul';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Selecteaza Serviciul';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Selecteaza Furnizor';
$lang['duration'] = 'Durata';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minute';
$lang['price'] = 'Pret';
$lang['back'] = 'Anteriorul';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Selecteaza data si ora întâlnirii';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Selecteaza data si ora întâlnirii';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Nu este timp disponibil pentru data selectata. Va rugam sa selectati alta data.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Va rugam selectati ora întâlnirii înainte de a continua!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Informatii despre dumneavoastra';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Informatii despre dumneavoastra';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Prenume';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Nume';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Orasul';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Cod postal';
$lang['notes'] = 'Note';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Câmpurile cu * sunt necesare!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Confirmati întâlnirea';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Confirmati întâlnirea';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Confirmati';
$lang['update'] = 'Actualizare';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Apasati butonul Anulare ca sa stergeti întâlnirea din calendarul companiei.';
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// Russian
$lang['page_title'] = 'Заказ оформлен с';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Выберите услугу и поставщика';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Выберите услугу и поставщика';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Выберите услугу';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Выберите поставщика';
$lang['duration'] = 'Длительность';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Минут';
$lang['price'] = 'Цена';
$lang['back'] = 'Предыдущий';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Выбор даты и времени заказа';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Выбор даты и времени заказа';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Нет доступного времени назначения на выбранной дате. Пожвлуйста выберите другую дату.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Пожалуйста выберите час назначения и продолжите!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Заполните информацию о себе';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Заполните информацию о себе';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Имя';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Фамилия';
$lang['email'] = 'E-mail';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Город';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Индекс';
$lang['notes'] = 'Заметки';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Поля помеченные (*) заполнить!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Подтверждение записи';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Подтверждение записи';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Подтверждено';
$lang['update'] = 'Обновить';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Нажмите кнопку "Отмена" для удаления назначения из расписания компании.';
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// Slovak
$lang['page_title'] = 'Rezervácie';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Vyberte si službu a pracovníka';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Vyberte si službu a pracovníka';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Vyberte si službu';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Vyberte si pracovníka';
$lang['duration'] = 'Trvanie';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minút';
$lang['price'] = 'Cena';
$lang['back'] = 'Späť';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Zvoľte si dátum a čas rezervácie';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Zvoľte si dátum a čas rezervácie';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Čas pre vybraný dátum nieje k dispozícii. Prosím, vyberte si iný termín.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Prosím, vyberte si hodinu pred pokračovaním!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Vyplňte svoje údaje';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Vyplňte svoje údaje';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Meno';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Priezvisko';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Mesto';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'PSČ';
$lang['notes'] = 'Poznámka';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Polia označené s * sú povinné!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Potvrďte rezerváciu';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Potvrďte rezerváciu';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Potvrdiť';
$lang['update'] = 'Update';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Stlačte tlačidlo "Zrušiť" pre odstránenie Vašej rezervácie.';
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// Spanish
$lang['page_title'] = 'Agendar una cita con';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Seleccione Servicio y Proveedor';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Seleccione Servicio y Proveedor';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Seleccione Servicio';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Seleccione Proveedor';
$lang['duration'] = 'Duración';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minutos';
$lang['price'] = 'Precio';
$lang['back'] = 'Atrás';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Seleccione fecha y hora de cita';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Seleccione fecha y hora de cita';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'No hay horarios disponibles para una cita en la fecha seleccionada. Por favor, elija otra fecha.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Por favor, seleccione un horario para la cita antes de continuar.';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Ingrese su información';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Ingrese su información';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Nombre';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Apellido';
$lang['email'] = 'Dirección de E-mail';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Ciudad';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Código postal';
$lang['notes'] = 'Notas';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Los campos con * son obligatorios';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Confirme la cita';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Confirme la cita';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Confirmar';
$lang['update'] = 'Actualizar';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Presione el botón "Cancelar" para eliminar la cita de la agenda de la empresa.';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Danish
$lang['page_title'] = 'Boka tid med ...';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Välj tjänst och leverantör';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Välj tjänst och leverantör';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Välj tjänst';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Välj leverantör';
$lang['duration'] = 'Längd:';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Minuter:';
$lang['price'] = 'Pris:';
$lang['back'] = 'Tilbaka';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Välj datum och tid';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Välj datum och tid';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Det finns ingen ledig tid det valda datumet.';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Välj en tid för att fortsätta.';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Fyll i din information';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Fyll i din information';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Förnamn';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Efternamn';
$lang['email'] = 'Epost';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Stad';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Postnummer';
$lang['notes'] = 'Noteringar';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = 'Fält markerade med * måste fyllas i';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Bekräfta bokningen';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Bekräfta bokningen';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Bekräfta';
$lang['update'] = 'Uppdatera';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Tryck på "avboka" för att ta bort bokningen';
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Turkish
$lang['page_title'] = 'Randevu Alınacak Kişi';
$lang['step_one_title'] = 'Hizmet ve Hizmet Sağlayıcıyı Seçin';
$lang['service_and_provider'] = 'Hizmet ve Hizmet Sağlayıcıyı Seçin';
$lang['select_service'] = 'Hizmeti Seçin';
$lang['select_provider'] = 'Hizmet Sağlayıcıyı Seçin';
$lang['duration'] = 'Süre';
$lang['minutes'] = 'Dakika';
$lang['price'] = 'Ücret';
$lang['back'] = 'Önceki';
$lang['step_two_title'] = 'Randevu Tarihini ve Zamanını Seçin';
$lang['appointment_date_and_time'] = 'Randevu Tarihini ve Zamanını Seçin';
$lang['no_available_hours'] = 'Seçilen tarih için uygun saat bulunmuyor. Lütfen başka bir tarih seçin. ';
$lang['appointment_hour_missing'] = 'Lütfen devam etmeden önce bir randevu saati seçin!';
$lang['step_three_title'] = 'Bilgilerinizi Girin';
$lang['customer_information'] = 'Bilgilerinizi Girin';
$lang['first_name'] = 'Ad';
$lang['last_name'] = 'Soyad';
$lang['email'] = 'Eposta';
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $lang['city'] = 'Şehir';
$lang['zip_code'] = 'Posta Kodu';
$lang['notes'] = 'Notlar';
$lang['fields_are_required'] = '* Zorunlu sahalardır!';
$lang['step_four_title'] = 'Randevuyu Onaylayın';
$lang['appointment_confirmation'] = 'Randevuyu Onaylayın';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Onayla';
$lang['update'] = 'Güncelle';
$lang['cancel_appointment_hint'] = 'Randevuyu şirket takviminden çıkarmak için lütfen "İptal" butonuna tıklayın.';
@ -31,17 +31,17 @@
<span id="company-name"><?= $company_name ?></span>
<div id="steps">
<div id="step-1" class="book-step active-step" title="<?= lang('step_one_title') ?>">
<div id="step-1" class="book-step active-step" title="<?= lang('service_and_provider') ?>">
<div id="step-2" class="book-step" title="<?= lang('step_two_title') ?>">
<div id="step-2" class="book-step" title="<?= lang('appointment_date_and_time') ?>">
<div id="step-3" class="book-step" title="<?= lang('step_three_title') ?>">
<div id="step-3" class="book-step" title="<?= lang('customer_information') ?>">
<div id="step-4" class="book-step" title="<?= lang('step_four_title') ?>">
<div id="step-4" class="book-step" title="<?= lang('appointment_confirmation') ?>">
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
<div id="wizard-frame-1" class="wizard-frame">
<div class="frame-container">
<h2 class="frame-title"><?= lang('step_one_title') ?></h2>
<h2 class="frame-title"><?= lang('service_and_provider') ?></h2>
<div class="row frame-content">
<div class="col">
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
<div id="wizard-frame-2" class="wizard-frame" style="display:none;">
<div class="frame-container">
<h2 class="frame-title"><?= lang('step_two_title') ?></h2>
<h2 class="frame-title"><?= lang('appointment_date_and_time') ?></h2>
<div class="row frame-content">
<div class="col-12 col-md-6">
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
<div id="wizard-frame-3" class="wizard-frame" style="display:none;">
<div class="frame-container">
<h2 class="frame-title"><?= lang('step_three_title') ?></h2>
<h2 class="frame-title"><?= lang('customer_information') ?></h2>
<div class="row frame-content">
<div class="col-12 col-md-6">
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
<div id="wizard-frame-4" class="wizard-frame" style="display:none;">
<div class="frame-container">
<h2 class="frame-title"><?= lang('step_four_title') ?></h2>
<h2 class="frame-title"><?= lang('appointment_confirmation') ?></h2>
<div class="row frame-content">
<div id="appointment-details" class="col-12 col-md-6"></div>
<div id="customer-details" class="col-12 col-md-6"></div>
Reference in a new issue