Update the newer german translation strings

This commit is contained in:
Alex Tselegidis 2023-07-05 17:39:35 +02:00
parent ebe8f84ba1
commit 198c855b74
1 changed files with 84 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -332,106 +332,106 @@ $lang['list'] = 'Liste';
$lang['default'] = 'Standard';
$lang['table'] = 'Tabelle';
$lang['date'] = 'Datum';
$lang['about'] = 'About';
$lang['booking_settings'] = 'Booking Settings';
$lang['display'] = 'Display';
$lang['require'] = 'Require';
$lang['color'] = 'Color';
$lang['matomo_analytics_url_hint'] = 'Add the URL to your own Matomo installation to enable Matomo tracking on the booking pages.';
$lang['invalid_phone'] = 'Invalid phone number.';
$lang['about'] = 'Um';
$lang['booking_settings'] = 'Buchungseinstellungen';
$lang['display'] = 'Anzeige';
$lang['require'] = 'Erfordern';
$lang['color'] = 'Farbe';
$lang['matomo_analytics_url_hint'] = 'Fügen Sie die URL zu Ihrer eigenen Matomo-Installation hinzu, um das Matomo-Tracking auf den Buchungsseiten zu ermöglichen.';
$lang['invalid_phone'] = 'Ungültige Telefonnummer.';
$lang['legal'] = 'Legal';
$lang['business'] = 'Business';
$lang['account'] = 'Account';
$lang['disable_booking'] = 'Disable Booking';
$lang['disable_booking_hint'] = 'The booking page will be disabled for as long as this setting is active and customers will not be able to register new appointments.';
$lang['display_message'] = 'Display Message';
$lang['booking_is_disabled'] = 'Booking Is Disabled!';
$lang['appearance'] = 'Appearance';
$lang['company_logo'] = 'Company Logo';
$lang['company_logo_hint'] = 'The company logo will be displayed in many places of the app, including the booking page and the notification emails (image file, max 2MB).';
$lang['company_color'] = 'Company Color';
$lang['company_color_hint'] = 'The company color will be applied across the app so that it the app uses your branding.';
$lang['localization'] = 'Localization';
$lang['integrations'] = 'Integrations';
$lang['company'] = 'Company';
$lang['remove'] = 'Remove';
$lang['login_button'] = 'Login Button';
$lang['display_login_button_hint'] = 'Defines whether the login button is being displayed in the booking page.';
$lang['private'] = 'Private';
$lang['private_hint'] = 'Private records will not be displayed or processed in public pages such as the booking page.';
$lang['reset'] = 'Reset';
$lang['all'] = 'All';
$lang['booking_link'] = 'Booking Link';
$lang['add_new_event'] = 'Add New Event';
$lang['what_kind_of_event'] = 'What kind of event would you like to add?';
$lang['theme'] = 'Theme';
$lang['limit_customer_access'] = 'Limit Customer Access';
$lang['limit_customer_access_hint'] = 'If enabled, providers and secretaries will only be able to access customers they have an appointment with.';
$lang['business'] = 'Geschäft';
$lang['account'] = 'Konto';
$lang['disable_booking'] = 'Buchung deaktivieren';
$lang['disable_booking_hint'] = 'Solange diese Einstellung aktiv ist, wird die Buchungsseite deaktiviert und Kunden können keine neuen Termine registrieren.';
$lang['display_message'] = 'Nachricht anzeigen';
$lang['booking_is_disabled'] = 'Buchung ist deaktiviert!';
$lang['appearance'] = 'Aussehen';
$lang['company_logo'] = 'Firmenlogo';
$lang['company_logo_hint'] = 'Das Firmenlogo wird an vielen Stellen der App angezeigt, unter anderem auf der Buchungsseite und in den Benachrichtigungs-E-Mails (Bilddatei, max. 2 MB).';
$lang['company_color'] = 'Firmenfarbe';
$lang['company_color_hint'] = 'Die Unternehmensfarbe wird in der gesamten App angewendet, sodass die App Ihr Branding verwendet.';
$lang['localization'] = 'Lokalisierung';
$lang['integrations'] = 'Integrationen';
$lang['company'] = 'Unternehmen';
$lang['remove'] = 'Entfernen';
$lang['login_button'] = 'Anmeldeschaltfläche';
$lang['display_login_button_hint'] = 'Legt fest, ob der Login-Button auf der Buchungsseite angezeigt wird.';
$lang['private'] = 'Privatgelände';
$lang['private_hint'] = 'Private Datensätze werden auf öffentlichen Seiten wie der Buchungsseite nicht angezeigt oder verarbeitet.';
$lang['reset'] = 'Zurücksetzen';
$lang['all'] = 'Alle';
$lang['booking_link'] = 'Buchungslink';
$lang['add_new_event'] = 'Neues Ereignis hinzufügen';
$lang['what_kind_of_event'] = 'Welche Art von Veranstaltung möchten Sie hinzufügen?';
$lang['theme'] = 'Thema';
$lang['limit_customer_access'] = 'Beschränken Sie den Kundenzugriff';
$lang['limit_customer_access_hint'] = 'Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, können Anbieter und Sekretäre nur auf Kunden zugreifen, mit denen sie einen Termin haben.';
$lang['url'] = 'URL';
$lang['secret_token'] = 'Secret Token';
$lang['verify_ssl'] = 'Verify SSL';
$lang['appointment_save'] = 'Appointment Save';
$lang['appointment_delete'] = 'Appointment Delete';
$lang['unavailability_save'] = 'Unavailability Save';
$lang['unavailability_delete'] = 'Unavailability Delete';
$lang['customer_save'] = 'Customer Save';
$lang['customer_delete'] = 'Customer Delete';
$lang['service_save'] = 'Service Save';
$lang['service_delete'] = 'Service Delete';
$lang['category_save'] = 'Category Save';
$lang['category_delete'] = 'Category Delete';
$lang['provider_save'] = 'Provider Save';
$lang['provider_delete'] = 'Provider Delete';
$lang['secretary_save'] = 'Secretary Save';
$lang['secretary_delete'] = 'Secretary Delete';
$lang['admin_save'] = 'Admin Save';
$lang['admin_delete'] = 'Admin Delete';
$lang['options'] = 'Options';
$lang['secret_token'] = 'Geheimer Token';
$lang['verify_ssl'] = 'SSL überprüfen';
$lang['appointment_save'] = 'Termin speichern';
$lang['appointment_delete'] = 'Termin löschen';
$lang['unavailability_save'] = 'Nichtverfügbarkeit speichern';
$lang['unavailability_delete'] = 'Nichtverfügbarkeit löschen';
$lang['customer_save'] = 'Kundenspeicherung';
$lang['customer_delete'] = 'Kunde löschen';
$lang['service_save'] = 'Service speichern';
$lang['service_delete'] = 'Dienst löschen';
$lang['category_save'] = 'Kategorie Speichern';
$lang['category_delete'] = 'Kategorie löschen';
$lang['provider_save'] = 'Anbieter speichern';
$lang['provider_delete'] = 'Anbieter löschen';
$lang['secretary_save'] = 'Sekretär Save';
$lang['secretary_delete'] = 'Sekretär löschen';
$lang['admin_save'] = 'Admin-Speicherung';
$lang['admin_delete'] = 'Admin-Löschen';
$lang['options'] = 'Optionen';
$lang['webhooks'] = 'Webhooks';
$lang['webhooks_info'] = 'Webhooks enable you to send HTTP notifications to external web applications in response to various application events, such as the creation of an appointment or the removal of a customer.';
$lang['integrations_info'] = 'Integrations enable you to make third-party connections with external applications and APIs.';
$lang['configure'] = 'Configure';
$lang['webhooks_info'] = 'Mit Webhooks können Sie HTTP-Benachrichtigungen an externe Webanwendungen als Reaktion auf verschiedene Anwendungsereignisse senden, beispielsweise die Erstellung eines Termins oder die Entfernung eines Kunden.';
$lang['integrations_info'] = 'Mithilfe von Integrationen können Sie Verbindungen von Drittanbietern mit externen Anwendungen und APIs herstellen.';
$lang['configure'] = 'Konfigurieren';
$lang['google_analytics'] = 'Google Analytics';
$lang['google_analytics_info'] = 'Google Analytics enable you to automatically add the tracking code and HTML markup to the public page and track all the public booking sessions.';
$lang['google_analytics_info'] = 'Mit Google Analytics können Sie den Tracking-Code und das HTML-Markup automatisch zur öffentlichen Seite hinzufügen und alle öffentlichen Buchungssitzungen verfolgen.';
$lang['matomo_analytics'] = 'Matomo Analytics';
$lang['matomo_analytics_info'] = 'Matomo Analytics enable you to automatically add the tracking code and HTML markup to the public page and track all the public booking sessions.';
$lang['matomo_analytics_info'] = 'Mit Matomo Analytics können Sie den Tracking-Code und das HTML-Markup automatisch zur öffentlichen Seite hinzufügen und alle öffentlichen Buchungssitzungen verfolgen.';
$lang['api'] = 'API';
$lang['api_info'] = 'API enable you to interact with all the Easy!Appointments data via the HTTP protocol and the available API endpoints and create your own integrations.';
$lang['google_analytics_code'] = 'Google Analytics Code';
$lang['matomo_analytics_url'] = 'Matomo Analytics URL';
$lang['future_booking_limit'] = 'Future Booking Limit';
$lang['limit_days'] = 'Limit (Days)';
$lang['future_booking_limit_hint'] = 'Set the future limit in days customers can make appointments via the public booking page.';
$lang['api_token'] = 'API Token';
$lang['allow_rescheduling_cancellation_before'] = 'Allow Rescheduling/Cancellation Before';
$lang['at_least_one_field'] = 'At least one field must be displayed in the booking page.';
$lang['api_info'] = 'Mit der API können Sie über das HTTP-Protokoll und die verfügbaren API-Endpunkte mit allen Easy!Appointments-Daten interagieren und Ihre eigenen Integrationen erstellen.';
$lang['google_analytics_code'] = 'Google Analytics-Code';
$lang['matomo_analytics_url'] = 'Matomo Analytics-URL';
$lang['future_booking_limit'] = 'Zukünftiges Buchungslimit';
$lang['limit_days'] = 'Limit (Tage)';
$lang['future_booking_limit_hint'] = 'Legen Sie das zukünftige Limit in Tagen fest, in denen Kunden Termine über die öffentliche Buchungsseite vereinbaren können.';
$lang['api_token'] = 'API-Token';
$lang['allow_rescheduling_cancellation_before'] = 'Umplanung/Stornierung vorher zulassen';
$lang['at_least_one_field'] = 'Auf der Buchungsseite muss mindestens ein Feld angezeigt werden.';
$lang['status'] = 'Status';
$lang['appointment_status_options'] = 'Appointment Status Options';
$lang['appointment_status_options_info'] = 'Define a list of available appointment status options that can be used in the the calendar page (the first one will automatically become the default value).';
$lang['sunday_short'] = 'Sun';
$lang['appointment_status_options'] = 'Optionen für den Terminstatus';
$lang['appointment_status_options_info'] = 'Definieren Sie eine Liste verfügbarer Terminstatusoptionen, die auf der Kalenderseite verwendet werden können (die erste wird automatisch zum Standardwert).';
$lang['sunday_short'] = 'Son';
$lang['monday_short'] = 'Mon';
$lang['tuesday_short'] = 'Tue';
$lang['wednesday_short'] = 'Wed';
$lang['thursday_short'] = 'Thu';
$lang['friday_short'] = 'Fri';
$lang['saturday_short'] = 'Sat';
$lang['tuesday_short'] = 'Die';
$lang['wednesday_short'] = 'Mit';
$lang['thursday_short'] = 'Don';
$lang['friday_short'] = 'Fre';
$lang['saturday_short'] = 'Sam';
$lang['january_short'] = 'Jan';
$lang['february_short'] = 'Feb';
$lang['march_short'] = 'Mar';
$lang['march_short'] = 'Mär';
$lang['april_short'] = 'Apr';
$lang['may_short'] = 'May';
$lang['may_short'] = 'Mai';
$lang['june_short'] = 'Jun';
$lang['july_short'] = 'Jul';
$lang['august_short'] = 'Aug';
$lang['september_short'] = 'Sep';
$lang['october_short'] = 'Oct';
$lang['october_short'] = 'Okt';
$lang['november_short'] = 'Nov';
$lang['december_short'] = 'Dec';
$lang['december_short'] = 'Dez';
$lang['am'] = 'am';
$lang['pm'] = 'pm';
$lang['to'] = 'to';
$lang['click_to_toggle'] = 'Click To Toggle';
$lang['week_short'] = 'Wk';
$lang['scroll_to_increment'] = 'Scroll To Increment';
$lang['year'] = 'Year';
$lang['to'] = 'Zu';
$lang['click_to_toggle'] = 'Klicken Sie zum Umschalten';
$lang['week_short'] = 'Wo';
$lang['scroll_to_increment'] = 'Scrollen Sie zu Inkrement';
$lang['year'] = 'Jahr';
// End