#!/bin/bash # In simple cases, you don't need a config script. # With a simple config_panel.toml, you can write in the app settings, in the # upstream config file or replace complete files (logo ...) and restart services. # The config scripts allows you to go further, to handle specific cases # (validation of several interdependent fields, specific getter/setter for a value, # display dynamic informations or choices, pre-loading of config type .cube... ). #================================================= # GENERIC STARTING #================================================= # IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS #================================================= source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers ynh_abort_if_errors #================================================= # RETRIEVE ARGUMENTS #================================================= install_dir=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app="$app" --key=install_dir) #================================================= # SPECIFIC GETTERS FOR TOML SHORT KEY #================================================= get__amount() { # Here we can imagine to have an API call to stripe to know the amount of donation during a month local amount=200 # It's possible to change some properties of the question by overriding it: if [ "$amount" -gt 100 ] then cat << EOF style: success value: $amount ask: en: A lot of donation this month: **$amount €** EOF else cat << EOF style: danger value: $amount ask: en: Not so much donation this month: $amount € EOF fi } get__prices() { local prices="$(grep "DONATION\['" "$install_dir/settings.py" | sed -r "s@^DONATION\['([^']*)'\]\['([^']*)'\] = '([^']*)'@\1/\2/\3@g" | sed -z 's/\n/,/g;s/,$/\n/')" if [ "$prices" == "," ]; then # Return YNH_NULL if you prefer to not return a value at all. echo YNH_NULL else echo "$prices" fi } #================================================= # SPECIFIC VALIDATORS FOR TOML SHORT KEYS #================================================= validate__publishable_key() { # We can imagine here we test if the key is really a publishable key (is_secret_key "$publishable_key") && echo 'This key seems to be a secret key' } #================================================= # SPECIFIC SETTERS FOR TOML SHORT KEYS #================================================= set__prices() { #--------------------------------------------- # IMPORTANT: setters are triggered only if a change is detected #--------------------------------------------- for price in $(echo "$prices" | sed "s/,/ /"); do frequency=$(echo "$price" | cut -d/ -f1) currency=$(echo "$price" | cut -d/ -f2) price_id=$(echo "$price" | cut -d/ -f3) sed "d/DONATION\['$frequency'\]\['$currency'\]" "$install_dir/settings.py" echo "DONATION['$frequency']['$currency'] = '$price_id'" >> "$install_dir/settings.py" done #--------------------------------------------- # IMPORTANT: to be able to upgrade properly, you have to save the value in settings too #--------------------------------------------- ynh_app_setting_set "$app" prices "$prices" } #================================================= # GENERIC FINALIZATION #================================================= ynh_app_config_run "$1"