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"; } set_error_handler("warnError"); if (!$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) { $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = '/weblink'; } # TODO separate file ?> isDot()) && str_ends_with($file, ".css")) { echo '' . PHP_EOL . ' '; } } ?> About Me | Aliberk Sandıkçı
Aliberk Sandıkçı

Who am I?

Software Enthusiast, retired Competitive Programmer, FOSS Advocate, High School Student and Linux User 🐧

I love programming, learning new things (about everything but especially about new technologies), open source methodology, reading science-fiction and biking.

I speak Turkish native and English as intermediate. Also I know basic words in German and Russian.

I am interested in network technologies, operating systems, artificial intelligence, algorithms, and back-end development

I also spend my spare time with cybersecurity, web development and playing drum/piano

Trying to use my own network services as alternative to services of big companies. I don't use any Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple services actively. Instead of them, i use my own cloud service (Nextcloud), social media service (Firefish - Fediverse), git service (Forgejo), news service (FreshRSS) ... Tries to be a conscious user in technology world!

I am Pardus and TEMA Volunteer.

I have also made internship in TÜBİTAK with Pardus & Liderahenk Team for 2 month, see project

Using Arch based GNU/Linux distribution CachyOs (with KDE desktop environment and Xorg display server) in daily usage. Still trying random operating systems, GNU/Linux distributions in virtual machine

isDot()) && str_ends_with($file, ".js") && $file != "jquery.js") { echo '' . PHP_EOL . ' '; } } ?>