--- title: Categories # All the Categories of posts # © 2017-2019 Cotes Chung # MIT License --- {% assign sort_categories = site.categories | sort %} {% for category in sort_categories %} {% assign category_name = category | first %} {% assign posts_of_category = category | last %} {% assign first_post = posts_of_category[0] %} {% if category_name == first_post.categories[0] %} {% assign sub_categories = "" %} {% for post in posts_of_category %} {% if post.categories.size > 1 %} {% assign sub_categories = sub_categories | append: post.categories[1] | append: "|" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign sub_categories = sub_categories | split: "|" | uniq | sort %} {% assign sub_categories_size = sub_categories | size %}