<!-- Refactor the HTML structure. --> {% assign _content = include.content %} <!-- In order to allow a wide table to scroll horizontally, we suround the markdown table with `<div class="table-wrapper">` and `</div>` --> {% if _content contains '<table>' %} {% assign _content = _content | replace: '<table>', '<div class="table-wrapper"><table>' | replace: '</table>', '</table></div>' | replace: '</table></div></code>', '</table></code>' %} {% endif %} <!-- Fixed kramdown code highlight rendering: https://github.com/penibelst/jekyll-compress-html/issues/101 https://github.com/penibelst/jekyll-compress-html/issues/71#issuecomment-188144901 --> {% if _content contains '<pre class="highlight">' %} {% assign _content = _content | replace: '<div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code', '<div class="highlight"><code' | replace: '</code></pre></div>', '</code></div>' %} {% endif %} <!-- Add attribute 'hide-bullet' to the checkbox list --> {% if _content contains '<li class="task-list-item"><' %} {% assign _content = _content | replace: '"task-list-item"><', '"task-list-item" hide-bullet><' %} {% endif %} {% if _content contains '<img src="' %} {% if site.img_cdn != '' %} {% assign img_path_replacement = '<img src="' | append: site.img_cdn | append: '/' %} {% else %} {% assign img_path_replacement = '<img src="' | append: site.baseurl | append: '/' %} {% endif %} {% assign _content = _content | replace: '<img src="/', img_path_replacement %} <!-- lazy-load images <https://github.com/ApoorvSaxena/lozad.js#usage> --> {% assign lozad = true %} {% assign img_placehodler = '' %} {% assign lozad_replacement = '<img src="' | append: img_placehodler | append: '" data-src="' %} {% assign _content = _content | replace: '<img src="', lozad_replacement %} {% endif %} <!-- return --> {{ _content }} {% if lozad %} {% include lozad.html %} {% endif %}