Improve the dark-mode color of the italics in code snippet

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Cotes Chung 2020-12-10 19:33:32 +08:00
parent 7de13415e7
commit d53769e52b
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
.highlight .cp { color: #75715e; } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .c1 { color: #75715e; } /* Comment.Single */
.highlight .cs { color: #75715e; } /* Comment.Special */
.highlight .ge { font-style: italic; } /* Generic.Emph */
.highlight .ge { color: inherit; font-style: italic; } /* Generic.Emph */
.highlight .gs { font-weight: bold; } /* Generic.Strong */
.highlight .kc { color: #66d9ef; } /* Keyword.Constant */
.highlight .kd { color: #66d9ef; } /* Keyword.Declaration */