All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* the image URL in the SEO-related tags is incomplete ([#754]( ([f6e9a3f](
* 404 page missing title in tablet/desktop view ([5511b28](
* **tools:** multiple configuration files will fail the test ([80cb0b3](
### Improvements
* **layout:** improve the min-height of main content ([#674]( ([49bb93c](
* modify checkbox icon with `Liquid` ([1fd665b](
* optimize the extra padding in lists ([#703]( ([39da11e](, closes [#702](
* truncate post content for search results ([647eea8](
* **typography:** optimize the line height of post content ([eac3f9b](
* **locale:** restore options for changing date format ([#716]( ([f904e8c](
* remove site config option `prefer_datetime_locale` ([6852ceb](
* add multiple authors to a post ([#677]( ([f1d9e99](, closes [#675](
* **i18n:** add Bulgarian support ([#612]( ([2fed338](
* **i18n:** add German locale file ([#663]( ([940b281](
* **i18n:** add Turkish language ([#631]( ([ad137fa](
### Bug Fixes
* add missing color to linkedin icon for share list ([#683]( ([0dcd39d](
* code contains spaces in headings ([#644]( ([3fa1bf3](
* correct spelling of `panel` ([#686]( ([b288587](
* correct the i18n for tab titles ([0c5b697](
* the `code` doesn't wrap inside the prompt ([#626]( ([378b65a](
* exclude CHANGELOG from output ([971fe03](
* **PWA:** sometimes update notification is not triggered ([96af729](
* add es-ES support to locales ([#533]( ([efe75ad](
* add fr-FR support to locales ([#582]( ([94e8144](
* add pt-BR support to locales ([c2c503f](
* add option to turn off PWA ([#527]( ([106c981](
* **PWA:** add Service Worker update notification ([d127183](
* support showing description of preview image ([2bd6efa](
### Bug Fixes
* alt is not a valid attribute for 'a' tag ([58928db](
* assets URL is missing `baseurl` in self-hosted mode ([#591]( ([54124d5](
* correct the `twitter:creator` of Twitter summary card ([96a16c8](
* follow paginate_path config for pagination ([6900d9f](
* force checkout of `gh-pages` branch ([#544]( ([5402523](
* horizontal scroll for long equations ([#545]( ([30787fc](
* p is not allowed in span ([4f590e2](
* remove whitespace from avatar URL ([#537]( ([0542b51](
* resume the preview image SEO tag ([#529]( ([b8d1bcd](
* script code should be in head or body, not in between ([2103191](
* table bypass refactoring when it contains IAL ([#519]( ([5d85ccb](
* use `jsonify` to generate valid json ([#521]( ([dd9d5a7](
* when the `site.img_cdn` is set to the local path, the preview-image path loses the `baseurl` ([9cefe58](
### Improvements
* avoid post pageviews from shifting while loading ([135a16f](
* avoid the layout shift for post datetime ([6d35f5f](
* **categories:** support singular and plural forms of locale ([#595]( ([35cadf9](
* improve the responsive design for ultrawide screens ([#540]( ([5d6e8c5](