All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* correct the attribute for the Twitter social image ([#1615]( ([cfe44f2](
* **seo:** correct social preview image path inside `<meta>` tag ([#1623]( ([74cf57a](
* replace `` with `cdnjs` hosted link ([#1598]( ([75a3d73](
* correct the base URL parameter name ([#1576]( ([19d6baf](, closes [#1553](
* correct the generation of relative resource paths ([#1553]( ([89b9625](
* add `pwa.cache.*` option to precisely control caching ([#1501]( ([1127c43](
* add analytics support for GoatCounter ([#1526]( ([90693ff](
### Bug Fixes
* correct the Twitter Card in social share preview ([#1498]( ([74f1662](
* missing "/" at the end of URLs for categories and tags in breadcrumb ([#1495]( ([02e296e](
### Improvements
* allow no social links to be configured ([#1494]( ([4facf5b](
* allow TOC to start at heading 3 ([#1512]( ([bbbb66b](
* enable equation numbering in MathJax ([#1520]( ([c13ec31](
* resume the `blockquote` display type ([#1480]( ([c7cfde0](, closes [#1449](
* add bilibili embed video support ([#1406]( ([4a2b89d](
* add site-wide social preview image settings ([#1463]( ([241bb4d](
* url-less authors should not have empty links ([#1410]( ([2a4fbf6](, closes [#1403](
### Improvements
* include the latest posts in the "Recently Updated" list ([#1456]( ([82d8f2d](
* **home:** responsive gap at the bottom of preview image ([1a977a8](
* add Mastodon sharing link ([#1344]( ([2bf87e0](, closes [#1324](
### Bug Fixes
* **home:** crop the preview image that doesn't match 1.91:1 ([#1325]( ([5810bcd](
* **home:** avoid LQIP dirty data passing to the next post ([#1278]( ([109725d](
* **posts:** code snippet clipboard tooltip missing title ([#1246]( ([726085c](
* **posts:** resume target highlighting for superscripts and footnotes ([#1253]( ([0465a98](
* **core:** replace `lazysizes` with browser-level lazy loading ([#1267]( ([bf3a34d](
* **layout:** improve margins for tail block ([#1243]( ([13a3c3c](
* **layout:** optimize the main block height calculation ([#1249]( ([73e171b](
* **layout:** center the footer ([41b8f9f](
* **posts:** render heading 4 in TOC ([#1023]( ([229c2a2](
* **ui:** redesign the pagination button on home page ([62bcd60](
* **ui:** update the twitter icon ([#1221]( ([aff7566](
### Improvements
* **core:** speed up the Jekyll build times ([#1163]( ([0d4103d](
* refactor using semantic HTML ([#1207]( ([505e314](, closes [#1196](
* missing xml escape for `alt` of preview image ([#1113]( ([8b0fbf5](
* the cached image is covered by shimmer ([#1100]( ([df8ff54](
* **ui:** min-height of `page` layout exceeds the mobile screen ([73af591](
* **webfont:** resume semi-bold of font family `Source Sans Pro` ([c4da99c](
### Improvements
* **build:** use `jekyll-include-cache` plugin to reduce build time ([#1098]( ([4fe145e](, closes [#1094](
* CJK characters of the "Search Cancel" button will wrap ([#1105]( ([b6d1992](
* **ui:** avoid blank space at the bottom of the homepage preview image ([ce2f6f5](
* **ui:** improve hover color of sidebar nav items in light mode ([728094d](
* **home:** preview image missing `[alt]` and `img_path` ([#1044]( ([aba9468](
* **layout:** restore the margin bottom of the main area ([#1047]( ([eb40f51](
* **post, page:** image link loses shimmer effect ([#1046]( ([3bd881d](
* **typography:** long string for update-list is not truncated ([#1050]( ([a51d31c](, closes [#1049](
* add a hook to insert custom metadata in `head` tag ([#1015]( ([fe20341](
* **i18n:** add sl-SI.yml with slovenian translations ([#989]( ([42a700a](
* **i18n:** add Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) localization file ([#961]( ([d97f95f](
* **i18n:** added Swedish localization file ([#969]( ([fe70479](
* support hiding the modification date of a post ([#1020]( ([8da583d](
* **ui:** improve the design for top bar ([83f1c34](
* **ui:** new design footer content layout ([3210c59](
* **ui:** redesign the sidebar ([83bbe4a](
* **ui:** show preview image in home page ([97b8dfe](
### Bug Fixes
* parameter parsing error in image URL ([#1022]( ([ee88cec](
* **rss:** double quotes in the post title will break the XML structure ([#965]( ([1719d81](
* **assets:** reduce HTTP requests to CDN ([9d97120](
* calculate heading font size dynamically ([#983]( ([52f5ee9](
* **i18n:** set the global default locales to "en" ([#979]( ([61fdbcb](
* **tools:** avoid initialization interruption in single branch forks ([#992]( ([e90461a](
* **ui:** improve categories color in dark mode ([414dd13](
* **ui:** improve hover effect for post preview cards ([7626e4d](
* **ui:** improve hover effect of trending tags ([34499f0](
* **ui:** improve inline code in light mode ([e38309f](
* **ui:** improve related posts design ([2918da9](
* **ui:** improve the color of prompts in dark mode ([8cbbcfa](
* **ui:** lighten the link color in light-mode ([7c23a4e](
* **ui:** mute the marker in lists ([0c80552](
* **ui:** uniform the muted text color ([aadf939](
* **ux:** improve LQIP fade in effect ([003e7b6](
* **deps:** `tocbot` has no initialization detection ([#957]( ([8225174](
* mode-toggle leads to Disqus loading failure ([#945]( ([6fec411](
* pageviews not updated immediately ([8b4f99c](
* notch status bar doesn't match theme color ([#918]( ([820ba62](
* some console snippets will be incompletely copied ([e8e4901](
* position of prompt icon is incorrect in paragraph on mobile ([5df953f](
* the icon position of the prompts in the list is incorrect ([0c9558d](
* **i18n:** add Italian translation ([#850]( ([9a011e1](
### Bug Fixes
* copy command line incomplete(`.gp` part) ([41ed331](
* correct encoding of spaces in share URLs ([#835]( ([f2d2858](
* post's image would cover the PWA update alert ([bd374dd](
* prompt with nested blockquotes renders incorrectly ([#846]( ([babb4a0](
* add `rel="me"` to Mastodon sidebar contact links for verification ([#807]( ([d2190c7](
* add embed video support ([ed6dc53](
* add shimmer background when image loads ([ab16fdc](
* set preview image ratio to 1.91 : 1 ([4b6ccbc](
* support dark and light mode images ([#481]( ([9306c7b](
* support LQIP for images ([bffaf63](
### Bug Fixes
*`hreflang` tag attribute of feed misses `site.alt_lang` ([7651d28](
*`og:image` will be incorrect if the image uses a cross-domain URL ([8de1abd](
* refactoring error when the image URL contains parameters ([ec98f07](
* spaces in post title are encoded when sharing ([7efd2f8](
### Improvements
* **cdn:** optimize cache policy for static assets ([7fb0ee0](
* the image URL in the SEO-related tags is incomplete ([#754]( ([f6e9a3f](
* 404 page missing title in tablet/desktop view ([5511b28](
* **tools:** multiple configuration files will fail the test ([80cb0b3](
### Improvements
* **layout:** improve the min-height of main content ([#674]( ([49bb93c](
* modify checkbox icon with `Liquid` ([1fd665b](
* optimize the extra padding in lists ([#703]( ([39da11e](, closes [#702](
* truncate post content for search results ([647eea8](
* **typography:** optimize the line height of post content ([eac3f9b](
* **locale:** restore options for changing date format ([#716]( ([f904e8c](
* remove site config option `prefer_datetime_locale` ([6852ceb](
* add multiple authors to a post ([#677]( ([f1d9e99](, closes [#675](
* **i18n:** add Bulgarian support ([#612]( ([2fed338](
* **i18n:** add German locale file ([#663]( ([940b281](
* **i18n:** add Turkish language ([#631]( ([ad137fa](
### Bug Fixes
* add missing color to linkedin icon for share list ([#683]( ([0dcd39d](
* code contains spaces in headings ([#644]( ([3fa1bf3](
* correct spelling of `panel` ([#686]( ([b288587](
* correct the i18n for tab titles ([0c5b697](
* the `code` doesn't wrap inside the prompt ([#626]( ([378b65a](
* exclude CHANGELOG from output ([971fe03](
* **PWA:** sometimes update notification is not triggered ([96af729](
* add es-ES support to locales ([#533]( ([efe75ad](
* add fr-FR support to locales ([#582]( ([94e8144](
* add pt-BR support to locales ([c2c503f](
* add option to turn off PWA ([#527]( ([106c981](
* **PWA:** add Service Worker update notification ([d127183](
* support showing description of preview image ([2bd6efa](
### Bug Fixes
* alt is not a valid attribute for 'a' tag ([58928db](
* assets URL is missing `baseurl` in self-hosted mode ([#591]( ([54124d5](
* correct the `twitter:creator` of Twitter summary card ([96a16c8](
* follow paginate_path config for pagination ([6900d9f](
* force checkout of `gh-pages` branch ([#544]( ([5402523](
* horizontal scroll for long equations ([#545]( ([30787fc](
* p is not allowed in span ([4f590e2](
* remove whitespace from avatar URL ([#537]( ([0542b51](
* resume the preview image SEO tag ([#529]( ([b8d1bcd](
* script code should be in head or body, not in between ([2103191](
* table bypass refactoring when it contains IAL ([#519]( ([5d85ccb](
* use `jsonify` to generate valid json ([#521]( ([dd9d5a7](
* when the `site.img_cdn` is set to the local path, the preview-image path loses the `baseurl` ([9cefe58](
### Improvements
* avoid post pageviews from shifting while loading ([135a16f](
* avoid the layout shift for post datetime ([6d35f5f](
* **categories:** support singular and plural forms of locale ([#595]( ([35cadf9](
* improve the responsive design for ultrawide screens ([#540]( ([5d6e8c5](