**Menu Access Settings** Liderahenk menu access settings are made on this page. Directory and menu authorization is done by defining a new console user on this page. You can view the groups to which the user has been added, delete them, and change their password. [![Arayüz Erişim Ayarları](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserSettings.png)](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserSettings.png) You can add the user to the group you want by pressing the **Edit Directory Settings** button next to the user. [![Dizin Erişim Ayarları](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserDirectoryPermisson.png)](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserDirectoryPermisson.png) You can assign the user the roles you want by pressing the **Edit Menu Settings** button next to the user. [![Rol Ayarları](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserRolesSettings.png)](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserRolesSettings.png) You can change the user's password by pressing the **Change Password** button next to the user. [![Parola Değiştir](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserPasswordChange.png)](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserPasswordChange.png) You can see the groups the user is in by pressing the **User Groups** button next to the user. [![Kullanıcı Grup](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserGroup.png)](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserGroup.png) You can delete the user is permissions by pressing the **Delete** button next to the user. [![Kullanıcı Sil](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserDelete.png)](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserDelete.png) **Directory Access Settings** It contains the settings at which nodes on the LDAP tree the users who are authorized to use the interface. . For example: "adminGroups" user group to be able to authorize only ou=Agents,dc=liderahenk,dc=org and ou=Agent,ou=Groups,dc=leadership,dc=org nodes, relevant nodes are selected from the menus on the add new authorization group button. [![Arayüz Erişim Ayarları](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserAccessSettingsGroups.png)](../images/consoleUserSettings/consoleUserAccessSettingsGroups.png)