**Executed Task Report** In the executed task reports section, information is given about the client or the tasks sent to the clients. How many clients the run task was sent to, how many clients got errors, how many clients successfully observed on this page. [![Çalıştırılan Görev Raporu](../images/executedTaskReport/report.png)](../images/executedTaskReport/report.png) Export button exports all task information of clients in Excel format. [![Çalıştırılan Görev Raporu](../images/executedTaskReport/exportReport.png)](../images/executedTaskReport/exportReport.png) To get detailed information about the listed tasks, the task details can be observed by clicking the relevant button. [![Çalıştırılan Görev Raporu](../images/executedTaskReport/reportDetail.png)](../images/executedTaskReport/reportDetail.png) When executing tasks want to be listed, filtering can be done according to the selected task. [![Çalıştırılan Görev Raporu](../images/executedTaskReport/reportTaskFilter.png)](../images/executedTaskReport/reportTaskFilter.png) Executed tasks can be filtered by date of submission. [![Çalıştırılan Görev Raporu](../images/executedTaskReport/reportTimeFilter.png)](../images/executedTaskReport/reportTimeFilter.png)