103 lines
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103 lines
2.4 KiB
package main
import (
// General Functions/Methods that each plugin has
type PlugGeneral interface {
Info() map[string]interface{}
// plugins/resources
type Resources interface {
AgentInfo() map[string]interface{}
ResourceUsage() map[string]interface{}
// plugins/resources
type TmpTest interface {
// FILLME creating new plugin interface, template
// type NewPluginInterface interface {
// PluginMethod() returnType
// }
// Loads Plugins and runs them concurrently.
// When you create a new plugin create a new interface and call this plugin in this function
func PluginManager(params ...string) {
chanPlug := make(chan interface{})
go LoadPlugin("resources", chanPlug)
res, ok := <-chanPlug
var resources Resources = res.(Resources)
checkPlugin(resources, ok)
if len(params) > 0 && params[0] == "tmptest" {
go LoadPlugin("tmptest", chanPlug)
res, ok := <-chanPlug
var tmptest TmpTest = res.(TmpTest)
checkPlugin(res, ok)
// FILLME Loading new plugin, template
// go LoadPlugin("pluginName", chanPlug)
// res, ok = <-chanPlug
// var pluginName NewPluginInterface = res.(NewPluginInterface)
// checkPlugin(res, ok)
// Run plugins concurrently and log out
go logPlugin("AgentInfo", resources.AgentInfo(), true)
for {
go logPlugin("ResourceUsage", resources.ResourceUsage(), true)
// FILLME Running/Log out a plugin, template
// go logPlugin("InfoAboutFunction", pluginName.Function(), true)
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
// Logs plugin outputs.
func logPlugin(title string, mp map[string]interface{}, toJson bool) {
log.Printf("\n----- %v -----\n", title)
if toJson {
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(&mp, "", " ")
} else {
for i, v := range mp {
log.Printf("%v: %v\n", i, v)
// Checks plugin status
func checkPlugin(plugVal interface{}, status bool) {
if status {
if plugVal == nil {
log.Fatal("Plugin loaded but there is no value!")
} else {
plugInfo := plugVal.(PlugGeneral).Info()
log.Printf("Plugin \"%v\" loaded and ready to use, version \"%v\" ", plugInfo["name"], plugInfo["version"])
} else {
if plugVal == nil {
log.Fatal("Plugin closed and there is no value! ")
} else {
log.Fatal("Plugin closed or there is an error")
// // TODO response to Lider
// // func createResponse() {
// // }