//go:build linux && !windows package main import ( "log" "os" "syscall" "git.aliberksandikci.com.tr/Liderahenk/ahenk-go/pkg/utils" ) // FIXME there isn't any difference with Stop() function // TODO There can be a Start() function in it but start function doesnt work properly right now // Restart ahenk daemon with a specific PID (running from second copy) func Restart(pid, signal int) { Stop(pid, signal) } // Stop ahenk daemon with a specific PID (running from second copy) func Stop(pid, signal int) { log.Println("Stop Signal Caught") // FILLME what you want to do before stopping daemon? if err := syscall.Kill(pid, syscall.Signal(signal)); err == nil { log.Printf("Ahenk Daemon with pid number %v Successfully stopped", pid) f := utils.OpenLogFile(LogFile) defer f.Close() log.SetOutput(f) log.Printf("Ahenk Daemon with pid number %v Successfully stopped", pid) } else { log.Fatal(err) } os.Exit(0) }