#!/bin/bash # see https://people.debian.org/~stapelberg/2015/07/27/dh-make-golang.html GIT_HOST="git.aliberksandikci.com.tr" GIT_ORG="Liderahenk" GIT_REPO="ahenk-go" mkdir /build cd /build || exit dh-make-golang make -allow_unknown_hoster "$GIT_HOST/$GIT_ORG/$GIT_REPO" # TODO Add option to disable writing all these files all the time (-s --skip) nano "itp-$GIT_REPO.txt" sendmail -t < "itp-$GIT_REPO.txt" cd $GIT_REPO || exit grep --color=always -r TODO debian echo -e "\nThese files needs review. Starting reviewing automatically in 10sec...\n" sleep 10 # TODO Allow users to escape from automatic review and manually do it while in this script while [[ $(grep -r TODO debian | wc --lines) -ne 0 ]] do nano "$(grep -r TODO debian | awk '{sub(/:.*/,"")} NR==1')" echo "Continuing from next file..." sleep 1 grep --color=always -r TODO debian sleep 5 # TODO Allow user to reviewing remaining files, choosing between them, optional skipping, and waiting for an answer (continue? [Y/n]) done echo "ALL FILES DONE" sleep 5 head -100 debian/**/* # TODO ask user to continue git add debian && git commit -a -m 'Initial packaging' gbp buildpackage lintian -- *.changes echo -e "SOLVE LINTIAN ERRORS / WARNINGS\nAFTER THAT, PUSH REPO"